Integral Calculus Bee: Antidifferentiating & Finding Primative Functions

In summary: I'm thinking these are the kind of integrals that you do for fun on your own time, and eventually you get good at them? Am I right?In summary, the conversation revolves around conducting an integration bee to compile a list of non-routine integrals and discuss how they are solved. Participants share various challenging integrals and discuss strategies for solving them, such as using substitution, partial fractions, and integration by parts. The conversation also touches on the idea of learning to solve these integrals through practice and intuition.
  • #1
And, yes, I mean what you think it means: antidifferentiating. Finding a primative. Whatever...

At my school, we're conducting an integration bee not unlike similar bees done elsewhere.

The purpose of this thread is two-fold:
1. To compile a list of non-routine integrals
2. To discuss how these integrals are done

Here is the list I came up with. Please add to the list. I'm not looking for 300 integrals no one at a community college can solve (and, yes, by "solve", I mean to antidifferentiate). They should stump a significant percentage of those who would get an A in Integral Calculus though not 100%.

A few of these are downright easy but they can stump the woefully inexperienced.

One or two of them are potentially very difficult if you're not clever enough.

1. Log[Sqrt[x]]/Sqrt[x]
2. Sin[Sqrt[x]]
3. (2^x)(Sqrt[1-4^x])
4. Log[Sqrt[x]]
5. Exp[x] Sin[x]
6. Exp[2 x]/Sqrt[Exp[x]+1]
7. 1/(Exp[x]+1)
8. 1/(2+Tan[x])
9. 1/(x^4 + 64)
10. Sqrt[Tan[x]]
11. 1/(1-(Sin[x])^2)
12. 1/(3+5Sin[x])
13. (1+x^2)^(-3)
14. (x^2)/(1+x^2)
15. (1+x)/Sqrt[-4+2x+x^2]
16. Log[(x+1)/(x-1)]/x^2
17. Cos[2x]/(8+Sin[2x]^2)
18. Sec[x]^2/Sqrt[1-4Tan[x]^2]
19. ArcTan[x]
20. Log[1+x]/x^2.

Thanks for your input!
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  • #2
What is the most difficult one according to you ?

i will solve it

  • #3
Most are standard textbooks problems.
  • #4
I would guess that #9 would stump the most people but I really have no idea.

You may find #10 and #2 fun as well.
  • #5
Those are nice, but the tricks don't really get fun until definite integration:

[tex] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} dx = \sqrt{\pi} [/tex]

[tex] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{sin(x)}{x} dx = \pi [/tex]

The first one is a fairly trivial change of variable trick, and the second is found by contour integration. In addition to having these down pat, an integrator champ should be able to pull all the tricks: differentiating under the integral sign, direct integration of differential eq corresponding to the function, etc.
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  • #6
9 is probably the most easy one

2 is easy with a good substitution and ten is nice

  • #7
I like these:

\int e^{ax} sin(bx)dx

\int e^{ax} cos(bx)dx

\int sec^n(x) dx

(n is odd and positive in the last one).

They all have one thing in common: when integrating by parts, you have to recognize that you eventually get the same integral you started with, and you have to add a multiple of it to both sides to finish the problem.
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  • #8
You think 9 is easier than 4, 5, 14, 15, and 19? Hmm... Is there an easy way to do #9 that I don't know about? What's the easy way to solve #9?
  • #9
9 is equal to

[tex]\int \frac{dx}{(x^2 + 8)^2 -16 x^2}[/tex]

then use a²-b² = (a-b)(a+b) in the denominator
then integration by partial fractions

  • #10
9 is easy because it is quite straightforeward this is the easiest way out

marlon, though i admit it requires some calculation
  • #11
Yeah that's how I'd do it but I wouldn't call factoring x^4+64 "easy." Sure, compared to the proof of FLT it's easy but... ;)
  • #12
how did you do 10 ?

  • #13
i got an answer by using the substitution t²=tanx and then apply partial fractions

  • #14
marlon said:
how did you do 10 ?


I'm no integral bee champion so this is probably not the best way to do it:

u=Tan[x] turns it into


Now let v=Sqrt to get
2v^2 / (1+v^4) which is integrable by partial fractions as the denominator splits into (v^2+Sqrt[2]v+1)(v^2-Sqrt[2]v+1).
  • #15
any other questions ?

  • #16
[tex] \int e^{tan x} \ dx =... ? [/tex]

[tex] \int \sqrt{\sin x} \ dx =... ? [/tex] Piece of cake for champions like Marlon
  • #18
The integral exp(tanx) is not that difficult, if i am right. Write the exp(tanx) as a series :
sum over n of ((tanx)^n)/n!

Now the integral sign and summation sign can be interchanged so what we really need to integrate is (tan(x))^n...

i suppose that by writing tan as sin/cos, you can construct a recursion relation. This relation can be constructed by integration by parts...

  • #19
holy... geez talk about scaring a Calc 1 student... I don't even know how to approach some of those integrals... geez. The only thing that comes close that I can solve is probably applying an arctangent rule to no. 9 from my knowledge, but as marlon said I probably have to review partial fractions.

  • #20
Marlon,the [itex]\int e^{\tan x} \ dx [/itex] admits an exact (nonseries) solution among special functions.

  • #21
dextercioby said:
Marlon,the [itex]\int e^{\tan x} \ dx [/itex] admits an exact (nonseries) solution among special functions.


Which is ?

  • #22
[tex] \int e^{\tan x} \ dx=\frac{1}{2}ie^{i}\func{Ei}\left( 1,-\tan x+i\right) -\frac{1}{2}ie^{-i}\func{Ei}\left( 1,-\tan x-i\right) +C[/tex]

  • #23
What a clear 'exact' solution ?? !

I really think my approach is more intuitive and you don't need them 'electronic backups'

  • #25
dextercioby said:
Then do it.


Well read the content of my posts... :rolleyes:

  • #26
It's so simple to talk,to give advice and not to calculate...:wink: I think that,regarding intuition,looking for this integral in G & R is simpler that computing a recursion formula...

  • #27
try to solve integral of x^3-2x^2+2x+3/(x^2+2x+2)^2
,, waiting for your answers guys ! have fun
  • #28
I'm taking my first integral Calc class, and thought I was getting pretty good. These things are nasty though. Thanks for teaching me some humility :approve:. I'm curious though how you learn to do these. I've looked ahead in my book, and I really don't think we're going to learn any methods in this class that suddenly make these integrals possible.

FAQ: Integral Calculus Bee: Antidifferentiating & Finding Primative Functions

1. What is integral calculus?

Integral calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with finding the area under a curve or the anti-derivative of a function. It is the reverse process of differential calculus, which deals with finding the rate of change of a function.

2. What is the purpose of an integral calculus bee?

The purpose of an integral calculus bee is to test the knowledge and skills of individuals in the area of antidifferentiating and finding primitive functions. It is a competition that challenges participants to solve complex integration problems within a specific time frame.

3. What is antidifferentiation?

Antidifferentiation, also known as integration, is the process of finding the original function when given its derivative. It is the inverse operation of differentiation, which is finding the derivative of a function.

4. How do you find primitive functions?

To find primitive functions, you must use the rules and techniques of integration to solve the given problem. This involves using integration by parts, substitution, and other methods to find the anti-derivative of the given function.

5. How can I improve my skills in antidifferentiation and finding primitive functions?

The best way to improve your skills in this area is to practice solving integration problems regularly. You can also seek help from a tutor or join a study group to learn different approaches and techniques for solving integration problems.

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