- #36
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I never ever use the word "real" or "reality" in this context since it's not well-defined. I mean, what I wrote: If I have prepared a system in a state, of the formDemystifier said:Now you effectively claim that when something is known with certainty, then it is real. But EPR proved that this very same criterion of reality, plus assumption of locality, implies that QM is incomplete. Yet, you don't accept that QM is incomplete. Another inconsistency in my view.
$$\hat{\rho}=\sum_{\beta} p_{\alpha,\alpha'} |a,\alpha \rangle \langle a,\alpha'|, \quad p_{\alpha,\alpha'}=p_{\alpha',\alpha}, \quad p_{\alpha,\alpha} \geq 0, \quad \sum_{\alpha} p_{\alpha,\alpha}=1$$
where ##|a,\alpha \rangle## is a CONS of eigenstates of the self-adjoint operator ##\hat{A}## with eigenvalue ##a## (labelled with an appropriate set of parameters ##\beta##), then the value of the observable ##A##, represented by the operator ##\hat{A}##, is determined to be ##a##. With any proper measurement, I'll find this value ##a## with certainty (as Born's rule tells you).
Concerning any other observable ##B##, represented by the self-adjoint operator ##\hat{B}## with CONS of eigenstates with eigenvalues ##b##, ##|b,\beta \rangle##, the probability to find the value ##b## when properly measuring ##b## is given by
$$P(b|\hat{\rho})=\sum_{\beta} \langle b,\beta|\hat{\rho}|b,\beta \rangle.$$
That's it. QT doesn't imply more but also nothing less. That's also all you need as interpretation of the formalism in order to describe what's observed in the lab/nature (from the point of view of physicists).
QT is incomplete as we don't have a valid description of the gravitational interaction.