How do I know when velocity is negative in a 1-D motion problem?

In summary, when comparing the velocities of two baseballs thrown from the top of a 5 m tall tower, one straight down and one straight up, their velocities will be the same when they hit the ground. This is because their initial velocities are both 20 m/s and their accelerations are both 10 m/s^2. However, the initial velocity for the ball thrown straight up is negative because the chosen coordinate system has down as positive and up as negative. The acceleration for the ball thrown straight up is positive because in this chosen coordinate system, gravity is considered a positive acceleration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two baseballs are set in motion from the top of a 5 m tall tower. One is thrown straight down toward the ground with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. The second is thrown straight up toward the sky with an initial velocity of 20 m/s.

How do their velocities compare when they hit the ground?

Homework Equations

Vx^2=Vx0^2 + 2*a(x2-x1)

The Attempt at a Solution

This what my teacher wrote:

#1 (Ball thrown straight down)
Vx0= 20 m/s
x=5 m
a=10 m/s^2

Vx^2=Vx0^2 + 2*a(x2-x1)
Vx = 22.36 m/s

#2 (Ball thrown straight up)
Vx0= -20 m/s
Vx= ?
a= 10 m/s^2
x= 5 m

Vx^2=Vx0^2 + 2*a(x2-x1)
Vx^2=(-20)^2 + 2(10)(5)
Vx=22.36 m/s

I don't understand why the initial velocity for the ball thrown straight up is negative. Also, since it's downward acceleration, wouldn't the acceleration for the ball thrown up be negative (it's going AGAINST gravity, correct?).
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  • #2
Basically, being negative doesn't mean that it is going against something. Neither being positive is going with something (Not always at least)
You should just put a coordinate system and your system here is just defined as up is negative and down is positive.

So answer these questions:
1) What is the sign of the velocity of the first ball?
2) What is the sign of the velocity of the second ball?
3) acceleration is a vector too, What is the direction of it ? Knowing that will tell you the sign of it.
  • #3
Pallta said:

Homework Statement

Two baseballs are set in motion from the top of a 5 m tall tower. One is thrown straight down toward the ground with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. The second is thrown straight up toward the sky with an initial velocity of 20 m/s.

How do their velocities compare when they hit the ground?

Homework Equations

Vx^2=Vx0^2 + 2*a(x2-x1)

The Attempt at a Solution

This what my teacher wrote:

#1 (Ball thrown straight down)
Vx0= 20 m/s
x=5 m
a=10 m/s^2

Vx^2=Vx0^2 + 2*a(x2-x1)
Vx = 22.36 m/s

#2 (Ball thrown straight up)
Vx0= -20 m/s
Vx= ?
a= 10 m/s^2
x= 5 m

Vx^2=Vx0^2 + 2*a(x2-x1)
Vx^2=(-20)^2 + 2(10)(5)
Vx=22.36 m/s

I don't understand why the initial velocity for the ball thrown straight up is negative. Also, since it's downward acceleration, wouldn't the acceleration for the ball thrown up be negative (it's going AGAINST gravity, correct?).

The simple answer is that you get to choose what direction is positive and which direction is negative. You either choose up to be positive or down to be positive. Your teacher chose down to be positive, but you could equally well solve the problem choosing up to be positive.

If you choose up to be positive, then gravity is a negative acceleration (downwards).

If you choose down to be positive, then gravity is a positive acceleration.

FAQ: How do I know when velocity is negative in a 1-D motion problem?

1. How do I determine the direction of velocity in a 1-D motion problem?

The direction of velocity in a 1-D motion problem can be determined by looking at the sign of the velocity. If the velocity is positive, it is moving in the positive direction, and if it is negative, it is moving in the negative direction.

2. What does a negative velocity value mean in a 1-D motion problem?

A negative velocity value in a 1-D motion problem means that the object is moving in the negative direction. This could be towards the left, down, or any other direction that is considered negative in the given problem.

3. How do I know when velocity is negative in a 1-D motion problem?

Velocity is negative in a 1-D motion problem when the object is moving in the negative direction. This can be determined by looking at the sign of the velocity value, which will be negative if the object is moving in the negative direction.

4. Can velocity be negative and positive in a 1-D motion problem?

Yes, velocity can be both negative and positive in a 1-D motion problem. This can happen when the object changes direction and starts moving in the opposite direction, resulting in a change in the sign of the velocity value.

5. How does a negative velocity affect the motion of an object in a 1-D motion problem?

A negative velocity affects the motion of an object in a 1-D motion problem by causing it to move in the negative direction. This means that the object will be moving towards the left, down, or any other direction that is considered negative in the given problem.
