Hilbert-Einstein action, total derivative vanish

In summary, the variational principle can be used to prove that the term that vanishes in equation 19 is zero if the variation of the metric at infinity vanishes.
  • #1
I'm looking at the deriviation of Einstein's equation via applying the principle of least action to the Hilbert-Einstein action.

I'm trying to understand the vanishing of a term because it is a total derivative: http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~chirata/ph236/2011-12/lec33.pdf, equation 19.

My question is that, I've seen some sources that explain it via the generalized Stoke's theorem in differential forms which is a generalization of Gauss theorem, fundamental theorem of calculus etc.

I'm wondering if, once the identity in equation 19 has been made, a covariant derivative expression being expressed as a solely partial derivative expression, can this term vanishing be justified via Gauss's theorem which states that the divergence of a vector field integrated over a volume is equal to the vector integrated over the corresponding surface of the volume? If the vector fields goes to zero fast enough at infinity.

I'm not looking for rigor, just an argument that merely suffices.

Thanks your help is greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
binbagsss said:
I'm wondering if, once the identity in equation 19 has been made, a covariant derivative expression being expressed as a solely partial derivative expression, can this term vanishing be justified via Gauss's theorem which states that the divergence of a vector field integrated over a volume is equal to the vector integrated over the corresponding surface of the volume? If the vector fields goes to zero fast enough at infinity.

I'm not looking for rigor, just an argument that merely suffices.

Thanks your help is greatly appreciated.

Yes, I don't see a question here
[tex]\int_{D} d^{4} x \ \sqrt{-g} \ \nabla_{\mu} V^{\mu} = \int_{D} d^{4} x \ \partial_{\mu} ( \sqrt{-g} V^{\mu} ) = \int_{\partial D} d \sigma_{\mu} \ \sqrt{-g} \ V^{\mu} \left( = \int d S \ n_{\mu} V^{\mu} \ \sqrt{-g} = 0 \right),[/tex] if the vector field tends to zero sufficiently fast at infinity.
  • #3
samalkhaiat said:
Yes, I don't see a question here
[tex]\int_{D} d^{4} x \ \sqrt{-g} \ \nabla_{\mu} V^{\mu} = \int_{D} d^{4} x \ \partial_{\mu} ( \sqrt{-g} V^{\mu} ) = \int_{\partial D} d \sigma_{\mu} \ \sqrt{-g} \ V^{\mu} \left( = \int d S \ n_{\mu} V^{\mu} \ \sqrt{-g} = 0 \right),[/tex] if the vector field tends to zero sufficiently fast at infinity.
Thanks. And many sources say that this term goes to zero if the variation of the metric ##\delta g^{uv}## vanishes at infinity.
I don't understand how this relates?
  • #4
binbagsss said:
Thanks. And many sources say that this term goes to zero if the variation of the metric ##\delta g^{uv}## vanishes at infinity.
I don't understand how this relates?

I don’t know which term that is. If you are talking about the variation of the Einstein-Hilbert action, then I believe you encounter such thing [tex]g^{\mu \nu} \delta R_{\mu \nu} = \nabla_{\sigma} ( g^{\mu \sigma} \delta \Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu \rho} - g^{\mu \nu} \delta \Gamma^{\sigma}_{\mu \nu} ) .[/tex] So, the vector field in this context is [tex]V^{\sigma} = g^{\mu \sigma} \delta \Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu \rho} - g^{\mu \nu} \delta \Gamma^{\sigma}_{\mu \nu} .[/tex] Therefore, the identity [tex]\sqrt{-g} \nabla_{\sigma} V^{\sigma} = \partial_{\sigma} ( \sqrt{-g} \ V^{\sigma} ) ,[/tex] allows you to write [tex]\int d^{4} x \ \sqrt{-g} \ g^{\mu \nu} \ \delta R_{\mu \nu} = \int d^{4} x \ \partial_{\sigma} ( \sqrt{-g} \ g^{\mu \sigma} \delta \Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu \rho} - \sqrt{-g} \ g^{\mu \nu} \delta \Gamma^{\sigma}_{\mu \nu} ) = 0 .[/tex]
  • #5
samalkhaiat said:
[tex]\int d^{4} x \ \sqrt{-g} \ g^{\mu \nu} \ \delta R_{\mu \nu} = \int d^{4} x \ \partial_{\sigma} ( \sqrt{-g} \ g^{\mu \sigma} \delta \Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu \rho} - \sqrt{-g} \ g^{\mu \nu} \delta \Gamma^{\sigma}_{\mu \nu} ) = 0 .[/tex]

And this requires ##V^{\sigma} = g^{\mu \sigma} \delta \Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu \rho} - g^{\mu \nu} \delta \Gamma^{\sigma}_{\mu \nu} \to 0 ## fast enough, So I think that's that all tensors in this expression must ##\to 0 ## fast enough, but the variation of the metric tensor vanishing here plays no role in ##V^{\sigma} \to 0## does it?

Wikipedia looks like it has the same working as above, but makes the final comment on the variation of the metric vanishing which I don't understand : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein–Hilbert_action , under Variation of the Riemann tensor, the Ricci tensor, and the Ricci scalar, bottom two lines.

  • #6
binbagsss said:
... but the variation of the metric tensor vanishing here plays no role in ##V^{\sigma} \to 0## does it?
Yes it does. The variation of the connection, [itex]\delta \Gamma[/itex], is brought about by the variation of the metric tensor, i.e. [itex]\delta \Gamma \propto \delta g[/itex].
  • #7
samalkhaiat said:
Yes it does. The variation of the connection, [itex]\delta \Gamma[/itex], is brought about by the variation of the metric tensor, i.e. [itex]\delta \Gamma \propto \delta g[/itex].
Ah okay thanks. I thought they may not because of palatini's formulation, where the variations with respect to the metric and connection are taken seperately.

FAQ: Hilbert-Einstein action, total derivative vanish

1. What is the Hilbert-Einstein action?

The Hilbert-Einstein action is a mathematical expression used in the theory of general relativity to describe the dynamics of space and time. It is a functional of the metric tensor, which represents the curvature of space-time, and the matter fields present in a given region of space-time.

2. How does the Hilbert-Einstein action relate to general relativity?

The Hilbert-Einstein action is the mathematical formulation of the principle of least action in general relativity. It provides a way to calculate the equations of motion for the metric tensor and matter fields in a given space-time, which govern the dynamics of the universe at large scales.

3. What does it mean for the total derivative to vanish in the Hilbert-Einstein action?

In the context of the Hilbert-Einstein action, the total derivative refers to the variation of the action with respect to the metric tensor. If this derivative vanishes, it means that there is no change in the action when the metric tensor is varied, indicating that the equations of motion are satisfied and the system is in a state of equilibrium.

4. Can the total derivative ever not vanish in the Hilbert-Einstein action?

Yes, the total derivative can sometimes not vanish in the Hilbert-Einstein action. This can occur when there is a source of matter present in the space-time, such as a massive object, causing a deviation from equilibrium. In this case, the equations of motion will not be satisfied and the total derivative will not equal zero.

5. How does the Hilbert-Einstein action contribute to our understanding of the universe?

The Hilbert-Einstein action is a fundamental part of the theory of general relativity, which is one of the most successful theories in explaining the behavior of the universe at large scales. It allows us to understand the dynamics of space and time and how they are affected by the presence of matter, providing a framework for understanding gravity and the evolution of the cosmos.

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