My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit

  • Thread starter Gale
  • Start date
In summary: He's at the hospital right now getting his arm checked out. It may possibly be broken, (though i REALLY hope it isn't.) he's also got some scrapes and bruises. he seems mostly ok. aside from his arms its mostly just cuts. i've talked to him and everything. Hopefully the doctors say its just a sprain and that he has to ice it or something. But everyone send him well wishes. He's got to heal up before i
  • #1
Well, my boy may be really cute and sweet... but he's not always a genius...
he made a bet with some friends today that he could run and jump off a car moving 20mph. Well, obviously it didn't go quite as he planned. He's at the hospital right now getting his arm checked out. It may possibly be broken, (though i REALLY hope it isn't.) he's also got some scrapes and bruises. he seems mostly ok. aside from his arms its mostly just cuts. I've talked to him and everything. Hopefully the doctors say its just a sprain and that he has to ice it or something. But everyone send him well wishes. He's got to heal up before i visit!
Get better babe, i love you!
Physics news on
  • #2
Wow, maybe he is trying to commit suicide before you go over here!

:DOk, well, get well soon!??!??/??!?!?
  • #3
moose said:
Wow, maybe he is trying to commit suicide before you go over here!

i already yelled at him for that. he'd better not die before i get there! its a non-refundable ticket! i'd be way sad... like, way sad...

anyway, that's such an unhappy thought. think happy things! so he feels better. i want him to feel better!
  • #4
Gale said:
i already yelled at him for that. he'd better not die before i get there! its a non-refundable ticket! i'd be way sad... like, way sad...
anyway, that's such an unhappy thought. think happy things! so he feels better. i want him to feel better!

If you give me a few hundred dollars, I'll go over there(to the hospital) :approve:
  • #5
That would make sense. Whozum, what the hell were you thinking? Or were you? On the bright side, any parts that you might need to properly interact with Gale are probably OK. (It can't be sprained while flaccid, so unless curb surfing really turns you on...)
  • #6
he knows he was being less than intelligent. don't be too hard on him... he is a teenage boy you know. he's real upset with himself now too. boys will be boys. and I'm just really really glad he's alright. Send him HAPPY thoughts now. c'mon guys! pleeeeeeze! he's my baby, he needs to get better!
  • #7
Get well & best wishes from laminatedevildoll...
  • #8
will hugs and kisses do? well Whozum! i also got a little boy myself, thus i thought i knew how Gale feels. Gale, he will get better :smile:
  • #9
heh... my bad... he's not literally my baby or my boy... he's my love. and i hope he's alright. they're saying its probably just a fractured arm, but he just had the x rays taken, so he's not sure yet.
anyways, look babe!


See, I'm the fish, and I'm sad cause you're the worm... and when you hurt, i hurt!


  • #10
Get well get well soon we want you to get well
get well get well soon

wheres the cake?
  • #11
So Whozum... you'll probably recover just fine. All that you have to worry about is dodging this psycho stalker chick who's flying out to harrass you.
  • #12
Get well wozumzy.
  • #13
Danger said:
So Whozum... you'll probably recover just fine. All that you have to worry about is dodging this psycho stalker chick who's flying out to harrass you.

Don't worry! i'll stop her! no crazy biyatch is going to harass my man!
  • #14
So, he's just left the hospital, and he had to get a cast. it'll probably be on when i visit which sucks, but it'll be ok. I'm just really really glad he's alright. please send him good thoughts and maybe he'll heal up really fast and i'll be able to touch his hand when i see him afterall.
  • #15
I bet you 20$ you can't jump off a hospital bed moving at 20mph.
  • #16
I did something similar when I thought I was superman and jumped off the front porch railing hoping I could fly. It didn't work even with the superman underoos and my red cape. Go figure.
20mph doesn't look that fast while driving, but if you can run at that speed then you are doing pretty well. I've never been able to get past about 16mph myself, but I'm not the fastest daredevil out there.
Anyway, get well soon Whozum. And wait until you heal before the next reckless adventure.:wink:
  • #17
i love the thread gale, and thanks everyone for your input, full story is quoted here:
[quote="Adam (driver)]so for those of you who don't know hosam very well... he's a cool ass dude, but very stubborn. this turns into a problem when my stubborn ass gets into an argument/discussion with him and we see things differently... hosam believes there are a lot of things he can do or that i can't do, and i tend to disagree either way and we generally just argue about it, drop it, then resume weeks later... not today.
today we resumed an argument where hosam believed he could run over the top of a car that was driving 20mph at him... that's right... meaning a car could drive at him 20mph, he would run at it, jump up on to the hood, onto the roof, and then control himself coming off... i disagreed. so what did we do? we put money on it and decided to actually do it.
now it takes a ton of balls for anyone to even attempt this little stunt, so i respect that, and for that reason i decided to call thet bet a wash (meaning nobody wins) if he tried it and didn't succeed... he would get $20 if he could do it, and i would get $10 if he backed out... to be perfectly honest i was hoping for him to backout 1) because then i would get $10... and 2) because i didn't want to see one of my good friends get hurt... i mean really i thought he was going to slip off the hood and come through the windshield... but hosam has more balls then anyone else i know apparently, because he did the unthinkable and actually attempted this stunt.
that's right, the dude runs at the car coming at him 20mph, jumps onto the hood, tries to get onto the roof but gets clipped by the top of the windshield and his foot drags along the roof of the car which knocks him sideways and he lands on the ground arm/shoulder and face first... he got up though and was fine... but unfortunately his body was not as tough as his mind and he has a fractured arm and will be in a cast for several weeks or months.
love to all, I am in a cast with only one hand to type with so excuse my briefness
  • #18
Its one thing to have balls, another thing to keep them.
Glad its only your arm...heal quickly
  • #20
That is kind of disturbing. I'm still trying to figure out why I watched it twice.
  • #21
Don't worry, its not real.
  • #22
Get well Whozum!

(private to Gale: Are you sure about this one? :wink: )
  • #23
Wow, that is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard anyone doing. Congrats! Sorry, but no get well from me, not for something that stupid.
  • #24
Evo said:
Get well Whozum!
(private to Gale: Are you sure about this one? :wink: )

I'm very sure.

Don't be too hard on him guys. he had a really rough night. he feels really awful about it. I just hope he feels better when he wakes up today. everyone does something stupid now and then and I'm just really really really glad that he's ok. we know it could've been much worse. and we're really lucky. but thinking about what could've happened sucks. so, just get better babe.
  • #25
Well, I suspect he learned the lesson and will never try that again. Mend up well Whozum! I'm glad it's only a broken arm; it could have been worse, much worse. :frown: No more doing things that could get you killed! I don't think we could ever console Gale enough if you did. :mad:

Okay, got the official "auntie" lecture out of the way...
Most casts stay on about 6 weeks, right? *checks calendar* :rolleyes: I guess Gale will get to tease you about this one in person too while she's helping you tie your shoelaces when she visits. :smile:
  • #26
Whozum, please do not repeat this experiment again. You and Gale are fortunate that you escaped without more serious injury. Many years ago, a young person I knew indirectly died from head injuries after falling off the back of car that was probably only going 15-20 mph.

Well, my boy may be really cute and sweet... but he's not always a genius...
he made a bet with some friends today that he could run and jump off a car moving 20mph.
A mile in 4 minutes is 15 mph! An average person might be able to run quickly at 10-13 mph for short distances.

the dude runs at the car coming at him 20mph, jumps onto the hood, tries to get onto the roof but gets clipped by the top of the windshield and his foot drags along the roof of the car which knocks him sideways and he lands on the ground arm/shoulder and face first... he got up though and was fine... but unfortunately his body was not as tough as his mind and he has a fractured arm and will be in a cast for several weeks or months.
Perhaps it would have been prudent to try with a stationary vehicle first to assure oneself that one could gain elevation quickly enough to traverse the height of the car in sufficient time. Stunt people do a lot of preparation.

And - Get well, soon!
Last edited:
  • #27
  • #28
Don't you listen to these pansies telling you to never try this again. You can make a very good living either being a stuntman or working for jackass. Just don't do this again without getting paid.

By the way, how an Earth did you manage to get over 2,000 posts and this is the first time I've even realized you exist? Where are you posting?
  • #29
loseyourname said:
Don't you listen to these pansies telling you to never try this again. You can make a very good living either being a stuntman or working for jackass. Just don't do this again without getting paid.

By the way, how an Earth did you manage to get over 2,000 posts and this is the first time I've even realized you exist? Where are you posting?

Ipost in the homework hlp forums, usually and GD

Thanks everyone for the support, i did learn my lesson as gale already knows and I am typing wuth just one hand now. though it was a dangerous stunt i was pretty stupid about it, but i almost did make the jump,i did clear the car and didnt get hit by it but the landing on asphalt is what got me. I am proud of myself for doing it and actually making the jump on my first try, but 20mph is a lot faster than youd think while your running at it at another 10mph, that's 30mph rel. velocity, someone can dothe math to see how long i had to step right or i wouldve been ****ed, i can't with one hand. and i did win the bet, which was mostly about respect anyway
  • #30
I stand by my previous statement.

FAQ: My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit

1. What is the main purpose of "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit"?

The main purpose of "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" is to share a personal experience of a hospital visit with a child who has a rash, and to provide insights and lessons learned for parents and caregivers.

2. Is "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" based on a true story?

Yes, "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" is based on a true story. The author, a parent and scientist, shares their personal experience with their child's rash and hospital visit.

3. What age range is "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" suitable for?

"My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" is suitable for children aged 3-8 years old. It can also be a helpful resource for parents and caregivers of young children.

4. What lessons can parents and caregivers learn from "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit"?

Parents and caregivers can learn the importance of trusting their instincts and seeking medical attention when their child is sick or has a rash. They can also learn how to stay calm and provide comfort to their child during a hospital visit.

5. How does "My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" relate to the field of science?

"My Sweet Boy's Rash Bet: A Hospital Visit" relates to the field of science by highlighting the importance of evidence-based medicine and the role of doctors and scientists in diagnosing and treating illnesses. It also emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration between parents and healthcare professionals.

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