Help with Vector Addition Problem

In summary: Your y-coordinate is wrong. The point is in the first quadrant.Bx=11.3137By=11.3137Cx=6.0622Cy=3.5Therefore the resultant vector isr=[Bx+Cx,By-Cy]
  • #1
Josh Eiland

Homework Statement

In photo:

Homework Equations

In image

The Attempt at a Solution

In the boxes

Where did I go wrong with the angle calculation?

Physics news on
  • #2
I don't know, you didn't show the Calc.
  • #3
paisiello2 said:
I don't know, you didn't show the Calc.

Triangle on the right shows how I calculated -10° angle by using tan-1(-3.2/17.4), -3.2 being the change in y and 17.4 change in x after I added the vectors.
  • #4
Can't follow your work. Your original post gives the answer as 350. How did you come up with this number?
Last edited:
  • #5
paisiello2 said:
Can't follow your work. Your original post gives the answer as 350. How v did you come up with this number?
I calculated the angle as -10°, but since the question asked for the angle counter-clockwise from the x axis, I thought it would be correctly expressed as 350.
  • #6
-10 degrees measured from what?
  • #7
paisiello2 said:
-10 degrees measured from what?
From the positive x axis.
  • #8
Okay where did you get the -10 degrees from?

You can find the coordinate of the player's position through your vectors. After that you can simply use geometry to determine the ccw angle, after that, 360 - positive angle = clockwise angle. The program may not want to accept negative angles, try the positive equivalent between 0 and 360.
  • #9
Feodalherren said:
Okay where did you get the -10 degrees from?

You can find the coordinate of the player's position through your vectors. After that you can simply use geometry to determine the ccw angle, after that, 360 - positive angle = clockwise angle. The program may not want to accept negative angles, try the positive equivalent between 0 and 360.

Triangle on the right shows how I calculated -10° angle by using tan-1(-3.2/17.4), -3.2 being the change in y and 17.4 change in x after I added the vectors.
  • #10
Josh Eiland said:

Triangle on the right shows how I calculated -10° angle by using tan-1(-3.2/17.4), -3.2 being the change in y and 17.4 change in x after I added the vectors.

And yes, that's how I got 350° counter-clockwise. By doing 360 minus the clockwise angle (360-10).
  • #11
Josh Eiland said:
From the positive x axis.

I think if you draw yourself a picture you will see that it can't be -10 degrees from the +ve x-axis.
  • #12
paisiello2 said:
I think if you draw yourself a picture you will see that it can't be -10 degrees from the +ve x-axis.
I got -10 from the X-axis counter-clockwise when drawing a picture, as I've explained. Do you have a better answer or suggestion?
  • #13
I could not understand your drawings. So my suggestion is to redraw a simple picture that summarizes the vectors and shows the -10 degrees.
  • #14

From this image, find the vector P.
  • #15
Feodalherren said:

From this image, find the vector P.
That wouldn't make sense, as the angle from initial to final points would be from the top of the red line on the y-axis to the final spot, not from the origin.
  • #16
paisiello2 said:
I could not understand your drawings. So my suggestion is to redraw a simple picture that summarizes the vectors and shows the -10 degrees.
I calculated the final point (17.4, -3.2) and drew a line from the origin (0,0) to this point, creating a triangle with the x and y segments. Using Pythagorean theorem I calculated the magnitude of this vector 17.7
I then used inverse tangent to find the angle -10°
  • #17
Ok, I follow you now. I think you got it right. Maybe a small rounding error. Try and see if 349.6 works.
  • #18
paisiello2 said:
Ok, I follow you now. I think you got it right. Maybe a small rounding error. Try and see if 349.6 works.
Tried it, didn't work. I think the teacher probably just put the answer in wrong accidentally. Will ask tomorrow. Thanks for help.
  • #19
That is not the answer that I am getting at all.

I am getting a positive angle of 24.213 degrees counter-clockwise.

Again, if you're not showing your calculations it's impossible for us to tell you where you're going wrong.

Your y-coordinate is wrong. The point is in the first quadrant.


Therefore the resultant vector is
  • #20
I got the same answer as the OP.
  • #21
OP calculated his final Y-coordinate as a negative, it doesn't make sense from the given picture assuming that the Y-axis goes along vector A and the X-axis goes through the bottom corner.

FAQ: Help with Vector Addition Problem

What is a vector addition problem?

A vector addition problem is a mathematical problem that involves adding two or more vectors together. Vectors are quantities that have both magnitude (size) and direction, and they are typically represented by arrows. Vector addition is used to find the resultant vector, which is the sum of all the individual vectors.

How do you solve a vector addition problem?

To solve a vector addition problem, you first need to identify the magnitude and direction of each vector. Then, you can use mathematical operations (such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication) to find the resultant vector. If the vectors are in two dimensions, you can use the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric functions to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

What is the difference between scalar and vector addition?

Scalar addition involves adding two or more quantities that have only magnitude, such as numbers. Vector addition, on the other hand, involves adding quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Scalar addition is commutative, meaning the order of the numbers does not matter, but vector addition is not commutative.

What are some real-life applications of vector addition?

Vector addition has many real-life applications, such as in navigation, physics, and engineering. For example, in navigation, vector addition is used to calculate the resultant velocity of a moving object when there are multiple forces acting on it. In physics, vector addition is used to calculate the net force on an object, and in engineering, it is used to determine the direction and magnitude of forces acting on a structure.

What are some strategies for solving vector addition problems?

Some strategies for solving vector addition problems include breaking down the vectors into their components, using graphical methods (such as drawing a scale diagram), and using trigonometric functions. It is also helpful to clearly label the vectors and their respective magnitudes and directions before attempting to solve the problem.

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