Solving Initial Value ODE: x^2y''+xy'+y=0

In summary, the initial value problem is solved by assuming a solution in the form of y=x^m and solving for m. The solutions obtained are y1=xi and y2=x-i, with a general solution of y=C1xi+C2x-i. The ln(x) term comes from the conversion of the equation to a constant coefficient form using the change of variable t=ln(x). The solution can also be written in the form of y=C1e^i(ln(x))+C2e^-i(ln(x)).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Solve the initial value problem:

x^{2}{y}'' + x{y}' + y = 0, x>0, y(1)=1, {y}'=2

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

x^{2}(m(m-1)x^{m-2})+xmx^{m-1} + x^{m}

x^{2}(m(m-1)x^{m-2})+xmx^{m-1} + x^{m}

x^{m}(m(m-1) + m + 1)

m = \pm i

This is the way i was doing it:
C_1 e^{it} + C_2 e^{-it}

C_1(cos(t) + i sin(t)) + C_2(cos(t) - i sin(t))

The solution shows:
C_1 x^{i} + C_2 x^{-i}
C_1(cos(ln(x)) + i sin(ln(x))) + C_2(cos(ln(x)) - i sin(ln(x)))

With the initial conditions indicate that the solution is correct. Yet the textbook shows the form to be:


Y(x) = C_1 e^{r_1 x} + C_2 e^{r_2 x}




Y(x) = C_1 x^{r_1} + C_2 x^{r_2}

And if the second form is correct, I have not found an Euler identity that supports the step.
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  • #2
freezer said:

Homework Statement

Solve the initial value problem:

x^{2}{y}'' + x{y}' + y = 0, x>0, y(1)=1, {y}'=2

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

x^{2}(m(m-1)x^{m-2})+xmx^{m-1} + x^{m}

x^{2}(m(m-1)x^{m-2})+xmx^{m-1} + x^{m}

x^{m}(m(m-1) + m + 1)

m = \pm i

This is the way i was doing it:
C_1 e^{it} + C_2 e^{-it}
Your assumption was that y = xm was a solution. Using that assumption, you solved for m and got ±i.
freezer said:
C_1(cos(t) + i sin(t)) + C_2(cos(t) - i sin(t))
[/tex]The solution shows:
C_1 x^{i} + C_2 x^{-i}
C_1(cos(ln(x)) + i sin(ln(x))) + C_2(cos(ln(x)) - i sin(ln(x)))
[/tex]With the initial conditions indicate that the solution is correct. Yet the textbook shows the form to be:


Y(x) = C_1 e^{r_1 x} + C_2 e^{r_2 x}




Y(x) = C_1 x^{r_1} + C_2 x^{r_2}

And if the second form is correct, I have not found an Euler identity that supports the step.

I'm confused. You say that
freezer said:
The solution shows:
[tex]C_1 x^{i} + C_2 x^{-i}[/tex]
[tex]C_1(cos(ln(x)) + i sin(ln(x))) + C_2(cos(ln(x)) - i sin(ln(x)))[/tex]

and then you say
freezer said:
Yet the textbook shows the form to be:

[tex]Y(x) = C_1 e^{r_1 x} + C_2 e^{r_2 x}[/tex]

Which of these does your book show as the solution?

If the solution you found (i.e., y = c1xi + c2x-i) satisfies the differential equation, then it is the general solution. From the initial conditions you can find the constants c1 and c2.
  • #3
You have the correct solution. From your findings of two linearly independent solutions
[tex]y_1(x)=\exp(\mathrm{i} \ln x), \quad y_2(x)=\exp(-\mathrm{i} \ln x).[/tex]
The general solution is given by
[tex]y(x)=C_1 y_1(x) + C_2 y_2(x).[/tex]
You can also choose any other two linearly independent solutions, e.g.,
[tex]\tilde{y}_1(x)=\frac{1}{2} [y_1(x)+y_2(x)]=\cos(\ln x), \quad \tilde{y}_1(x) = \frac{1}{2 \mathrm{i}} [y_1(x)+y_2(x)]=\sin(\ln x).[/tex]
The general solution is again given by all linear combinations of these two functions.
  • #4
Okay, where does the ln x come from?
  • #5
Mark44 said:
Your assumption was that y = xm was a solution. Using that assumption, you solved for m and got ±i.

I'm confused. You say that

and then you say

Which of these does your book show as the solution?

If the solution you found (i.e., y = c1xi + c2x-i) satisfies the differential equation, then it is the general solution. From the initial conditions you can find the constants c1 and c2.

The textbook shows in the examples the e^{rt} while the solution to this problem shows x^r and there is nothing in the text of the chapter that shows this process. I was able to take cos(ln(x) + i sin(ln(x) back to x^i in wolfram but not sure what i am missing where the ln(x) is coming from and the identity for the x^i.
  • #6
freezer said:
The textbook shows in the examples the e^{rt} while the solution to this problem shows x^r and there is nothing in the text of the chapter that shows this process. I was able to take cos(ln(x) + i sin(ln(x) back to x^i in wolfram but not sure what i am missing where the ln(x) is coming from and the identity for the x^i.

xm = (eln(x))m = em*ln(x). This holds as long as x > 0.
  • #7
Mark44 said:
xm = (eln(x))m = em*ln(x). This holds as long as x > 0.

Sure e^{ln(x)} = x, but where did the ln(x) come from. I have went through the chapters in the book and I have not found a single theorem or example that shows this.

The examples from the chapter show that when you get your zeros, you use e^{rt). In this case in place of t they used ln(x). I just don't see where the ln(x) came from or what basis this was done with this problem.

Even over at Pauls notes does not show this:
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  • #8
Perhaps your text or teacher has talked about how the equation ##ax^2y''+bxy' + cy = 0## can be converted to a similar constant coefficent equation ##a\ddot y + b\dot y + cy = 0## by the change of variable ##t=\ln x##. Then you solve the second equation for y as a function of ##t## with your usual ##e^{rt}## method. Once you have that solution you put ##t=\ln x## in and presto, you have the solution to the original problem. The method you describe sounds like that is what they are doing.
  • #9
freezer said:

Homework Statement

Solve the initial value problem:

x^{2}{y}'' + x{y}' + y = 0, x>0, y(1)=1, {y}'=2

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

m = \pm i

This is the way i was doing it:
C_1 e^{it} + C_2 e^{-it}

You did not specify what t is. y is function of x. You assumed the solutions in form [tex]y=x^m [/tex] and you got

m = \pm i

The solutions are y1=xi and y2=x-i, the general solution is y=C1xi+C2x-i.


With that, you can write the solution also in the form
y=C_1 e^{i\ln(x)}+ C_2 e^{-i\ln(x)}
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  • #10
LCKurtz said:
Perhaps your text or teacher has talked about how the equation ##ax^2y''+bxy' + cy = 0## can be converted to a similar constant coefficent equation ##a\ddot y + b\dot y + cy = 0## by the change of variable ##t=\ln x##. Then you solve the second equation for y as a function of ##t## with your usual ##e^{rt}## method. Once you have that solution you put ##t=\ln x## in and presto, you have the solution to the original problem. The method you describe sounds like that is what they are doing.

I noticed a typo after it was too late to edit. The equation ##a\ddot y + b\dot y + cy = 0## should have been ##A\ddot y + B\dot y + Cy = 0##. The transformed equation has different constants than the original.

FAQ: Solving Initial Value ODE: x^2y''+xy'+y=0

1. What is an initial value ODE?

An initial value ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a mathematical equation that involves a function and its derivatives, where the value of the function and its derivative(s) at a specific point (known as the initial value) are given. The goal is to find a solution to the equation that satisfies the initial value.

2. How do you solve an initial value ODE?

To solve an initial value ODE, you can use various methods such as separation of variables, integrating factors, or substitution. These methods involve manipulating the equation to isolate the dependent variable and then integrating both sides to find the general solution. The initial value is then used to find the specific solution that satisfies the given conditions.

3. What is the role of the x^2 term in x^2y''+xy'+y=0?

The x^2 term in the initial value ODE represents the second derivative of the function y. It is important because it affects the overall behavior of the solution and can determine whether the solution is exponential, oscillating, or decaying. It also plays a role in determining the type of differential equation that needs to be solved.

4. Can you solve an initial value ODE without using calculus?

No, calculus is necessary to solve an initial value ODE. The process of finding the general solution and using the initial value to find the specific solution involves integration, which is a fundamental concept in calculus.

5. What are some real-world applications of solving initial value ODEs?

Initial value ODEs are used in various fields of science and engineering to model and predict the behavior of physical systems. Some examples include predicting the growth of populations, analyzing the motion of objects, and determining the concentration of substances in chemical reactions. They are also used in economics, biology, and other disciplines to make predictions and inform decision-making processes.
