Drug Use Among Physics Majors: Trends & Implications

In summary, most of the physics majors I know at my school are smokers, drink alcohol, and occasionally use drugs. Just do it in moderation, and enjoy your hobbies and activities more!
  • #1
Just wondering, what; if any are the drugs of choice of PFers. I have found most of the physics majors at my school to be stoners, I was wondering if that trend was everywhere. I myself smoke mostly on the weekends, or when I watch movies. I also drink pretty heavily on fridays./saturdays. :redface:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Haven't touched the stuff, worried about health effects. I tend to get highs from my hobbies (including, sometimes, physics). Whatever works for you, though. Just do it in moderation.
  • #3
I get high on intellectual interaction...and my college days are way in the past !
  • #4
I don't get high.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #5
Frankly, I can't understand how anyone would want to touch any sort of drug with a ten foot pole, and that includes alcohol.
  • #6
Hurkyl said:
Frankly, I can't understand how anyone would want to touch any sort of drug with a ten foot pole, and that includes alcohol.

Me either. They're much harder to get at from 10 feet away. :smile:
  • #7
Tom Mattson said:
Me either. They're much harder to get at from 10 feet away. :smile:

Unless the ten foot pole is a pipe
  • #8
Frankly, I can't understand how anyone would want to touch any sort of drug with a ten foot pole, and that includes alcohol.

Ever been to a party without alcohol or drugs? Pretty boring in my opinion. But then again I am a twenty year old guy going to one of the top party schools.
  • #9
Unless the ten foot pole is a pipe

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #10
Yeah, drugs are dumb... But I like alcohol so I guess I'm dumb.
  • #11
But I like alcohol so I guess I'm dumb.

Along with 80% of Americans. :wink:
  • #12
coffee, yep, coffee's my drug, no doubt about, coffee is definitely my drug, it wakes me up, it gets me through the day, it help me think, it tastes good, coffee is definitely my drug, it give me so much energy, I don't know how I could get along without it, yep, no doubt about it, coffee is my drug, coffee, yep, coffee's my drug, no doubt about, coffee is definitely my drug, it wakes me up, it gets me through the day, it help me think, it tastes good, coffee is definitely my drug, it give me so much energy, I don't know how I could get along without it, yep, no doubt about it, coffee is my drug. The best part is that it has no negative physical or mental effects.
  • #13

Music is my drug. I guess I have to sing then. *LAAAAAAAAAAALALALALAAA*
  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
coffee, yep, coffee's my drug,..., yep, no doubt about it, coffee is my drug. The best part is that it has no negative physical or mental effects.

That's just too much like Rainman ! :eek: Perhaps there's a correlation between caffeine and autism ?
  • #15
Gokul43201 said:
That's just too much like Rainman ! :eek: Perhaps there's a correlation between caffeine and autism ?

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

I did slip into Rainman didn't I!
  • #16
ALCOHOL WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, half the time I'm on here I'm drunk, I'm keeping my Canadian and engineering pride flyin high hehe

a little weed here and there arent bad either
  • #17
Notice how this thread consists primarily of one-liners. Maybe that reflects the lack of concentration associated with recreational drugs.

If you feel you have a need for a drug, I suggest you first consult a competent psychiatrist to consider appropriate pharmaceuticals before committing yourself to a substance crutch.

I would guess that the vast majority of those that have taken street drugs mature out of them, become dependent on them to cope with life, or "self-medicate" an underlying mental illness.
  • #18
I can live without them.

I would love to get high on an intellectual conversation, but that is beyond my reach since most people lack the ability to think.

Because of this, I believe I am at the wrong school and should consider a school that encourages people to think.
  • #19
While I also prefer intellectual to chemical stimulation (except maybe if you count chocolate), I always liked this description by ethno-botanist Wade Davis of his experience of some South American rain forest plant he tried (all in the name of science I'm sure :wink: ):
"It was like being fired out of cannon lined with baroque paintings into a sea of molten electricity."​
  • #20

Maybe you should stick to the chocolate! :-p
  • #21
For me, it's both coffee and chocolate!

Um, and yes, I've been to parties without any alcohol and had a great time! I've never understood why people need to drink to be social. If you're so embarrassed to do something in front of other people without the alcohol, why would you drink alcohol so you would do it? And if it's okay to be seen acting a certain way (such as, gasp, dancing) if you're drunk, then why can't you do it sober? A few of my friends have parents or other close relatives who are recovering alcoholics, so chose to have their wedding receptions without alcohol. A lot of people started out with the whole bit of, "I can't start dancing until I've had a few drinks." Yeah, sure, right. Just get out on the dance floor and dance if you enjoy dancing! I do enjoy alcohol, but never enjoy getting drunk (it has happened, no doubt about it, but I don't like feeling drunk, and definitely don't like the hangover). I've never tried any other drugs and have stayed clear of others using them as well. I just don't have any reason to want to even try it.
  • #22
My drug of choice is caffine, great stuff, especially in chocolate and Dr.Pepper.

As for smoking, my grandfather died of lung cancer from doing it. It was a slow painful death, about half a year I think, one of those on the hospital. So I shy away from it, I even try to avoid secondary smoke.
  • #23
plover said:
While I also prefer intellectual to chemical stimulation (except maybe if you count chocolate), I always liked this description by ethno-botanist Wade Davis of his experience of some South American rain forest plant he tried (all in the name of science I'm sure :wink: ):
"It was like being fired out of cannon lined with baroque paintings into a sea of molten electricity."​

And where exactly did he find this plant?...purely for scientific purposes, of course;A)
  • #24
Loren Booda said:
Notice how this thread consists primarily of one-liners. Maybe that reflects the lack of concentration associated with recreational drugs.

Why do people always think I'm on drugs :smile: :smile: :smile:

Oh wait, I eat multi-vitamins :redface:
  • #25
Zantra said:
And where exactly did he find this plant?...purely for scientific purposes, of course;A)
I'm not sure he mentioned that. :frown:

Somewhere I have a transcript of a talk he gave that was apparently a preliminary version of one of his essays, and that's where the quote is from, but I have no idea what random stash of papers it might have ended up in. Unfortunately, the line seems to be missing from the published version of the essay: "The Forests of Amazonia" in Shadows in the Sun.

There are other essays in the book that do deal more directly with his studies of the botanic knowledge of South American shamans. "Plants of the Gods" contains a description of his experience participating in a ritual centered around the hallucinogen ayahuasca.
  • #26
Just curious, since we're talking about getting high : who here thinks Lewis Caroll (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was high when he wrote Alice in Wonderland. And when I say high, I'm talking about a chemical (shrooms ??) induced high.
  • #27
Nah. Both Alice books are secretly very logical, and not at all free and easy. Besides, just about the only enhancers available to him would have been opium and hashish, neither of which seems to fit the case.
  • #28
My drug of choice... Hmmm, I drink a hell of a lot of red bull so that is taurine and caffeine.

Im drink alcohol about every night, not getting wasted but still drinking. Mixing cheap wine, smirnoff and san miguel is fun though!

The only time I got high, I got told that it was the best german I had ever spoken

I'm trying to cut down on my nicotine intake.
  • #29
Cannabis is only unhealthy if you don't smoke it with a vaporiser. You can make one with a light bulb. This allows you to heat the weed to a temperature lower than is required for the plant material to combust. As a result, the cannabinoids vaporise, preventing you from having to inhale the toxic constituents (or particulates) present in smoke.

For the people who don't understand why people do drugs, are you stupid? Drugs are pleasureable and they can enhance social situations. For people (I don't count, as I'm a complete junkie), they can be safe and a lot of fun in moderation. Believe me, there are people who can control themselves.

Many people are under the impression that drugs will fry your brain etc. It's all bull****.

Go to www.bluelight.nu for the truth.
  • #30
Gokul43201 said:
Just curious, since we're talking about getting high : who here thinks Lewis Caroll (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was high when he wrote Alice in Wonderland. And when I say high, I'm talking about a chemical (shrooms ??) induced high.

It was Opium mate.
  • #31
How about Alfred Lord Tennyson and "Kubla Khan"? Was he addicted to opium? Kubla Khan is one of the greatest poems ever, imo. Who the heck interrupted his "dream"?
  • #32
Loren Booda said:
How about Alfred Lord Tennyson and "Kubla Khan"? Was he addicted to opium? Kubla Khan is one of the greatest poems ever, imo. Who the heck interrupted his "dream"?

You know, the closest I've ever gotten to experiencing a drug-induced high has been reading poetry. I have little appreciation for poetry, because much of what people call "good" poetry, especially free verse, sounds like psychotic ramblings to me. I've never really looked into the drug abuse history of poets (certainly I'm aware of a whole genre of depressed poets), but that sure would explain a lot about poetry to me. Once poetry loses recognizable pattern and structure, I have no interest in it at all (I always just attributed it to being too analytical...meter, patterns, symmetry of rhyme always seemed the analytical side of poetry that appealed to me).

Edit: I should add that actually, I have experienced being high without taking drugs. I once sprained my ankle very badly, and within moments, the rapid release of endogenous opioids flooded my system...I felt no pain, and actually wished I did because I felt so disconnected and spacey, and even nauseous, I was almost grateful when the throbbing started and I could think straight again. I have no desire to ever feel that way again!
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  • #33
Gokul43201 said:
Just curious, since we're talking about getting high : who here thinks Lewis Caroll (Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was high when he wrote Alice in Wonderland. And when I say high, I'm talking about a chemical (shrooms ??) induced high.

this kind of statement really urks me...have you ever done any studying as to who Charles L Dodson was?? he was a brilliant mathematician who desired to show children logic! his most famous books were a political satire of british politics. those posters and stickers that portray the catapillar on the shroom smoking a water pipe does this outstanding author no good.
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  • #34
Moonbear said:
I have little appreciation for poetry, because much of what people call "good" poetry, especially free verse, sounds like psychotic ramblings to me.

Poetry with meter and rhyme can only be clever, but (almost) never beautiful.
  • #35
Gza said:
Just wondering, what; if any are the drugs of choice of PFers. I have found most of the physics majors at my school to be stoners, I was wondering if that trend was everywhere. I myself smoke mostly on the weekends, or when I watch movies. I also drink pretty heavily on fridays./saturdays. :redface:

my favorite "high" is utilizing my creativity. althouh i stand up for the legalization of cannabis strongly, i don't endorse it in a forum where there are many students here sincerely looking to learn something. solely depending on any drug for recreation is misusing it automatically, alcohol included.

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