How to find the angle of attack?

  • Thread starter Newton V
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In summary, the angle of attack is the angle between the wing chord line and the relative wind, and it is an important parameter in aerodynamics. It can be measured using an angle of attack indicator or through wind tunnel testing or computer simulations. The angle of attack is crucial in determining an aircraft's performance and stability, and it can be calculated using trigonometric functions or by comparing the pitch angle and flight path angle. Various factors can affect the angle of attack, such as airspeed, air density, wing shape, and external forces like turbulence or gusts of wind.
  • #1
Newton V

Homework Statement

how can i find the angle of attack?
how can i find the angle of wind?

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The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Newton V, you'll find that your questions are more likely to be answered if they are more specific and offer more detail. The homework template is there for a reason, please make use of it.
  • #3

To find the angle of attack, you will need to measure the angle between the wing or airfoil and the relative wind. This can be done using an instrument called an angle of attack indicator, which is typically found in aircraft or wind tunnel experiments. Another method is to use a wind tunnel to simulate the conditions and measure the angle of attack using sensors.

To find the angle of wind, you will need to measure the direction of the wind using a wind vane or anemometer. This will give you the direction of the wind in relation to the ground. To find the angle of wind in relation to an object, you will need to measure the angle between the object and the direction of the wind. This can be done using a protractor or a specialized instrument called a wind angle indicator.