Guess Who Wrote This? - A PF Game

  • Thread starter FZ+
  • Start date
In summary: The plain sight effect is when people talk about a person or topic without them actually being involved. This happens when people are so mesmerized by the person or topic that they are not paying attention to their surroundings. This can be a dangerous thing because it can allow people to be fooled. In summary, the game is to try and guess who posted a quote from a search for PF post in a given forum. The first person to get it right supplies another quote. The game is made easier by the requirement that the quote be from a common poster. There is a rule that the quote cannot be from the poster. The game is ended when someone supplies a quote that is not from a poster.
  • #1
Ok, maybe a little game to try out, based on a sort of theory of mine...

The rules of the game:

Someone supplies a quote (say, 4-5 lines) from a search for PF post. (maybe even from PF 2?)

People guess who posted it, and in which forum it appeared in.

The first one to get it right supplies another quote, and so on.

To make it easier, the poster must be someone who is pretty common, eg. in the top 100 posters or something. No obscure single posts by someone in the homework thread please! (and if you recognise your own post, don't tell anybody... though you can spread false information... :wink:)

Well... if anyone thinks this can work, they can supply the first quote.
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm interested in this theory of yours but imagine that explaining it prematurely would ruin the experiment. I'll go first;
He's my Son ... part of my substance.
  • #3
Originally posted by FZ+
Ok, maybe a little game to try out, based on a sort of theory of mine...

The rules of the game:

Someone supplies a quote (say, 4-5 lines) from a search for PF post. (maybe even from PF 2?)

People guess who posted it, and in which forum it appeared in.

The first one to get it right supplies another quote, and so on.

To make it easier, the poster must be someone who is pretty common, eg. in the top 100 posters or something. No obscure single posts by someone in the homework thread please! (and if you recognise your own post, don't tell anybody... though you can spread false information... :wink:)

Well... if anyone thinks this can work, they can supply the first quote.

Well I don't know the answer to Boulderhead's quote, but I think that another rule to be amended is that it isn't something which is said so commonly that people cannot guess who the quote was from.
  • #4
Oh crumb, I failed to read the directions (again). That poster didn't meet the minimum post requirements, sorry about that. I'll try again with one of my favorites;

Philosophy is the result of intellect without intelligence.
  • #5
Iacchus32 in the philosophy forum, or the religion forum. Do i post another or wait to see if I am rite first?
  • #6
FZ needs to imform us of what to do, think I.
Anyway, the quote was not from Iacchus32.
Care to try again?
  • #7
Sounds like something Alexander would have posted in the Philosophy Forum in PF 2.0.

This is kinda cool! Sorta like "Clue"; Professor Plumb did it, in the Other Sciences Forum, with a Macintosh.

BTW, another rule that might be a good idea, the quote should have to be from the poster, and not a source-quote that the poster "cut-and-pasted" into their post, don't you think?
  • #8
russ_watters in the philosophy forum.
  • #9
Originally posted by Andy
russ_watters in the philosophy forum.
  • #10

Ivan seeking, in the same forum.
  • #11
Sounds like something Alexander would have posted in the Philosophy Forum in PF 2.0.
Yes it does, but Alexander is not the one who said it.
This is kinda cool! Sorta like "Clue"; Professor Plumb did it, in the Other Sciences Forum, with a Macintosh.
Yes, FZ has a knack for coming up with fun stuff.
BTW, another rule that might be a good idea, the quote should have to be from the poster, and not a source-quote that the poster "cut-and-pasted" into their post, don't you think?
Sounds ok to me.

Andy, wrong again, teehehe. It is neither Ivan or Russ.

To correct my use of the written english word.
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  • #12
Logical Atheist?
  • #13
Another God, philosophy forum

I know it's one of a handful of people. It's only a matter of narrowing it down:wink: it's got to be a list of maybe 10 people, and some have already been mentioned
  • #14
I'm going to guess Mr. Robin
Parsons. One would suppose a
person who felt this way about
philosophy wouldn't be posting
in philosophy so I'm going to
guess it came up in a physics
thread for some reason.
  • #15
Originally posted by Hurkyl
Logical Atheist?
YeeeeHaawww, Hurkyl gets the prize!
Good ol' LA, and I thought I might be the only one to remember him

I yeild the podium to you, Hurkyl. :smile:
  • #16
i once got my private parts caught in a metal fan.

Who wrote this?

  • #17
I must confess that "Sounds like something Alexander would have posted" was a big clue. :smile:

Ok, this one might be too easy, but how about:

The magnetic field is just the relativistic part of the electric field
  • #18
The magnetic field is just the relativistic part of the electric field

Now that is Alexander!
  • #19
Yep. :smile:

Was hoping to pull the plain sight effect; everyone talking about him, nobody thinks him!
  • #20
One more addition: shouldn't everyone take a vow of honour they won't use the search option?
  • #21
Originally posted by Sonty
One more addition: shouldn't everyone take a vow of honour they won't use the search option?
I think so, and admit I used it to find the Author of the quote posted by Hurkyl (which is why I didn't bother to answer, btw).

I think Greg has the next shot at posting a quote.
  • #23
FZ needs to imform us of what to do, think I.
Wel... I'm not really sure what exactly to do and stuff... let's just see how things go and what is intuiative, ok?

As for gregs...

I'm thinking Gen Discussion, poster ... (picks random person...) Mentat?
  • #25
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Who wrote this?
"i once got my private parts caught in a metal fan."


I remember this thread. It was the stupidest thing you ever did or saw done. It was, I think, in the General Discussion Forum.

I was going to guess that it was you Enthropy, because I figured you would put your private parts in anything that was moving , but since you posted it, I'd have to go with Megashawn or Andy. It sounds like something either one of them might have made up to be funny.
  • #26
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
no and no :smile:

  • #27
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Haha, I thought it was YOU !
  • #29
Wasw it Sting in the Physics Forum?
  • #30
Concerning the metal fan I'm going
to guess Mr. Robin Parsons.

Concerning Harry Potter I'm going
to guess Zantra
  • #31
i once got my private parts caught in a metal fan.

Who wrote this?


Ha i remember that, it was Dx, don't see him round much, and it was in the General discussion forum.
  • #32
Originally posted by Andy
Ha i remember that, it was Dx, don't see him round much, and it was in the General discussion forum.

Yeah, it was him. After I made a joke about him taking himself out of the gene pool, he later added that he was just joking... but all know the truth!

Actually, I liked Dx. He was one my favorite posters. He was always posting the nerdiest things that one could possibly say. I always wondered if he was trying to be funny or if he was just a bit nerdy.

  • #33
Who said the Harry Potter thing
and is there a new quote, Andy?
  • #34
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Who said the Harry Potter thing...?
It hasn't been guessed yet. Maybe Greg will post another quote from the same member, giving us another clue ??
  • #35
While you're waiting, try this one...

In conclusion, I am a fvcking @sshole, and I suck on so many levels it's not funny anymore.

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