Can Nuclear Secrets Truly Remain Confidential?

  • Thread starter seazal
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In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of obtaining nuclear weapons technology due to the highly guarded secrecy surrounding it. Despite the possibility of finding information on the dark web or through leaks, the real challenge lies in obtaining enough enriched uranium or plutonium to create a bomb, which requires a large and complex process that cannot be done in secrecy. This has been demonstrated by past discoveries of countries attempting to build nuclear weapons.
  • #1
I know nuclear weapons technology is the most closely guarded secret in the world. But aren't there any leaks at WikiLeaks or elsewhere that can enable a citizen to build an atomic bomb?

What is the safety net that could prevent that?

It's not that I'm looking for nuclear information, but want to know how they can keep certain things so secret that the public will never be exposed to it.
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  • #3
I think a basic nuclear weapon would be rather easy to make in the age of the microchip and CNC machine. The quantity of fissionable material is the hard part. Secret bomb technology has little to do with it unless you're talking about max yields.
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  • #4
[MODERATOR: reference to a deleted post edited out.]
The explanation to build a nuclear bomb is really not that difficult if you understand the concept. For a gun type, all you're doing is take a mass of fissile material and set off an explosion which shoots the material into a larger mass of material. This creates a super critical mass which sets off a chain reaction that fissions the majority of the fissile material at once creating a huge explosion. This information can be found on wikipedia. I'd bet there's much more details available on the dark web.

The real problem is getting the material to actually do it. Natural uranium is 99% U-238, .7% U-235. To make a bomb you need at minimum 20% U-235 but ideally you want over 90% U-235. To enrich uranium requires putting it through a massive centrifuge to separate the isotopes and you need thousands of them to gradually step up the enrichment. It takes years of this process to stockpile enough material to make the bomb.

So say you want 5 lbs of 90% U-235 to make a bomb you'd have to process something like 10,000 lbs of uranium. Not exactly something you can do in your backyard.

If you're making it with plutonium it's even more complicated as you must use a breeder reactor to first create the plutonium

This is not something any country can do in complete secrecy. Just like we discovered North Korea building one and we discovered Iran trying to.
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  • #5
Plutonium bombs are further complicated by requiring an implosion mechanism. Gun type won't work.
  • #6
The OP has been answered. In order to prevent this thread from drifting off-topic, it is now closed.
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FAQ: Can Nuclear Secrets Truly Remain Confidential?

1. How are nuclear secrets guarded?

Nuclear secrets are guarded through a combination of physical and digital security measures. This includes strict access control to nuclear facilities, background checks for personnel with access to sensitive information, and multiple layers of cybersecurity protocols.

2. Who is responsible for guarding nuclear secrets?

The responsibility for guarding nuclear secrets falls on various government agencies and personnel, depending on the country. In the United States, the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission all have roles in safeguarding nuclear secrets.

3. What are the consequences of failing to guard nuclear secrets?

The consequences of failing to guard nuclear secrets can be severe and have global implications. It can lead to the theft of sensitive information by foreign governments or terrorist organizations, which can result in the development of nuclear weapons or sabotage of nuclear facilities. It can also damage international relations and trust between countries.

4. How do countries collaborate to guard nuclear secrets?

Countries collaborate to guard nuclear secrets through intelligence sharing and cooperative agreements. For example, the United States has a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty with other countries, which includes measures for cooperation and information sharing to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

5. How do advancements in technology affect the guarding of nuclear secrets?

Advancements in technology have both positive and negative effects on the guarding of nuclear secrets. On one hand, it allows for more sophisticated security measures, such as biometric authentication and advanced encryption methods. On the other hand, it also makes it easier for hackers to access sensitive information, highlighting the need for constant updates and improvements in security protocols.

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