How Do You Calculate Spring Extension in a Series Configuration?

In summary, four springs with a mass on each end are connected in series with all masses being equal to m, spring length of 1, and spring constant k. The problem is to find the extension of each spring. By labeling each spring extension as y_1, y_2, y_3, and y_4, and using the equilibrium equation of 0 = ky_2 - ky_3 - mg, the problem can be easily solved by rewriting the variables in terms of m, k, and g.
  • #1

Homework Statement

4 springs with a mass on each end are connected in series as below:


All the masses are mass m, the length of each spring is 1, and the spring constant is k, find the extension of each spring.

Homework Equations

f = ky

The Attempt at a Solution

So basically if i label each spring extension as [tex]y_1, \ y_2, \ y_3, \ y_4[/tex] then the only forces are the spring pulling from above, the spring pulling from below and the force of gravity on each mass. So for example for the second mass m2 from the top the equilibrium equation would be:

[tex] 0 = ky_2 - ky_3 -mg[/tex]

If this is right I can solve the rest of the problem easily, but I'm just getting thrown off by my use of Newton's second law here.
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  • #2

This seems to be an accurate statement.

Now how can you rewrite the ky2 and ky3s into the variables you do know, which are m, k and g?
  • #3
bmxicle said:
... the only forces are the spring pulling from above, the spring pulling from below and the force of gravity on each mass. So for example for the second mass m2 from the top the equilibrium equation would be:

[tex] 0 = ky_2 - ky_3 -mg[/tex]
Yes, you are on the right track.
  • #4
Thanks, I can solve the rest of it pretty easily now. I think I was just over thinking which springs were pulling where.
  • #5

I would say that your approach is correct in using Newton's second law to solve this problem. You have correctly identified the forces acting on each mass and set up the equilibrium equation for each one. This is a good application of Hooke's law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the amount it is stretched or compressed. In this case, the force exerted by each spring is equal to its spring constant times its extension. By setting up these equilibrium equations, you can solve for the extensions of each spring and verify that they are in line with what is expected according to Hooke's law. This is a good sanity check to make sure that your approach and calculations are correct.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Spring Extension in a Series Configuration?

What is Hooke's Law sanity check?

Hooke's Law sanity check is the process of testing the validity of Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to its extension, using experimental data.

Why is Hooke's Law sanity check important?

Hooke's Law sanity check is important because it allows scientists to verify whether Hooke's Law accurately describes the behavior of a spring under different conditions. It also helps to identify any errors or inconsistencies in the experimental data.

How is Hooke's Law sanity check performed?

Hooke's Law sanity check is typically performed by plotting a graph of force vs. extension for a spring and analyzing the slope of the line. If the data points fall on a straight line, it indicates that the force and extension are indeed directly proportional, supporting Hooke's Law.

What are the limitations of Hooke's Law sanity check?

One limitation of Hooke's Law sanity check is that it assumes that the spring is linear, meaning that the force and extension relationship remains constant regardless of the magnitude of the force. In reality, most springs have a limit to their elasticity and may not follow Hooke's Law at higher forces.

Are there any real-life applications of Hooke's Law sanity check?

Yes, Hooke's Law sanity check is used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and materials science. It is particularly useful in designing and testing the functionality of springs in various devices, from simple door hinges to complex mechanical systems.

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