What is the Fundamental Vector Product for Calculating Surface Area on a Sphere?

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding the surface area of a sphere using a coordinate system mapped onto the surface of the sphere. It is noted that the integral used to find the area is incorrect and that the correct approach involves finding the differential of area for a curved surface. The conversation also mentions the use of parametric equations and spherical coordinates to find the correct integral.
  • #1
I was trying my hand at integrals with 2 variables... So.. my first excercise was to find out the surface area of a sphere. So, the co-ordinate system is something like this:

i] The whole co-ordinate system is mapped on the surface of a sphere.
ii] The x-axis of the sphere is like the equator of the earth.
iii] The y-axis of the sphere is like the prime meredian of the earth.

So, for the area, I used:

A = \int^{2\pi r}_{0}dx\int^{2\pi r}_{0}dy

giving me the area:

A = 4 \pi^2 r^2

Which is ofcourse wrong.. because if i look from the first equation, it is more like I'm calculating the area of a square lamina having lengths [itex]2 \pi r[/itex] each.
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  • #2
rohanprabhu said:
Which is ofcourse wrong.. because if i look from the first equation, it is more like I'm calculating the area of a square lamina having lengths [itex]2 \pi r[/itex] each.
And that is exactly what you are doing. What you need to do, is figure out the equation of the projection of a sphere on the xy plane (imagine slicing a ball in half) and evaluate the double integral over that region (with correct limits).
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  • #3
rohanprabhu said:
I was trying my hand at integrals with 2 variables... So.. my first excercise was to find out the surface area of a sphere. So, the co-ordinate system is something like this:

i] The whole co-ordinate system is mapped on the surface of a sphere.
ii] The x-axis of the sphere is like the equator of the earth.
iii] The y-axis of the sphere is like the prime meredian of the earth.

So, for the area, I used:

A = \int^{2\pi r}_{0}dx\int^{2\pi r}_{0}dy

giving me the area:

A = 4 \pi^2 r^2

Which is ofcourse wrong.. because if i look from the first equation, it is more like I'm calculating the area of a square lamina having lengths [itex]2 \pi r[/itex] each.

The angle around the equator goes from 0 to 2pi. However, the polar angle goes from -pi/2 to pi/2 and even more important its differential is cosydy, not dy.
  • #4
In general, the integral
[tex]\int_a^b\int_c^d du dv[/tex]
is the area of a rectangle in uv-space, not the surface of a sphere. For a problem like that, it is not enough to know how to do multiple integrals. You also have to know how to find the "differential of area" for a curved surface. The differential of area is "du dv" only for u and v being orthogonal coordinates in a plane.
  • #5
mathman said:
The angle around the equator goes from 0 to 2pi. However, the polar angle goes from -pi/2 to pi/2 and even more important its differential is cosydy, not dy.

Thanks for replying. Can you please ellaborate on how the differential is cosy dy?
  • #6
Here's a way to do it.
Lets take this surface and break it down.
First we require a parametric equation for a sphere--> [tex]a^2=x^2+z^2+y^2[/tex]
a is the radius of the sphere.
We can then turn this into a vector equation representing the parametric surface
We can then take partial derivatives with respect to x and y.
Then take the cross products of x with y, then the magnitude.

[tex]\int\int|\vec{r}_x X\vec{r}_y|dxdy[/tex]
Change to polar for convenience.
  • #7
Or, since this is a sphere, start from spherical coordinates:
[tex]x= \rho cos(\theta) sin(\phi)[/tex]
[tex]y= \rho sin(\theta) cos(\phi)[/tex]
[tex]z= \rho cos(\phi)[/itex]

On the surface of the sphere of radius R, [itex]\rho= R[/itex] so we have
[tex]x= R cos(\theta) sin(\phi)[/tex]
[tex]y= R sin(\theta) cos(\phi)[/tex]
[tex]z= R cos(\phi)[/itex]
in terms of the two parameters [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex].

Now, [itex]\vec{r}= R cos(\theta)sin(\phi)\vec{i}+ Rsin(\theta)\sin(\phi)\vec{j}+ R cos(\phi)\vec{k}[/itex]

The cross product [itex]\left|\vec{r_\theta} \times \vec{r_\phi}\right|[/itex] is called the "fundamental vector product" of the surface and the "differential of surface area" is
[itex]\left|\vec{r_\theta} \times \vec{r_\phi}\right|d\theta d\phi[/itex]

FAQ: What is the Fundamental Vector Product for Calculating Surface Area on a Sphere?

1. What is the definition of integration with 2 variables?

Integration with 2 variables, also known as double integration, is a mathematical process of finding the area below a 3-dimensional surface using two variables. It involves calculating the integral of a function with respect to two variables, typically denoted as x and y.

2. What is the difference between single and double integration?

The main difference between single and double integration is the number of variables involved. In single integration, only one variable is present in the integral, while in double integration, two variables are present. This means that double integration is used to find the volume under a 3-dimensional surface, whereas single integration is used to find the area under a 2-dimensional curve.

3. What are the different methods for integrating with 2 variables?

There are three main methods for integrating with 2 variables: iterated integration, polar coordinates, and change of variables. Iterated integration involves integrating one variable at a time, treating the other as a constant. Polar coordinates use a different coordinate system to simplify the integral. Change of variables involves substituting one variable with a function of another to make the integral easier to solve.

4. What are the applications of integration with 2 variables?

Integration with 2 variables has various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used to find the volume of 3-dimensional objects, calculate the center of mass of an object, determine the moment of inertia of an object, and solve optimization problems, among others.

5. What are some common challenges when integrating with 2 variables?

One of the main challenges in integrating with 2 variables is setting up the correct integral. This requires a good understanding of the problem and the appropriate method to use. Another challenge is dealing with complex functions that may require advanced integration techniques, such as partial fractions or trigonometric substitutions. Additionally, keeping track of the limits of integration can also be a challenge when working with multiple variables.

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