Gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition

In summary, there is currently no experimental evidence for the nature of the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition. Most of the evidence for general relativity comes from phenomena attributed to dark matter, dark energy, and cosmological inflation. While there is evidence that anti-matter behaves the same as matter with respect to gravity, it has not been tested at scales relevant to quantum uncertainty. Theoretical research in this area is ongoing, but there is no consensus on how to reconcile general relativity and the Standard Model. There are two main schools of thought in quantum gravity research, but both approaches are subject to debate.
  • #1
Is anyone aware of a concise review of the experimental evidence of the nature of the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition?

Is it known (or generally presumed) that photons exert gravitational attraction through the stress-energy tensor at all points in space related to the probability of detection at each position?

Is this an area of Quantum Gravity which is well understood or subject to debate?
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  • #2
Is anyone aware of a concise review of the experimental evidence of the nature of the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition?

Some of the experimental evidence for general relativity can be found at and there is no experimental evidence that contradicts this except for phenomena commonly attributed respectively to dark matter, dark energy and cosmological inflation. There is also strong but not absolutely conclusive evidence that anti-matter behaves exactly the same as matter with respect to gravity. But, the smallest scales at which GR has been tested experimentally are on the order of millimeters which are many, many orders of magnitude larger than the scales at which uncertainty in the location of quanta become relevant in most cases. There is some evidence, although not sufficient to rule out the null hypothesis of a cosmological constant, that dark energy changes over time rather than being a cosmological constant. See, e.g.

Thus, there is not any experimental evidence that covers the nature of the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition as a result of its quantum nature, nor is there any experimental evidence of beyond GR theories of gravity. This has pretty much exclusively been explored on a theoretical basis, and perhaps other commenters can suggest review articles on the topic.

There are a lot of logical reasons why some sort of quantum gravity theory must exist (although even that is not a completely consensus view), but the places where GR and the Standard Model are incompatible are areas where experimental evidence is not available.

Quantum gravity concepts like Hawking radiation call upon a jerry rigged mix of classical and quantum concepts outside the context of a larger theory and one reason that there are huge debates over issues like the "information paradox" and the "no hair theorem" related to black holes is that there is no rigorous larger theory that definitively fuses GR and the Standard Model.

Is it known (or generally presumed) that photons exert gravitational attraction through the stress-energy tensor at all points in space related to the probability of detection at each position?

There is strong evidence that photons exert gravitational attraction through the stress-energy tensor in Einstein's field equations and is likewise subject to gravity. This is basically a consensus view that is not seriously disputed.

Your question goes further, however, to the localization of the gravitational force of a photon in light of the fact that in quantum mechanics, the position of a photon cannot be known exactly.

This beyond the domain of applicability of general relativity and the means by which one should integrate the quantum nature of individual particles whose position is uncertain and is not a consensus matter in quantum gravity, although the difference between using quasi-classical photons and truly quantum photons in almost all quantum gravity models would be immaterial even if it were considered.

The precision of classical tests of GR interacting with photons and the behavior of quanta in Earth's gravitational field, rule out the possibility that considering this would have huge phenomenological effects.

Is this an area of Quantum Gravity which is well understood or subject to debate?

There is no area of quantum gravity which is well understood.

There are two main schools of quantum gravity research - one rooted in string theory and focusing on the behavior of a spin-2 massless graviton in 10-11 dimensional space (sometimes with a low energy approximation of Supergravity (SUGRA)) and the other focusing on the quantization of space-time itself (loop quantum gravity (LQG) and kindred approaches like spin-foams and causal dynamical triangles).

These approaches are so profoundly different in their mechanism and framing of issues that pretty much all issues in quantum gravity are subject to debate.
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FAQ: Gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition

What is a gravitational field?

A gravitational field is a region in space where an object with mass experiences a force due to the presence of another object with mass.

What is an entity in spatial superposition?

An entity in spatial superposition refers to a situation where there are multiple objects with mass in the same region of space, causing a combined gravitational field.

How is the strength of a gravitational field determined?

The strength of a gravitational field is determined by the mass and distance of the objects involved. The greater the mass of the objects and the closer they are to each other, the stronger the gravitational field will be.

What is the formula for calculating the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition?

The formula for calculating the gravitational field due to an entity in spatial superposition is F = G(m1m2)/r^2, where F is the force of the gravitational field, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them.

How does the gravitational field affect objects within it?

The gravitational field will cause objects with mass to experience a force, either attracting them towards the center of the field or causing them to orbit around it. The strength of the force depends on the mass and distance of the objects.
