Imaginary Girlfriends: Am I a Freak or Not?

  • Thread starter motai
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In summary, Warren admits that he has an imaginary girlfriend and that it helps him deal with emotional issues. He suggests that people not substitute an imaginary girlfriend for a real one and that it may take time for him to find a quality girlfriend.
  • #36
Paragon said:

Wow! Does the word "desperate" jump into anyone's mind with that link? Just wait until the real girlfriend finds that stash of loveletters, and you have to explain who this girlfriend was you never told her about! :eek: Can you pay a premium and get the imaginary psychotic stalker of an ex-girlfriend? I hear those can really spice up your life.
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  • #37
motai said:
Alright.. I admit it. I have an imaginary girlfriend. :bugeye:

Oops, dude, I swear I didn't know she was spoken for. o:)
  • #38
It's a normal part of growing up. No, if you fall madly in love with her ... you have a problem. But thinking about a girl that you would like and she would like you too, and you enjoy some things together is alright. It's fantasy. [/QUOTE]

Oh its only so much a problem when you attach that fantasy to a real person. Then it all goes to ****.

To Motai:

I know the feeling. It sucks. but that's life. Solution: Spend your time building your own beowulf cluster. Who needs women when you can compute in parallel?
  • #39
Is that really a normal part of growing up? I didn't even want a girlfriend until the latter half of high school. I must have had 90% of my middle school and freshman/sophomore class ask me out at some point or another, and I said no to every last one of them (you'd think they'd give up at some point). What the hell made an anti-social misfit so attractive is beyond me.

Anyway, I do have my imaginary mistress, who keeps me company when the real girls aren't enough:

In my world, Jennifer Connelly never says no.
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  • #40
loseyourname said:
What the hell made an anti-social misfit so attractive is beyond me.
It's becaused they sensed you had no interest whatever in them. This is a strange dynamic, but it crops up alot. Maybe it boils down to people becoming inwardly alarmed that there's something they can't have, I'm not sure.
  • #41
Moonbear said:
Wow! Does the word "desperate" jump into anyone's mind with that link? Just wait until the real girlfriend finds that stash of loveletters, and you have to explain who this girlfriend was you never told her about! :eek:
How would you even deal with a situation like that? Would you tell her that you still love your ex, or do you tell her you're weirdo who makes up girlfriends?

That movie Fight Club had an interesting idea. Instead of imagining what you want from other people, imagine what you want from yourself. Don't try to act like that person; actually become that person. Just draw the line at changing your name and getting a fake SS/SI number :-p
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  • #42
why don't you buy yourself a doll (life size), you know to do some stuff... :smile:
  • #43
Being an Imaginary Girlfriend can be a lot of fun and can earn you money too! You can be an Imaginary Girlfriend for several clients at once and have unlimited earning potential. We allow you to set your own prices for your services and benefit from our generous profit sharing program. You can earn $30 to $100 per Imaginary Relationship!

hey... i was looking for a summer job!
mum and dad: You need a job! you can't sit around all summer, doing nothing. and if you want to go out and buy new clothes... you've got to pay for it yourself! you need to learn some responsibilty you can't just expect to get by on your wits, charm, and good looks. you need to go...
me: HEY! i have a job!
them: huh?
me: ya, i just send boys my picture, and then write them nice letters, and i pretend to be their girlfriend. then they send me money.
them: *speachless*

that'd be awesome. you have to be 18 though... god... what don't you have to be 18 for... well at any rate, if you're still looking for an imaginary girlfriend to show off to your buddies fellas, in october... let me know :wink:
  • #44
Try anyway. How are they actually going to check if you're not 18?
Also learn photoshop. That way you can put fake tatoos on your pictures :biggrin:
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  • #45
zoobyshoe said:
It's becaused they sensed you had no interest whatever in them. This is a strange dynamic, but it crops up alot. Maybe it boils down to people becoming inwardly alarmed that there's something they can't have, I'm not sure.

There is that. People always want what they can't have.
  • #46
Evo said:
When I was younger there weren't that many great guys to date, so I would think about the type of guy I would love to meet and think about what we do and where we would go. It was my relaxing before bedtime ritual

Yeah, that is more along the lines of what I was experiencing. It wasn't an actual full-out "imaginary girlfriend" like Paragon's link *shudders*. Its not like I write love letters to a ficticious entity, it is more or less just a random passive thought (am I thinking about loving an imaginary girlfriend right this second? no. Actually I might as well ditch the concept of one and find a real one, haven't thought about "her" recently :-p)

I guess I should have titled this thread "Fantasy girlfriends" but "imaginary girlfriends" implies

girlfriend * [tex]\sqrt{-1}[/tex] :biggrin: :biggrin:

Astronuc said:
I second that.

In fact, Motai, you have my permission to date my daughter any time.

:redface: :blushing: :redface:
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  • #47
loseyourname said:
In my world, Jennifer Connelly never says no.
You and me both!

Ever since I've seen 'Labyrinth' I've had a thing for Jennifer Connelly. My favorite part are the fieries...
"Where you goin' with a head like that?"
"Hey lady, it's against the rules to take off other people's heads."
"Yeah, you're only aloud to take off your own head."
"I know, let's take off her head."

Please nobody see Diana in the Imaginary Girlfriends website
Please nobody see Diana in the Imaginary Girlfriends website
  • #48
motai said:
Its not like I write love letters to a ficticious entity

Telling friends that you're sleeping with your imaginary girl isn't any better :wink:

At least none of those sessions ends with her saying "don't worry it happens sometimes" while you put your head in your hands and cry in the corner. :smile:
  • #49
Re: website
Moonbear said:
Wow! Does the word "desperate" jump into anyone's mind with that link?
Like Russ mentioned, "Disturbing" is what jumps to mind. :rolleyes: Actually, the more I think about it - "Depraved" comes to mind.

me said:
Motai, based on my experience in high school, there must be girls in your classes. Just start talking to them, but go beyond math and science, e.g. your taste in music, art, . . . whatever.
I just found your post that says that you graduated HS, so I don't know if you are still taking classes. Don't waste any time - just start talking to the girls in your class or commencement.

I found out a few years ago that a very nice girl had a crush on me back in high school. She still remembered me after 25+ years. I always figured she had plenty of guys chasing her, but apparently she was hoping I would have asked her out.

She did approach me one time in the library. She came up behind me and leaned over me with her chest on top of my forehead (this sounds bawdy, but she had a full figure :blushing: ). I guess that was supposed to give me a hint. She asked me to look after he purse while she went to do something. I guess she didn't realize she needed to take a sledgehammer and hit me upside the head. Arrggghhh!

So, don't miss an opportunity.
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  • #50
Huckleberry said:
Ever since I've seen 'Labyrinth' I've had a thing for Jennifer Connelly. My favorite part are the fieries...
"Where you goin' with a head like that?"
"Hey lady, it's against the rules to take off other people's heads."
"Yeah, you're only aloud to take off your own head."
"I know, let's take off her head."
"Hey, her head don't come off!"
"Of course it doesn't!"
I love that film too. I don't have a thing for Jennifer Connelly though. I fancy Ludo :biggrin:
  • #51
Astronuc said:
I guess she didn't realize she needed to take a sledgehammer and hit me upside the head. Arrggghhh!
I don't think it gets any more obvious than that. I've had whole relationships that never went that far. :biggrin:

icvotria said:
I love that film too. I don't have a thing for Jennifer Connelly though. I fancy Ludo
Well, you don't know what I'm missing. I can understand the fascination with Ludo. He is a sexy beast.
  • #52
Astronuc said:
Re: website
Like Russ mentioned, "Disturbing" is what jumps to mind. :rolleyes: Actually, the more I think about it - "Depraved" comes to mind.
Well, the next word I had was "pathetic". But after that, "intriguing"...
  • #53
russ_watters said:
But after that, "intriguing"...
OK, Russ, you're starting to worry me. :wink: As long as "possibility" does not follow.

Besides, I thought you had a thing for Ann Coulter. :biggrin:
  • #54
This whole thread is worrying me. Imaginary girlfriends on the net?? What ever next.

Imagining who you want is a part of most people's growing up. In that sense, imaginary is fine

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #55
Astronuc said:
Besides, I thought you had a thing for Ann Coulter. :biggrin:
You mean this Ann Coulter?
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  • #56
Evo said:
When I was younger there weren't that many great guys to date, so I would think about the type of guy I would love to meet and think about what we do and where we would go. It was my relaxing before bedtime ritual, and would become my dream when I fell asleep. This is how I became proficient in directed dreamming.

Everynight before going to bed I would think about what I would dream about that night and make it happen. If the dream starts to go into a direction I don't like, I rewind and start over from the point I want to change and make it better.

This has me a little bit puzzled. You say there weren't many then? What about now? My thinking tells me that, of those your age or older, all that are here now were also here then. So do you have a preference for those who are younger?

  • #57
Kenneth Mann said:
This has me a little bit puzzled. You say there weren't many then? What about now?
When I was younger there was no internet, you were pretty much confined to meeting people within a small radius of where you lived. The picking was very slim. :frown:

My thinking tells me that, of those your age or older, all that are here now were also here then.
I live in a different part of the country now, it's worse.

So do you have a preference for those who are younger?

It seems I've always met younger men, but I'm not opposed to someone my age. I probably should stick to men my age, but most are carrying so much emotional baggage from prior relationships that they just aren't worth the trouble.

Where are the emotionally secure men, with a brain, yet are just nuts enough to want me? I don't believe there any. :frown:
  • #58
I've got a perfect man for you, Evo. He lives in Manhattan and is the former CFO of a kidney research center that is now on permanent disability because of a lifelong battle with Krohn's disease that has only recently begun to find proper treatment. Worry not. The disease is not terminal and he is fully functional. In fact, he no longer suffers from disease symptoms; his only troubles now are related to the malnourishment he suffered growing up due to the disease. He is a lively man that cooks well, loves going to fine restaurants, enjoys cinema and sports, and reads a great deal, recently about medieval history. He drives a pretty fast sports car and is publishing a novel based loosely on his experiences growing up in Brooklyn. I believe he is 55 or so, divorced for a little over 10 years, and has one daughter, a girl I used to date that is a very good friend of mine.

Unfortunately, he's taken at the moment, but if he stops seeing the woman he is seeing right now, maybe you'll have an in. I think you'd like this guy.
  • #59
loseyourname said:
I've got a perfect man for you, Evo.
:cry: Story of my life. They're either already taken or insane. :frown:

Thanks for rubbing in the fact that yet another great guy is unavailable. (kidding :smile: )

I've also missed out on some great guys because I am rather clueless and unless they come straight out and say "I'd like to get to know you", I assume they are just being friendly/nice to me, but aren't interested in me personally. I'm actually too afraid of looking foolish and asking them if they'd like to get to know me better. Then years later after it's too late I find out that they were interested. :frown:
  • #60
I have no imaginary boyfriend but when someone propose a marriage,I find one. His picture comes to my mind and I compare him with that guy :confused: He is so jealous. :cool:
My imaginary boyfriend :
1.never cares about women too much 2.has an interesting so clever(maybe a genius) humorist(somehow sarcastic),so ambitious,wise and open-minded so practical and knowledgeable about everything
6.loves me because of my personality not appearance
7.when we're walking together,nobody points at us"hey beauty &beast.I'm sure she is unfaithful to him"(I'm afraid but most of wonderful peole are ugly)
enough of that,because I think I can never find him in this world.and if I do,he's not interested in girls.

So I think having an imaginary girlfriend/boyfriend could be dangerous if you look for him in this world or compare your real one with her/him! :cry:
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  • #61
My bf name is Xeon! :blushing:
  • #62
I have a question : Let's take an imaginary strategy : I push the rumour forward I'm very rich... Will I see a lot of "interested" people coming around ??
  • #63
kleinwolf said:
I have a question : Let's take an imaginary strategy : I push the rumour forward I'm very rich... Will I see a lot of "interested" people coming around ??
Sure, as long as your rumor can keep its internal secret :wink:

Tell me if you have nothing, who's going to be your friends ? Those people suc!ks, take care of your blood! :wink:
  • #64
Yes...especially a lot of gals went mad when they discovered the truth...spending so much time in trying to find it to discover nothing, it should be very frustrating :-)

That's why you should always have several accounts, in case of one is being order to save your skin.
  • #65
I am faithful, and that is why I stay with one account only.
Who cares about a poor ugly man like me anyway ?
  • #66
Yes...I'm poor too but I let that rumour around and I met some of those moneysuckers...Since I had not so much, it took only a few moments to discover the stupid trap... now, she already found a millionaire...This is very funny.
  • #67
kleinwolf said:
Yes...I'm poor too but I let that rumour around and I met some of those moneysuckers...Since I had not so much, it took only a few moments to discover the stupid trap... now, she already found a millionaire...This is very funny.
That millionaire should be an idiot! :wink:
  • #68
Maybe, but I think she has quite good methods of persuasion to get what she wants...of course if there is nothing then it's more difficult :-)
  • #69
kleinwolf said:
Maybe, but I think she has quite good methods of persuasion to get what she wants...of course if there is nothing then it's more difficult :-)
My lady (or lady-like ) :wink:
True, ladies all have special skills of persuasion, their charms, tone of speech, their gentle/charming touch, etc :wink: are their powerful things.

My experience tells me never to stay around when she cries/ is going to cry.
  • #70
Yes, they especially know all the tricks to get to the purse (anykind of course)...and then suddenly they disappear.

Do they become dangerous when they cry ??