Introductory abstract algebra question (computing permutations)

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the product of two permutations, A and B, with specific notation. The process involves understanding the notation and how it changes numbers within the permutations. The steps to find the product include analyzing the cycles in each permutation and combining them to get the final result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let A, B be permutations and A = (1 3 5 10)(3 15 8)(4 14 11 7 12 9) and B = (1 14)(2 9 15 13 4)(3 10)(5 12 7)(8 11)
Find AB.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am struggling with finding the product of this permutations and can't quite get the algorithm or process of how to do these things. I've been reading at Dummit and Foote 1.3 on how they find the compute permutation products but I'm having difficulty understanding their algorithm. I think if I put all the subsets of the cycles that are disjoint all on one side (but I'm not clear on how to do this), it might make the problem easier. If one can help with this problem and list all the steps, this would be very very much appreciated.
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  • #2
How about just doing what it says? Do you understand what that notation means? That is what is important, not any algorithm!

B = (1 14)(2 9 15 13 4)(3 10)(5 12 7)(8 11)
means that B "changes" 1 into 14 and 14 into 1. B "changes" 2 into 9, 9 into 15, 15 into 13, 13 into 4, and 4 into 2. B "changes" 3 into 10 and 10 into 3. B "changes" 5 into 12, 12 into 7, and 7 into 5. Finally, B "changes" 8 into 11 and 11 into 8.

A = (1 3 5 10)(3 15 8)(4 14 11 7 12 9) should be interpreted in the same way.

Now, put them together. B, as I said before, changes 1 into 14. What does A do to 14? Looking at A I see "(4 14 11 7 12 9)" which tells me that A changes 14 into 11 and so AB changes 1 into 11. Okay, we will start with (1 11 ...). Now what happens to 11? B changes 11 into 8 and, from (3 15 8), A changes 8 into 3. So AB changes 11 into 3 and we have (1 11 3 ...). What about 3? B changes 3 into 10 and A changes 10 into 1:
AB changes 3 into 1 so AB contains (1 11 3). Since 2 is not in that sequence, note that B changes 2 into 9 and, from (4 14 11 7 12 9), A changes 9 into 4: AB changes 2 into 4 so, so far, A= (1 11 3)(2 4 ...

Can you continue from there?

FAQ: Introductory abstract algebra question (computing permutations)

1. What is abstract algebra?

Abstract algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and fields. It studies the properties and relationships of these structures, which can be applied to various areas of mathematics and other fields such as computer science and physics.

2. What is a permutation?

A permutation is a rearrangement of a set of objects. In abstract algebra, permutations are usually represented as functions that map a set to itself, where each element of the set appears exactly once in the output. Permutations are important in computing as they can be used to shuffle data or perform encryption and decryption.

3. How do you compute permutations?

To compute permutations, we use the concept of factorial. The number of permutations of a set with n elements is n!, which is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. For example, if we have 5 objects, there are 5! = 120 possible permutations.

4. What is the difference between a permutation and a combination?

A permutation is an arrangement of a set of objects where the order of the objects matters. A combination, on the other hand, is a selection of objects from a set where the order does not matter. For example, in a combination lock, the order of the numbers entered is not important, but in a permutation lock, the order is crucial.

5. How are permutations used in computing?

Permutations are used in many computing applications, such as data shuffling, encryption, and error-correcting codes. In cryptography, permutations are used to scramble data to make it unreadable without a specific key. In error-correcting codes, permutations are used to ensure that data can be retrieved accurately even in the presence of errors.

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