Help with Satellites and Grav.

  • Thread starter newtonistheman
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In summary, the planet T has a rail gun mounted at the North Pole and a projectile is fired with unknown speed and angle. At a maximum height of 1/4 R, the projectile has a speed of 75.0 m/s. Using conservation of energy and angular momentum, the speed and angle can be calculated.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The planet T is a planet of mass M and radius R, and very thin atmosphere (no air resistance). A rail gun has been mounted on the surface of T at the North Pole. A projectile of mass m is fired form the rail gun with an unknown speed vo at an unknown angle θ with respect to the local horizontal. The projectile is observed to rise to a maximum height above the surface of ¼ R. At this maximum height the projectile has a speed of 75.0 m/s. If M=1.5 x 10^20 (such that GM=1.0 x 1010 Nm2/kg) and R=200km, find vo in m/s. and the launch angle θ.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I know that F=ma, and Gravitational F=(GMm)\R^2 so ma=(GMm)\R^2 , a in rotational is a=(v^2)\r , so I would set m((v^2)\R)=(GMm)\R^2 . Yet is v in this equation the one they want? In finding the θ once I found the v would there be components in the x and y direction? Can I find it that way? Thank you very much for the help.
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  • #2
The problem doesn't say that the projectile is an a stable [circular] orbit at this point, so that means that it may not obey circular motion. I would say that you would be expected to use conservation of energy here. It would be useful to note that at maximum height vy=0.
  • #3
Can see what you are saying about consevation of energy, but how will that help me with finding vo
  • #4
Hootenanny said:
Well, in both the x and y directions you know the final velocities and you know the distance traveled in the y direction. So consider the change in energy between R = 200km and the projectile's final height. This should allow you to find the vertical component of V0. You also know the final speed, from that you can calculate the horizontal component of the final velocity which of course is equal to V0 since drag is negligible. All this of course is ignoring the rotation of the earth.

Hootenanny, I don't think that it is possible here to work with a y axis. By the time the projectile has reached the maximum height, it will be at a point that may be so far from the original point that the y-axis has changed quite a bit compared to the initial y axis, if you know what I mean.

I think one must use conservation of energy (with [itex] - \frac{G m M }{ r} [/itex] of course ) but one must also use angular momentum to answer this question.

Just a thought.
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  • #5
I think your right nrqed, I've just reread the OP and with a maximum of height of R/4, my method isn't valid. Good catch, hopefully the OP will read this before he/she starts work on it. My apologies Newtonistheman :redface:, time to get some sleep I think...:zzz:
  • #6
How should I go about finding the angle?
  • #7
Try this way

1. Conservation of energy: potential+kinetic energy conserved

===> relation of v0 and vmax==>v0

2. Conservation of angular momentum (due to central force)

===> relation of v0cos(theta) and vmax==>theta

FAQ: Help with Satellites and Grav.

1. How do satellites stay in orbit?

Satellites stay in orbit due to the balance between its forward motion and the pull of Earth's gravity. The satellite's speed and direction are constantly changing as it orbits, but it always falls towards Earth at the same rate due to gravity. This results in a circular or elliptical orbit around the planet.

2. How does gravity affect satellites?

Gravity is the force that keeps satellites in orbit. The greater the mass of a planet, the stronger its gravitational pull, and the faster an object needs to travel to stay in orbit. Satellites in higher orbits experience less gravitational pull and move slower than those in lower orbits.

3. Can satellites fall out of orbit?

Yes, satellites can fall out of orbit due to various factors such as atmospheric drag, solar wind, or gravitational perturbations from other objects in space. When a satellite's speed decreases or its orbit becomes unstable, it can fall back to Earth.

4. How are satellites launched into orbit?

Satellites are typically launched into orbit using rockets. The rocket's thrust propels the satellite into space, and once it reaches a certain altitude, it is released into its desired orbit. Some satellites are also launched from the International Space Station or deployed from a spacecraft.

5. How are satellites used for navigation?

Satellites in orbit are equipped with precise atomic clocks and constantly transmit signals to Earth. GPS receivers on the ground use these signals to determine their distance from the satellites and calculate their position on Earth. By receiving signals from multiple satellites, the receiver can also determine its speed and direction.
