Illinois Governor Arrested for Selling Senate Seat

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  • Thread starter LowlyPion
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In summary, the governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, was arrested on federal charges of corruption. He is accused of attempting to gain financially from the Senate appointment of Barack Obama, and of threatening to withhold state assistance from the Tribune Company in order to gain from the sale of Wrigley Field.
  • #1
Homework Helper
CBS/AP said:
Dec 9, 2008 9:14 am US/Central
Gov. Rod Blagojevich Arrested On Federal Charges
CHICAGO (CBS) ― Gov Rod. Blagojevich has been taken into federal custody, accused of putting Barack Obama's senate seate up to the highest bidder and attempting to shake down the Tribune Co. on the sale of Wrigley Field.

An astonishing 76-page affidavit reveals that federal agents tapped the governor's conversations and caught him attempting to gain financially from the Senate appointment.

Authorities arrested the governor at his home Tuesday morning.

U.S. Attorney's office spokesman Randall Samborn says both Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris were arrested Tuesday.

According the a release from the U.S. Attorney's office, Blagojevich and Harris, were arrested today by FBI agents on federal corruption charges alleging that they and others are engaging in ongoing criminal activity: conspiring to obtain personal financial benefits for Blagojevich by leveraging his sole authority to appoint a United States Senator; threatening to withhold substantial state assistance to the Tribune Company in connection with the sale of Wrigley Field to induce the firing of Chicago Tribune editorial board members sharply critical of Blagojevich; and to obtain campaign contributions in exchange for official actions – both historically and now in a push before a new state ethics law takes effect January 1, 2009.

Blagojevich, 51, and Harris, 46, both of Chicago, were each charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery. They were charged in a two-count criminal complaint that was sworn out on Sunday and unsealed today following their arrests, which occurred without incident.

At various times, in exchange for the Senate appointment, Blagojevich discussed obtaining:

A substantial salary for himself at a either a non-profit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions.

Placing his wife on paid corporate boards where he speculated she might garner as much as $150,000 a year.

Promises of campaign funds – including cash up front.

A cabinet post or ambassadorship for himself.

The probe is part of Operation Board Games, a five-year-old public corruption investigation of pay-to-play schemes, including insider-dealing, influence-peddling and kickbacks involving private interests and public duties.

Federal agents today also executed search warrants at the offices of Friends of Blagojevich located at 4147 N. Ravenswood in Chicago.

The charges include historical allegations that Blagojevich and Harris schemed with others – including previously convicted defendants Antoin Rezko, Stuart Levine, Ali Ata and others – since becoming governor in 2002 to obtain and attempt to obtain financial benefits for himself, his family and third parties, including his campaign committee, Friends of Blagojevich, in exchange for appointments to state boards and commissions, state employment, state contracts and access to state funds. A portion of the affidavit recounts the testimony of various witnesses at Rezko's trial earlier this year.

Federal prosecutors have investigated Blagojevich's administration for at least three years. They've been looking at everything from how he hired people for state jobs to the actions of friends and contributors.

Blagojevich fundraiser Tony Rezko awaits sentencing on a federal corruption conviction in which he was charged with shaking down businesses wanting to do state work for campaign contributions.

The governor has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.
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  • #2
The governor has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing
Surely all this is part of the normal job description?
  • #3
mgb_phys said:
Surely all this is part of the normal job description?
In Illinois, apparently so.
  • #4
Anybody looked at the FBI affidavit? Reads better than an episode of HBO's The Wire. Apparently part of the deal he demanded was renaming the President-elect's title.

Gov. B. wire tap said:
...give this “mother****er [the President-elect] his
senator. **** him. For nothing? **** him.” ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will put
“[Senate Candidate 4]” in the Senate “before I just give ****ing [Senate Candidate 1] a
****ing Senate seat and I don’t get anything.”
  • #5
Heard on another group -
"We already have a special day for when a Chicago politician gets busted for corruption - it's called a tuesday"
  • #6
The additional allegations are appalling.

The world is on its end with Democrats acting like Republicans.

Apparently he tried to get editors fired at the Tribune in order for the Tribune to get some bond concessions for Wrigley Field. The Cubbies have troubles enough.
namely, the firing of certain Chicago Tribune editorial members responsible for widely-circulated editorials critical of ROD R. BLAGOJEVICH,
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  • #7
Wow. The career decisions of governor:

a belief that he will be able to obtain greater resources if he is indicted as a sitting Senator as opposed to a sitting governor, and a desire to remake his image in consideration of a possible run for President in 2016, avoid impeachment by the Illinois legislature, make corporate contacts that would be of value to him after leaving public office, facilitate his wife’s employment as a lobbyist, and assist in generating speaking fees should he decide to leave public office.
Having to consider whether it's better to be indicted as a governor or a senator, impeachment, and running for President in the same sentence?
  • #8
LowlyPion said:
The additional allegations are appalling.

The world is on its end with Democrats acting like Republicans...
I'd like to know LP, now that the world is on end, exactly how many Democrats have to get busted before it's the other way around. Cold Cash Jefferson was in the news again just last week.
  • #9
mheslep said:
I'd like to know LP, now that the world is on end, exactly how many Democrats have to get busted before it's the other way around. Cold Cash Jefferson was in the news again just last week.

The story is after all from CHICAGO. A town where democrats defined corruption for the rest of the world over the course of the last century.

Edit: Concerns Chicago
  • #10
mheslep said:
I'd like to know LP, now that the world is on end, exactly how many Democrats have to get busted before it's the other way around. Cold Cash Jefferson was in the news again just last week.

I'd say Democrats can still be working off the balance left in the Spiro Agnew account for a few more years still, before we'll need to be worrying about any reversal such as that.
  • #11
LowlyPion said:
I'd say Democrats can still be working off the balance left in the Spiro Agnew account for a few more years still, before we'll need to be worrying about any reversal such as that.

Jeffersons bribery totals almost equal Agnews.

'Da Mayer' was 5 levels above both of them in corruption.
  • #12
LowlyPion said:
I'd say Democrats can still be working off the balance left in the Spiro Agnew account for a few more years still, before we'll need to be worrying about any reversal such as that.
Ok, I'll call your Agnew with a Huey Long, and then go all in with every big city corruption scandal in the last many decades.
  • #13
"During the call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife can be heard in the
background telling ROD BLAGOJEVICH to tell Deputy Governor A “to hold up that
****ing Cubs s**t. . . **** them.”

She must be a white sox fan.
  • #14
mgb_phys said:
Heard on another group -
"We already have a special day for when a Chicago politician gets busted for corruption - it's called a tuesday"

mheslep said:
Ok, I'll call your Agnew with a Huey Long, and then go all in with every big city corruption scandal in the last many decades.

Louisiana understands how to handle corruption in government - practice, practice, practice!
  • #15
ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that he is “struggling”
financially and does “not want to be Governor for the next two years.”

I think that can be arranged
  • #16

Is he insane? I don't think so.

"It's about greed," said Don Rose, a longtime political strategist in Chicago. "He's got to be completely off his rocker to be talking like that at a time when he knows the feds are looking at him. ... He's out there like he's talking to his wife in bed."

He added: "I think this is beyond ordinary sanity. We're talking about something clinical here. This is beyond logic. It's beyond greed as we know it."
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  • #17
Blagojevich. That was already a hard name to spell.

It will be easier for the BOP. They'll just use his number.
  • #18
"He's out there like he's talking to his wife in bed."

Blagojevich said:
...give this “mother****er [the President-elect] his
senator. **** him. For nothing? **** him.” ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will put
“[Senate Candidate 4]” in the Senate “before I just give ****ing [Senate Candidate 1] a
****ing Senate seat and I don’t get anything.”

"During the call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife can be heard in the
background telling ROD BLAGOJEVICH to tell Deputy Governor A “to hold up that
****ing Cubs s**t. . . **** them.”

Charming couple. :rolleyes:

I'm glad I don't live in their house.
  • #19
LowlyPion said:
The additional allegations are appalling.

The world is on its end with Democrats acting like Republicans.

Maybe it has nothing to do with being a Democrat or a Republican. Maybe it has to do with being a politician.
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  • #20
BobG said:
Wow. The career decisions of governor:

Having to consider whether it's better to be indicted as a governor or a senator, impeachment, and running for President in the same sentence?
Is there some indication that Blagojevich is planning to appoint himself as US Senator in Obama's seat? I hope not.

I hope the Illinois legislature convenes ASAP, as in tomorrow, to begin impeachment proceedings. Ideally it would force Blagojevich to resign, but he may decide not to go down without a fight.
  • #21

Evo said:
Is he insane? I don't think so.

I'm not so sure. Having read some of the dialog, if they have those on tape, and it's really him, it's either sociopathic or just stupidity.

Segregating him from society would look like a good plan.
  • #22

LowlyPion said:
I'm not so sure. Having read some of the dialog, if they have those on tape, and it's really him, it's either sociopathic or just stupidity.

Segregating him from society would look like a good plan.

doesn't Rahm Emanuel talk like that, too?

i think people are painting him as insane as a way to distance themselves from him. lots of people talk like that, including the ones that want nothing to do with him at the moment.
  • #23
I think he's insanely greedy. I have to agree with LP that talking like that, knowing he's under investigation, indicates the guy is either delusionally cocky or a sandwich short of a picnic.
  • #24
Greed is what makes one try to sell a Senate seat. Arrogance is what makes him keep trying to sell it when he knows he's under investigation. One thing about [many] politicians is their level of arrogance is so extrordinarily high, they think they are untouchable. It's a character flaw, definitely, but he's not crazy.
  • #25

Proton Soup said:
doesn't Rahm Emanuel talk like that, too?

i think people are painting him as insane as a way to distance themselves from him. lots of people talk like that, including the ones that want nothing to do with him at the moment.

Quite frankly it's not his words and the locker room vernacular, it's the ideas behind his words. The fact that he would have the blind hubris to consider that the Senate appointment was his to cash in, or that he would seek retribution against editorial comment by holding up bonds, or the almost insane idea that he could consider running for President. These are simply preposterous.

Now I realize that Sarah Palin has set an exceedingly low threshold for considering national office. But to be planning a defense against his own impeachment with one breath and at the same moment even articulate any notion that he had viable options for the Presidency on the other, puts him right up there with any of a long list of crooks lapping from the public troughs..
  • #26
I don't usually recommend people use wikipaedia as a reference, but...
The Daily Show appearance

In early February 2006, Blagojevich appeared on The Daily Show to discuss his executive order that pharmacists must dispense any drugs for which a customer had a valid prescription, including birth control pills and Plan B. This controversial measure was being challenged on the show by state legislator Ron Stephens from Greenville. Blagojevich was interviewed by Jason Jones who repeatedly pretended to be unable to pronounce Blagojevich and simply called him "Governor Smith". This prompted Blagojevich to turn to the camera and ask "Is he teasing me or is that legit?" Two weeks after the interview, Blagojevich admitted that he was unaware of the nature of the show. Stephens said he knew beforehand that the show was a comedy show: "I thought the governor was hip enough that he would have known that, too."

Stephens later said, "With all due respect to the governor, he knew it was a comedy show. It's general knowledge for people under 90 years of age. It was when he came off looking so silly that he said he thought it was a regular news program. Even assuming he didn't know about it beforehand, we had to sign a release before the interview."

Does anyone else have a governor this interesting, er, I mean, a governor that does not have cable? Um. Ok. He probably had cable. But what the hell was he watching for the last 20 years? The Soprano's?
  • #27
They are planning to hold a special election.

accused of putting Barack Obama's senate seate up to the highest bidder

Must be a nice seat.
  • #28
Apparently not - the bids were pretty low.
  • #29
Astronuc said:
Is there some indication that Blagojevich is planning to appoint himself as US Senator in Obama's seat? I hope not.
I can't feed this hope. He implied that if he couldn't get a good price for it, he would take the job himself.
  • #30
Boy what a mess it would be if he appoints someone now.

He could for instance appoint his defense attorney as a way to pay his defense bill. That could be more than any $1.5M he might have gotten anyway, plus the guy might be able to tie it up in the courts until the term expires, or they would have to seat him in the Senate.
  • #31
Astronuc said:
"He's out there like he's talking to his wife in bed."

Originally Posted by Blagojevich
...give this “mother****er [the President-elect] his
senator. **** him. For nothing? **** him.” ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will put
“[Senate Candidate 4]” in the Senate “before I just give ****ing [Senate Candidate 1] a
****ing Senate seat and I don’t get anything.”

"During the call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife can be heard in the
background telling ROD BLAGOJEVICH to tell Deputy Governor A “to hold up that
****ing Cubs s**t. . . **** them.”
Charming couple. :rolleyes:

I'm glad I don't live in their house.

Do they have kids? It must be incredibly traumatic for them to hear their parents having sex.
  • #32
LowlyPion said:
Boy what a mess it would be if he appoints someone now.

He could for instance appoint his defense attorney as a way to pay his defense bill. That could be more than any $1.5M he might have gotten anyway, plus the guy might be able to tie it up in the courts until the term expires, or they would have to seat him in the Senate.

Geez, that must be the least desired seat in the history of the Senate. Is there any legitimate politician that would dare take an appointment to that seat, now?
  • #33
BobG said:
Geez, that must be the least desired seat in the history of the Senate. Is there any legitimate politician that would dare take an appointment to that seat, now?
Probably not while Blagojevich is governor.

Can Obama Escape the Taint of Blagojevich?

Blagojevich Arrest Fits Tradition in Illinois, Land of the Plea

Analysis: Scandal threatens to dog Obama

and presumably the scandal would dog any democratic appointment. Maybe Blago could appoint a republican. :biggrin:
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  • #34
Alot of news sources are claiming this scandal wil lgive Obama enemies an opportunity to criticize Obama. I haven't heard anyone (politician) try to lay any sort of link to Obama.

Blags been a dirt dog for years. The Chicago Tribune has been all over him a year after he took office. Did you see how he tried to take back the money from the children's hospital?

A real scumsucker.
  • #35
Blago may have just felt compelled to follow tradition. Four of the last eight Illinois governors:
40 Blago - Indicted
39 George Ryan - Currently in jail
36 Daniel Walker. Convicted on S&L deals in 87. Requested pardon from Clinton in '01, not granted.
33 Otto Kerner. Convicted 17 counts bribery, conspiracy, perjury.

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