Help with Geothermal Electric Generator from a hot spring

In summary, if you have access to a hot spring, it is possible to construct a small geothermal electric generation unit. However, this depends on the water temperature of the hot spring, and drilling a 100 ft -250 ft. below surface may be necessary to access the hotter water below that is hot enough to produce steam for the turbine.
  • #1
Hi, I have access to a hot spring. I was thinking it may be ideal to construct a small geothermal electric generation unit using the steam. Question is, if I have access to the hot spring, is this enough as a source to go ahead with a geothermal generating unit of say 100 kw - 200 kw, which is not real small, but medium small I realize.

Is it practical to drill a little below the surface and construct piping for the steam, direct the steam into a small steam turbine that is in turn connected to several small electric generators?

Is this dependent upon the water temperature of the hot spring, or would any hot spring suffice? Also, if there is a hot spring at the surface, would drilling a 100 ft -250 ft. below surface provide you access with a good source of pressurized steam for the turbine?

Say if the surface water is only around 120 degrees f, shouldn't the water below the surface be even hotter? I was thinking you needed water at around 230 degrees f or so? Point is, if there is a hot spring at the surface, would it not be too much trouble and expense to access the hotter water below that is hot enough to produce steam for the steam turbine?

Also, if anyone could direct me to some people/companies that are actually doing this would be great, thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Here is a link to a working geothermal plant with some nice information on the project.

As for your power production capability, that's all dependant on how much heat you can get out, and what the temperature is. There are some geothermal plants that simply pump water down and get steam out, but all the ones I've heard about have both a great geothermal source and also have maintenance issues due to impurities in the steam.

Good luck!
  • #3
Thanks much for your help! If anyone else is interested in supplying info on this would love to hear all I can, thanks again.

FAQ: Help with Geothermal Electric Generator from a hot spring

1. How does a geothermal electric generator work?

A geothermal electric generator works by utilizing the heat from a hot spring or underground reservoir to create steam. This steam is then used to turn turbines, which power a generator and produce electricity.

2. What are the benefits of using a geothermal electric generator?

Geothermal energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy, meaning it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or contribute to climate change. It is also a reliable source of energy, as it is not affected by weather conditions like solar and wind power. Additionally, geothermal energy can be produced 24/7, providing a consistent and stable source of electricity.

3. How much electricity can a geothermal electric generator produce?

The amount of electricity that a geothermal electric generator can produce varies depending on the size and efficiency of the generator, as well as the temperature and flow rate of the hot spring or underground reservoir. However, a single geothermal plant can typically produce enough electricity to power thousands of homes.

4. What are the potential drawbacks of using a geothermal electric generator?

One of the main drawbacks of geothermal energy is that it is not accessible in all locations. It requires specific geological features, such as hot springs or underground reservoirs, which may not be present in all areas. Additionally, the initial investment and construction costs for a geothermal plant can be high.

5. Are there any environmental concerns with geothermal energy?

While geothermal energy itself is a clean and renewable source of energy, the process of extracting it can have some environmental impacts. For example, drilling for geothermal energy can release greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere. It is important to carefully assess and manage these impacts to ensure the sustainability of geothermal energy production.
