Integral with initial conditions

I have corrected the summary to include all the relevant equations and correct explanations. In summary, the conversation discusses solving a physics problem involving a body moving in a circular path with constant velocity and determining the displacement of the body at a given time. The relevant equations and steps for solving the problem are provided, including the equations for velocity and acceleration, the final equation for displacement, and the process of solving the separable differential equation. The mistake made in the initial attempt is also addressed and corrected.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

$$\frac{dy}{dx}=f(x)~\rightarrow~dy=f(x)dx~\rightarrow~y=\int f(x)dx$$

The Attempt at a Solution

$$-\frac{mgR}{s^2}=mv\left( \frac{dv}{ds} \right)\rightarrow~v^2=\frac{2gR}{s}+C$$
Not good
Physics news on
  • #2
The link to the image for the start of the question does not work for me.
Your very first equation looks dimensionally wrong. If s is a displacement then gR/s2 has dimension T-2.

Edit. On reloading the page the first link works, and I see that the incorrect equation is provided. It should be mgR2/s2.
Last edited:
  • #3
$$v=\frac{ds}{dt}=v_0\sqrt{2gR}\rightarrow~s=\int v_0\sqrt{2gR} \,dt$$
But that is a function of s, not t. nowhere there is t, nor in ##~a=v\frac{dv}{ds}## nor in ##~v=v_0\sqrt{2gR}##
  • #4
Karol said:
$$v=\frac{ds}{dt}=v_0\sqrt{2gR}\rightarrow~s=\int v_0\sqrt{2gR} \,dt$$
But that is a function of s, not t. nowhere there is t, nor in ##~a=v\frac{dv}{ds}## nor in ##~v=v_0\sqrt{2gR}##
I have no idea what you are doing there. v is not v0√(2gR). Where did that come from?
  • #5
$$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} v^2=\frac{2gR^2}{s}+C \\ v_0(s=R)=\sqrt{2gR} \end{array} \right. \rightarrow~C=0$$
$$v^2=\frac{2gR^2}{s} \rightarrow~v=R\sqrt{\frac{2g}{s}}=v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}}$$
  • #6
Karol said:
$$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} v^2=\frac{2gR^2}{s}+C \\ v_0(s=R)=\sqrt{2gR} \end{array} \right. \rightarrow~C=0$$
$$v^2=\frac{2gR^2}{s} \rightarrow~v=R\sqrt{\frac{2g}{s}}=v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}}$$
  • #7
So now i return to my question in post #3:
Karol said:
But that is a function of s, not t. nowhere there is t, nor in ##~a=v\frac{dv}{ds}## nor in ##~v=v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}}##
  • #8
Karol said:
So now i return to my question in post #3:
  • #9
$$v=\frac{ds}{dt}=v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}}\rightarrow~s=\int v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}} \,dt$$
  • #10
Karol said:
$$v=\frac{ds}{dt}=v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}}\rightarrow~s=\int v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}} \,dt$$
It does not go anywhere. You have a separable differential equation, you can integral a function of s with respect to s. and a function of t with respect to t.
  • #11
$$s\sqrt{s}=v_0\sqrt{R}\cdot t \rightarrow~\sqrt{s^3}=v_0\sqrt{R}\cdot t$$
It isn't ##~\sqrt{s^3}=R^{3/2}[ 1+(3v_0t/2R) ]##
  • #12
Karol said:
$$s\sqrt{s}=v_0\sqrt{R}\cdot t \rightarrow~\sqrt{s^3}=v_0\sqrt{R}\cdot t$$
It isn't ##~\sqrt{s^3}=R^{3/2}[ 1+(3v_0t/2R) ]##
Did you forget how to integrate a power function? And you also omitted the integration constant.
  • #13
$$\frac{ds}{dt}=v_0\sqrt{\frac{R}{s}}\rightarrow~\int \sqrt{s}\,ds=\int v_0\sqrt{R}\,dt$$
$$\frac{2}{3}s^{3/2}=v_0\sqrt{R}\cdot t+C$$
$$\frac{2}{3}s^{3/2}=v_0\sqrt{R}\cdot t+\frac{2}{3}R^{3/2}$$
$$\rightarrow~~\sqrt{s^3}=R^{3/2}[ 1+(3v_0t/2R) ]$$
  • #14
Correct, at last.
  • #15
Thank you ehild and Haruspex

FAQ: Integral with initial conditions

What is an integral with initial conditions?

An integral with initial conditions is a mathematical concept used to find the value of a function at a specific point, given the function's rate of change and its initial value. It is used in various fields of science, such as physics, engineering, and economics.

How do you solve an integral with initial conditions?

To solve an integral with initial conditions, you first need to find the antiderivative of the function. Then, you can use the initial conditions to determine the value of the constant of integration. Finally, plug in the values to find the specific value of the function at the given point.

Why are initial conditions important in integrals?

Initial conditions are important in integrals because they provide additional information that is necessary to find the specific value of the function at a given point. Without initial conditions, the antiderivative would have an arbitrary constant, making it impossible to determine the exact value of the function.

What are some real-life applications of integrals with initial conditions?

Integrals with initial conditions have many real-life applications, such as determining the position of an object at a specific time in physics, finding the amount of medication in a patient's bloodstream over time in medicine, and calculating the future value of an investment in finance.

Are there any limitations to using integrals with initial conditions?

Yes, there are limitations to using integrals with initial conditions. They can only be used for functions that have a continuous rate of change and a defined initial value. Additionally, they may not always provide an accurate representation of real-life situations, as they assume a constant rate of change over time.
