Plotting Hyperbolic Curve from a Moving Train's Bullet

In summary, a train traveling at the speed of a bullet has a man standing on top who fires a gun in the opposite direction as the train. The bullet's velocity relative to the ground is 0, but in an imperfect world, it would drop about 2/3 of the way and then follow the train in a hyperbolic curve. The reason for this is unclear, but it could be due to friction or the bullet's initial velocity being equal to the train's speed. This question has sparked curiosity among a web developer.
  • #1
A train is traveling at the speed of a bullet.

A man, stood on top of the train, fire's a gun in the direction from which the train has come from. (facing rearward)

He pulls the trigger the instant the train passes station 'A'.

The velocity of the bullet relative to the ground is 0

To an observer standing on the platform (mind you, in a perfect vacuum) the bullet would drop.

In our imperfect world, the bullet would drop about 2/3 of the way and then follow the train in a hyperbolic curve.

would someone mind plotting curve ?. I am a simple web developer and this has got me curious as it was a question posted on my own forum... thanks
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  • #2
Hi there,

Why would your bullet, in our imperfect world, would travel 2/3 of the way. The bullet is fired backward at the speed of the train => the bullet's speed compared to someone in the station would be 0. I don't see any reason for it to suddenly be bothered by friction, since it has no velocity compared to the still air surrounding. Of course, I base my assumption on the fact that the bullet leaves the barrel at the speed of the train, friction in the barrel not considered.

Can you explain the reason for this. Cheers
  • #3

Sure, I'd be happy to help plot the hyperbolic curve for this scenario. First, let's break down the information we have:

- The train is traveling at the speed of a bullet, which is typically around 1,700 meters per second.
- The man on top of the train fires a bullet in the direction the train has come from, which we can assume is also the direction the train is currently traveling in.
- The man pulls the trigger the instant the train passes station A, which means the train is already in motion when the bullet is fired.
- The velocity of the bullet relative to the ground is 0, meaning it is not moving horizontally.
- The bullet will drop due to gravity, but because it is fired from a moving train, it will follow a hyperbolic curve instead of a parabolic curve.

To plot the hyperbolic curve, we will need to use the equation for a hyperbola, which is:

x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 = 1

Where a and b are the distances from the center to the vertices of the hyperbola. In this case, the center of the hyperbola will be the point where the bullet is fired (station A), and the vertices will be the points where the bullet hits the ground.

To find a and b, we can use the following equations:

a = (v^2/g) * sin(2θ)

b = (v^2/g) * cos^2(θ)

Where v is the initial velocity of the bullet (in this case, the speed of the train, 1,700 m/s), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and θ is the angle of elevation of the bullet when it is fired.

Since the bullet will drop 2/3 of the way and then follow the train, we can assume that the angle of elevation is 45 degrees (since the angle of elevation for a projectile at maximum range is 45 degrees).

Plugging in the values, we get:

a = (1700^2/9.8) * sin(90) = 291,428.57 meters

b = (1700^2/9.8) * cos^2(45) = 241,071.43 meters

Now, we can plot the hyperbolic curve on a graph, with the x-axis representing

FAQ: Plotting Hyperbolic Curve from a Moving Train's Bullet

1. How do you plot a hyperbolic curve from a moving train's bullet?

The first step in plotting a hyperbolic curve from a moving train's bullet is to gather data on the bullet's position and velocity at various points in time. This can be done through measurements or calculations.

Next, using this data, you can plot a graph with time on the x-axis and the bullet's position on the y-axis. The resulting curve will be a hyperbola, which is a symmetrical curve that represents the bullet's path.

2. What factors affect the shape of the hyperbolic curve?

The shape of the hyperbolic curve is primarily affected by the initial velocity and angle of the bullet, as well as the resistance and gravitational forces acting on it. Other factors such as air resistance, wind, and the shape of the train's path may also play a role.

Additionally, the mass and shape of the bullet itself can impact the curve. A heavier and more streamlined bullet will likely have a different curve than a lighter and less aerodynamic one.

3. Can the hyperbolic curve be used to calculate the bullet's speed and trajectory?

Yes, by analyzing the shape and parameters of the hyperbolic curve, it is possible to calculate the bullet's speed and trajectory. This can be done using mathematical equations and calculations based on the known initial conditions and forces acting on the bullet.

4. Is it possible to plot a hyperbolic curve from a stationary bullet?

No, a hyperbolic curve can only be plotted from a moving bullet. This is because the curve represents the path of a moving object that is subject to external forces, such as air resistance and gravity. A stationary bullet would not experience these forces and therefore would not produce a hyperbolic curve.

5. What is the significance of plotting a hyperbolic curve from a moving train's bullet?

Plotting a hyperbolic curve from a moving train's bullet can provide valuable insight into the bullet's trajectory and the forces acting on it. This information can be useful in fields such as ballistics, engineering, and transportation. Additionally, it can serve as a visual representation of the projectile's motion and help to better understand and analyze its behavior.

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