Grand Unified Theory and proton decay

In summary, the Super-Kamiokande Experiment has excluded proton decay and related di-nucleon decays to charged leptons, neutrinos, photons, and neutral and invisible particles up to very large mean lifetimes. There is no GUT that predicts proton decay yet, but efforts continue to explore minimal GUTs.
  • #1
How far ahead are we in Grand Unified Theory? Are we still searching for proton decay?
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  • #3
I see papers on experimental bounds on proton decay every few years or so. The last experimental result I blogged on it was in August of 2015, where I summarized the finding stating with a link to my source that:

The Super-Kamiokande Experiment has used an independent method to exclude proton decay and related di-nucleon decays involving protons to charged leptons, neutrinos, photons and neutral and invisible to the experiment's detector's X particles, up to very large mean lifetimes on the order of 1031 to 1032 years.

So, over the life of the universe, the fraction of protons that decay as measured by these methods is less than one per 1021protons (in words, less than one hundred per gram of protons, and probably less than ten per gram of protons).

Previous studies using other methods have set a minimum proton lifetime on the order of 1033 to 1034 years, i.e. 1.0 to 0.1 such decays per gram of protons over the entire lifetime of the universe, or put another way, less than 1 such decay per 10 kilotons of protons per year (a measurement of truly stunningly great precision). A kiloton of protons is pretty much indistinguishable in mass from a kiloton of hydrogen at this level of precision in measurement.

The latter research results were restated in a 2017 paper considering the DUNE experiment. The Particle Data Group summarizes the experimental literature on proton decay here.

Another 2015 paper looked at prospects for improving the current limitation with experiments that were in progress. So, anyway, we are probably due for a new experimental result sometime in the next year or two. On the other hand, there has only been a one or two order of magnitude improvement in the experimental exclusion since 1979 when it was about 1031.

The experimental exclusion for proton decay is one of the most strict exclusions in the area of experimental tests of the SM, along with baryon number violation and lepton number violation which are also very throughly ruled out to the current limits of experimental precision. But, efforts to further limit the parameter space of these things continues because lots of theories that it would be nice to have be true call for them.

There is certainly no GUT that works yet, that has been proposed. Papers exploring GUTs are written on a regular basis month in and month out and have been for decades. FWIW, my gross perception from reading a lot of pre-prints without doing a proper statistical analysis is that the most popular directions are minimalist GUTs such as SU(5) and minimal SU(10) GUTs (see also, e.g. SM particles plus a small number of massless scalar bosons and maybe a gravitino) and E8 theories. And, of course, there are always proton decay is just around the corner papers (also here).

Glashow opined about a year ago that the non-detection of proton decay pretty much ruled out SU(5) unification models which are the most minimalist theoretically possible GUTs. Non-detection of SUSY-GUT particles has also been problematic as there are naive reasons to expect that they should appear not later than 20 TeV and we are now ruling out these particles in the single digit TeV range.

A prediction for proton decay assuming virtual black holes as a mediator was made in this 2017 paper. A 2017 paper makes a (funding driving IMHO) argument that proton decay might first start to be discernible in a 100 TeV collider. Another 2017 paper argues that non-detection of proton decay implies strict SUSY parameter space limits.

A notable 2016 paper explored a mechanism by which a GUT that did not predict proton decay could be realized. Another more recent paper along the same lines is discussed in this thread.
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Likes Urs Schreiber
  • #4
Thank you for your detailed reply with links; it's helpful.
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FAQ: Grand Unified Theory and proton decay

1. What is the Grand Unified Theory (GUT)?

The Grand Unified Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to unify the three fundamental forces of nature - electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force - into a single, all-encompassing theory.

2. How does GUT relate to the Standard Model of particle physics?

GUT attempts to extend the Standard Model by unifying the forces and particles described within it. It also seeks to explain the origin of particle masses and provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy.

3. What is proton decay and why is it important in GUT?

Proton decay is a hypothetical process in which a proton, one of the building blocks of atoms, decays into lighter particles. It is important in GUT because some GUT models predict that protons can decay, providing a way to test and possibly validate these theories.

4. Has proton decay been observed?

As of now, there is no experimental evidence for proton decay. However, various experiments, such as the Super-Kamiokande detector, have set limits on the proton decay rate, ruling out certain GUT models.

5. What are the implications of proton decay for the universe?

If proton decay is confirmed, it would have significant implications for our current understanding of the universe. It would provide evidence for the unification of forces and potentially explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. It could also have implications for the stability of atoms and the long-term fate of the universe.

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