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"I need to save up for my vacation"
I have just realized something. Using only anectodal evidence unfortunately, i was able to determine one thing about these so called humans that seemingly surround me. People will only save up money for a car or a vacation (at least Americans of course). Every single freaken time i hear someone say they are going to "save up", it's either for a damn vacation or a car in almost every case. And no, I am not talking about people who are financially stable; I'm talking about friends, family, and acquantences who are not at all financially stable, some even being downright poor. I'm being very specific here. I'm talking about financially unstable people who are taking trips that will cost them sometimes thousands of dollars to go on and people who are not satisfied with their financial lifestyles. I am being VERY specific here so no one give me any crap haha.
What is with this? Is this a psychological disorder or something? Can someone really say to themselves that $3000 for a weeks vacation (and no, i am NOT making up these kinds of figures) will be better for their life then putting that $3000 into their families basic necessities? I mean I know mathematically the idea is utter BS since $3000 towards a credit card balance is saving you more along the lines of $8000 in the end... but how can one psychologically validate such a decision? It's as if someone sits down and says "This family is in the gutter, we're broke, we have sky-high bills, the electricity keeps getting cut off, but the hell if I don't need a vacation". Do people not realize that the second they walk back into their house, their problems are stareing right back at them? And if you were disciplined enough to save up so much money... don't they realize that instead of taking a 1 week vacation from your miserable life, you could put a couple thousand bucks into making your life better!
And what about these people (especially young college-aged people) that go on vacations that cost sometimes $5000 just to see say, all of Europe for example. Is it worth it?? I mean many people live there entire lives off $5,000 a YEAR and these people are taking a 3 week vacation for the same amount. And this is in maybe the US or UK or other high per capita countries. $5,000 for most people on Earth is like winning the lotto! Is SEEING a bunch of different cities worth $5,000? If someone handed me $5,000, whatever it goes into must stick around for at least 5 years... or yield a minimum of 5% APY.
Damn I'm just on rant-mode today...
I have just realized something. Using only anectodal evidence unfortunately, i was able to determine one thing about these so called humans that seemingly surround me. People will only save up money for a car or a vacation (at least Americans of course). Every single freaken time i hear someone say they are going to "save up", it's either for a damn vacation or a car in almost every case. And no, I am not talking about people who are financially stable; I'm talking about friends, family, and acquantences who are not at all financially stable, some even being downright poor. I'm being very specific here. I'm talking about financially unstable people who are taking trips that will cost them sometimes thousands of dollars to go on and people who are not satisfied with their financial lifestyles. I am being VERY specific here so no one give me any crap haha.
What is with this? Is this a psychological disorder or something? Can someone really say to themselves that $3000 for a weeks vacation (and no, i am NOT making up these kinds of figures) will be better for their life then putting that $3000 into their families basic necessities? I mean I know mathematically the idea is utter BS since $3000 towards a credit card balance is saving you more along the lines of $8000 in the end... but how can one psychologically validate such a decision? It's as if someone sits down and says "This family is in the gutter, we're broke, we have sky-high bills, the electricity keeps getting cut off, but the hell if I don't need a vacation". Do people not realize that the second they walk back into their house, their problems are stareing right back at them? And if you were disciplined enough to save up so much money... don't they realize that instead of taking a 1 week vacation from your miserable life, you could put a couple thousand bucks into making your life better!
And what about these people (especially young college-aged people) that go on vacations that cost sometimes $5000 just to see say, all of Europe for example. Is it worth it?? I mean many people live there entire lives off $5,000 a YEAR and these people are taking a 3 week vacation for the same amount. And this is in maybe the US or UK or other high per capita countries. $5,000 for most people on Earth is like winning the lotto! Is SEEING a bunch of different cities worth $5,000? If someone handed me $5,000, whatever it goes into must stick around for at least 5 years... or yield a minimum of 5% APY.
Damn I'm just on rant-mode today...