Convergent or Divergent: Integral of Square Root of t Times Exponential Function

  • Thread starter Justabeginner
  • Start date
In summary: Also, you have $$\int_1^\infty te^{-t}\, dt < \int_1^\infty e^{-t}\, dt$$because ##t \ge 1##, but you need to be able to justify that.In summary, the given integral can be compared to the integral of te^(-t) over the interval of 1 to infinity. Since t is always greater than or equal to 1, the integral of te^(-t) is always greater than the integral of e^(-t). Therefore, if the integral of te^(-t) converges, the given integral also converges.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Does the following integral converge or diverge?
[itex] \int_{0}^{∞} √t * e^{-t}\, dt [/itex]
Exponential function is not under the square root symbol.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Using the ratio test, I have:

sqrt(t+1)* e^(-{t+1})/[sqrt(t)* e^(-t)] = lim t-> ∞ sqrt(t+1)/(e*sqrt(t)) = 0
0 < 1
Therefore, I think the series is absolutely convergent.
Is this correct, and is the logic and method I used correct? Thank you!
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  • #2
The ratio test is for series, not for integrals. How can you use it here?
  • #3
That was a stupid mistake. I shall redo the problem using the integral test:

v= sqrt(t)
t= v^2
dt= 2v dv
1/2 ∫v*e^(-v^2) dv since u=-v^2 and 0 and ∞ are limits
1/2 ∫v*e^(-v^2) dv with 0 and z being limits of integration
lim z-> ∞ \left.\frac{-1}{2}*e^(-v^2)\right|_0^z = lim z-> ∞ (1/2 - 1/2*e^(-z^2))= 1/2

Therefore, if this integral converges, series also converges by the Integral Test.

Is this logic accurate? Thanks.
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  • #4
If I understand your intent correctly, you want to reduce the analysis of the integral's convergence to a series' convergence, and you do that via the integral test.

That is an acceptable strategy. But I do not understand at all what you do. I see that you have a substitution, but I do not see how that is related to the integral test. The integral test has a requirement for the integrand, and I would expect that you start by checking that requirement.
  • #5
e^(-t) is not the natural log function. e^x is the exponential function.
  • #6
Justabeginner said:

Homework Statement

Does the following integral converge or diverge?
[itex] \int_{0}^{∞} √t * e^{-t}\, dt [/itex]
Exponential function is not under the square root symbol.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Using the ratio test, I have:

sqrt(t+1)* e^(-{t+1})/[sqrt(t)* e^(-t)] = lim t-> ∞ sqrt(t+1)/(e*sqrt(t)) = 0
0 < 1
Therefore, I think the series is absolutely convergent.
Is this correct, and is the logic and method I used correct? Thank you!

Hint: On ##[1,\infty)## how do ##\sqrt t## and ##t## compare?
  • #7
Thank you SteamKing. I've edited that.

And I thought the integral test involves picking out a known function, determining convergence for that series, and then comparing the two series?
  • #8
The integral test establishes a link between the convergence of an integral and the convergence of a series. There are no "two" series.
  • #9
LCKurtz said:
Hint: On ##[1,\infty)## how do ##\sqrt t## and ##t## compare?

sqrt(t) < t ?
  • #10
LCKurtz said:
Hint: On ##[1,\infty)## how do ##\sqrt t## and ##t## compare?

Justabeginner said:
sqrt(t) < t ?

Right. Do you see how to make a comparison using that fact and making an easier integral to work?
  • #11
Yes. So an integral test is essentially a comparison test but for integrals. In this case, I would be able to use the comparison between sqrt(t) and t? I didn't know that-I presumed that I had to use something involving e.
  • #12
Justabeginner said:
Yes. So an integral test is essentially a comparison test but for integrals.

The integral test is a test for series, involving integrals. It can also be used as a test for integrals involving series. It is not a comparison test.
  • #13
Think about what happens if you replace the ##\sqrt t## in the integral with ##t##. You can't ignore the exponential. And you need to say something about the different interval.
  • #14
I thought the sqrt(t) just minimizes the function (decreases values)? So the exponential wouldn't matter either way?
  • #15
Justabeginner said:
I thought the sqrt(t) just minimizes the function (decreases values)? So the exponential wouldn't matter either way?

Assuming nonnegative integrand, if you want to show convergence, you have to compare the integral you are given with a new integral that is greater and whose integral converges.
  • #16
So could I pick the new integral as t * e^t ? That gives me greater values, I think?
  • #17
That integral is wrong (does not converge- increases without bound, I think). Can I try this one?

(t) e^(-t)
And the limits of integration should be 1 to infinity, I think? That way, the first integral will be <= the second integral.
  • #18
Yes, that will work.
  • #19
You have a couple of details left. Your original was$$
\int_0^\infty \sqrt t e^{-t}\, dt$$You can't compare it directly with $$
\int_1^\infty te^{-t}\, dt$$because they aren't over the same interval. You have to address that, even if it is easy.

FAQ: Convergent or Divergent: Integral of Square Root of t Times Exponential Function

1. What is the difference between convergence and divergence in integrals?

In integrals, convergence refers to the behavior of the function as the limit of the integration bounds approaches infinity. If the function approaches a finite value, the integral is said to converge. Divergence, on the other hand, occurs when the function approaches infinity or negative infinity, making the integral undefined.

2. How do you determine if an integral converges or diverges?

To determine if an integral converges or diverges, you can use various tests such as the comparison test, the limit comparison test, or the ratio test. These tests involve comparing the given integral to a known integral with known convergence or divergence properties.

3. What does it mean if an integral converges absolutely?

If an integral converges absolutely, it means that the integral converges and the absolute value of the function also converges. This is important because it guarantees that the integral will have a definite value, regardless of how the function behaves at different points.

4. Can an integral converge conditionally but not absolutely?

Yes, it is possible for an integral to converge conditionally but not absolutely. This means that the integral converges, but the absolute value of the function does not converge. In this case, the integral may still have a definite value, but it may be sensitive to small changes in the function or integration bounds.

5. How does the type of singularity affect the convergence or divergence of an integral?

The type of singularity, or point of discontinuity, can affect the convergence or divergence of an integral. For example, if the function has a removable singularity, the integral may still converge. However, if the function has an essential singularity, the integral may diverge. It is important to consider the type of singularity when determining the convergence or divergence of an integral.

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