Harmonic oscillator onboard a relativistic rocket

In summary, the conversation discusses the equations of motion for a non-relativistic oscillator in two different frames, the proper frame and the coordinate frame. The equations are related through transformations of the spring constant and damping factor. The conversation also suggests using the properties of the motion, such as the frequency and decay of the oscillations, to observe how the solutions transform between the two frames. There is also a discussion about how to transform the equations for an undamped system in the rocket's frame.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We have a first frame S (named coordinate frame) at rest on the Earth (we suppose a non-rotating earht and this frame as a perfect inertial frame) and a second frame S' (named proper frame) moving in respect to the first with a constant relativistic velocity V along the x-axis.
The second frame is fixed to a relativistic rocket where onboard is placed a non-relativistic oscillator: mass-spring-damper system. The oscillator swings classically (that is at non relativistic velocities) and I want to write its equations of motion (and their solutions) in the proper frame and in the coordinate frame, also to find the tranformation of the spring constant and the damping factor from a frame to the other.

Homework Equations

I know the equation of motion in the proper frame:


where x' and t' are the coordinates in the S' frame, b' is the damping factor and k' is the spring constant in the same frame.
Besides I define:

gamma = 1/sqrt[1-(V/c)^2]
d2x'/dt'2 = a'
dx'/dt' = u'

The Attempt at a Solution

I can directly transform all quantities from this equation :

(m/gamma)*(a*gamma^3)+(b')*[(u-V)/(1-u*V/c^2)]+(k')*(x*gamma) = 0

but i cannot transform b' and k'.
Besides, being u' not relativistic can I do anyway this calculation?

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  • #2
Some other ways to get a handle on the other transformations:

1. If the oscillator is underdamped, it is effectively a clock so its oscillation frequency must transform correctly.

2. The 3 terms mx" bx' and kx have the same units (force) so if you can transform one of them the transformation for the other two must be the same.

3. Some features of the motion would be observed the same in both frames - e.g. both observers would see the same number of oscillations for the amplitude of an underdamped oscillator to reduce by half.
  • #3
AlephZero said:
1. If the oscillator is underdamped, it is effectively a clock so its oscillation frequency must transform correctly.
what does it mean? i mean, how can i transform the oscillation frequency? is there a known law for it?

AlephZero said:
2. The 3 terms mx" bx' and kx have the same units (force) so if you can transform one of them the transformation for the other two must be the same.
but i can't do it since gamma has not unit of measurement.
if i write this known transformation:

m'*a' = m*a* gamma^2 --> means that i have to transform this quantity as follows b'*u' = b*u*gamma^2 ?
besides, I found m'*a' = m*a* gamma^2 but F=F' if they are in the x direction, right? is it in disagree with my result?

AlephZero said:
3. Some features of the motion would be observed the same in both frames - e.g. both observers would see the same number of oscillations for the amplitude of an underdamped oscillator to reduce by half.
sorry, but what do you mean?

  • #4
The general point I'm making is that the solutions of the equation (i.e. what you could observe about the system from the other reference frame) also have to transform correctly.

If b = 0, there is a solution x = A sin wt where w^2 = k/m. That could be used as a clock sending a "tick" at intervals 2 pi/w. If you observe the clock from the other system you know how time is tranformed.

For a lightly damped system a solution is of the form Ae^{-pt}cos wt. (This is not the same w as in the undamped solution of course). The decay in amplitude in one cycle is e^{-2 pi p/w}. That amount of decay must be the same when observed from the other system so p/w must be the same in both systems.
  • #5
get a four vector solution to the oscillator in the rocket's frame (x,t) and smack a Lorentz transformation matrix in front of it?
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  • #6
AlephZero said:
The general point I'm making is that the solutions of the equation (i.e. what you could observe about the system from the other reference frame) also have to transform correctly.

If b = 0, there is a solution x = A sin wt where w^2 = k/m. That could be used as a clock sending a "tick" at intervals 2 pi/w. If you observe the clock from the other system you know how time is tranformed.

For a lightly damped system a solution is of the form Ae^{-pt}cos wt. (This is not the same w as in the undamped solution of course). The decay in amplitude in one cycle is e^{-2 pi p/w}. That amount of decay must be the same when observed from the other system so p/w must be the same in both systems.
ok, if we suppose to have an undamped system the solution in the rocket's frame is (as you write):

x'(t') = x'(0)*cos[sqrt(k'/m')*t']

but the transformation i have to do is:

x'(t') = (x(t)-V*t)*gamma

m' = m*gamma*[1-(u(t)*V)/c^2]

t' = gamma*[t-(x(t)*V)/c^2]

right? because the mass is moving in respect to the rocket frame with a velocity u'(t'), but on the other hand u' is non-relativistic... so I'm not sure...
if these transformations are correct, we yield:

(x(t)-V*t)*gamma = x(0)*gamma*cos[sqrt(k'/(m*gamma*(1-(u(t)*V)/c^2)))*gamma*(t-(x(t)*V)/c^2)]

if i did right, what can i do to continue?

FAQ: Harmonic oscillator onboard a relativistic rocket

1. What is a harmonic oscillator onboard a relativistic rocket?

A harmonic oscillator onboard a relativistic rocket is a physical system that undergoes oscillatory motion while traveling at speeds close to the speed of light. It is a system that consists of a mass attached to a spring and experiences a restoring force that is proportional to its displacement from equilibrium. This type of oscillator is commonly used in physics to model the behavior of many systems, including those on board a relativistic rocket.

2. How does the speed of the rocket affect the harmonic oscillator onboard?

The speed of the rocket affects the harmonic oscillator onboard in two ways. Firstly, it affects the frequency of the oscillations, which decreases as the rocket's speed approaches the speed of light. Secondly, it affects the amplitude of the oscillations, which decreases as the rocket's speed increases. This is due to the time dilation and length contraction effects predicted by the theory of relativity.

3. What is the significance of studying harmonic oscillators onboard relativistic rockets?

Studying harmonic oscillators onboard relativistic rockets allows scientists to better understand the behavior of physical systems at high speeds and in extreme conditions. This has practical applications in fields such as astrophysics and spacecraft design. Additionally, it helps to further validate the theory of relativity and our understanding of the laws of physics.

4. How does the relativistic mass of the oscillator affect its behavior onboard the rocket?

The relativistic mass of the oscillator has a significant impact on its behavior onboard the rocket. As the rocket's speed approaches the speed of light, the mass of the oscillator also increases due to relativistic effects. This increases the inertia of the oscillator and affects its oscillatory motion, causing it to change frequency and amplitude.

5. Is the behavior of the harmonic oscillator the same for all observers onboard the relativistic rocket?

No, the behavior of the harmonic oscillator onboard a relativistic rocket is different for different observers due to the effects of time dilation and length contraction. Observers moving at different speeds relative to the rocket will measure different frequencies and amplitudes of the oscillations. This demonstrates the relativity of physical laws and the importance of considering the frame of reference when studying physical systems.
