Special Relativity: Intuition & Quantities Explained

In summary, Dirac traveled at 0.91c to Alpha Centauri and back. His speed when he looked back at Earth was 0.91c, which is what he would have said if he only measured his speed in the Alpha Centauri frame of reference.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Special Relativity
Hi, I'm taking an introduction course to Special Relativity and encountered a fairly simple problem:

Dirac travels to alfa centauri, which is 4.37 lightyears away. He stays there one Earth year and then travels back, and when he comes back he has aged 5 years. At what speed did he travel?

Fairly simple task, the answer is about ## v \approx 0.91c ##.

What are different quantities according to Special Relativity from Earth's perspective vs Dirac?

Time - The trip took longer according to us on Earth than Dirac.
The distance, 4.37 LY, according to us on earth. Does Dirac measure something else?
His speed, to us he traveled at 0.91c, what would Dirac say his speed was?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
rakso said:
Does Dirac measure something else?
Yes. Why do you think that might be?
rakso said:
His speed, to us he traveled at 0.91c, what would Dirac say his speed was?
What frame would Dirac be using for this?
  • #3
rakso said:
His speed, to us he traveled at 0.91c, what would Dirac say his speed was?
He would say his speed was zero. The question I think you are trying to ask is how fast would he see the Earth approaching him. As Ibix already pointed out, speed is a relative thing and depends on the frame of reference. In your own frame of reference, you are always at rest, by definition.
  • #4
Alright, what speed is the Earth traveling away from Diracs spaceship?
  • #5
rakso said:
Alright, what speed is the Earth traveling away from Diracs spaceship?
What do you think? Hint: the answer to my first question will help.
  • #6
rakso said:
Alright, what speed is the Earth traveling away from Diracs spaceship?
It is symmetrical; if A's speed relative to B is ##v## (more precisely, when we choose to use a frame in which B is at rest then A's speed is ##v##) then B's speed relative to A is ##-v##.
  • #7
Ibix said:
What do you think? Hint: the answer to my first question will help.

When Dirac arrives at Alfa Centuri and looks back at earth, the distance should be 4.37 LY.

How can the speed be symmetrical if the time it took differs but the distance dont? I mean when Dirac steps out on a planet, let's say it's not moving relative to earth, the distance should be the same whether you're on Earth or in Alfa centuri?
  • #8
rakso said:
Summary:: Special Relativity

Hi, I'm taking an introduction course to Special Relativity and encountered a fairly simple problem:

Dirac travels to alfa centauri, which is 4.37 lightyears away. He stays there one Earth year and then travels back, and when he comes back he has aged 5 years. At what speed did he travel?

This question is poor. In SR it is vital to be clear about which frame of reference things are measured in. The question should state explicitly that the Earth and Alpha Centauri remain approximately at rest with respect to each other and that the distance of ##4.37## light years is measured in their common inertial rest frame.

Likewise, asking the speed he traveled at only makes sense if you specify the reference frame.
  • #9
rakso said:
How can the speed be symmetrical if the time it took differs but the distance dont? I mean when Dirac steps out on a planet, let's say it's not moving relative to earth, the distance should be the same whether you're on Earth or in Alfa centuri?
In the rest frame of Dirac on his way to Alpha Centauri, the distance between the Earth and Alpha Centauri is length-contracted. It is less than 4.37 light years.

In the rest frame of Dirac at rest on Alpha Centauri, the distance between the Earth and Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light years.

In the rest frame of Dirac on his way back to Earth, the distance between the Earth and Alpha Centauri is length-contracted. It is less than 4.37 light years.
  • #10
jbriggs444 said:
In the rest frame of Dirac on his way to Alpha Centauri, the distance between the Earth and Alpha Centauri is length-contracted. It is less than 4.37 light years.

In the rest frame of Dirac at rest on Alpha Centauri, the distance between the Earth and Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light years.

In the rest frame of Dirac on his way back to Earth, the distance between the Earth and Alpha Centauri is length-contracted. It is less than 4.37 light years.

I don't get this though. Dirac has a watch on him and takes a long nap and waking up when he arrives at Alpha. He looks at earth, in rest frame of Alpha, and measures Earth to be 4.37 LY away. He then looks at his watch and sees it took 5 years. He must then draw the conclusion that he traveled at ## v = \frac{4.37}{5}c ## ?

Meanwhile, since he's Paul Dirac he has figured out a way to communicate simultaneously with his pal on earth. The pal says no no, the trip took you 10 years, and your travelspeed is half of what you just said.

What is wrong with this approach?
  • #11
rakso said:
I don't get this though. Dirac has a watch on him and takes a long nap and waking up when he arrives at Alpha. He looks at earth, in rest frame of Alpha, and measures Earth to be 4.37 LY away. He then looks at his watch and sees it took 5 years. He must then draw the conclusion that he traveled at ## v = \frac{4.37}{5}c ## ?
The round trip is 5 years, including a year on Alpha Centauri. It only takes him 2 years to get there by his watch.
  • #12
rakso said:
I don't get this though. Dirac has a watch on him and takes a long nap and waking up when he arrives at Alpha. He looks at earth, in rest frame of Alpha, and measures Earth to be 4.37 LY away. He then looks at his watch and sees it took 5 years. He must then draw the conclusion that he traveled at ## v = \frac{4.37}{5}c ## ?
Dividing a distance computed in one frame by an elapsed time recorded in another. tsk, tsk.
  • #13
jbriggs444 said:
Dividing a distance computed in one frame by an elapsed time recorded in another. tsk, tsk.

I see, this is the wrong part.

So I confused Diracs frame while traveling and Diracs frame on Alpha?
  • #14
rakso said:
I see, this is the wrong part.

So I confused Diracs frame while traveling and Diracs frame on Alpha?
Yes. Also note that (as has been pointed out) in Dirac's rest frame, it is Alpha Centauri that is moving, not Dirac.

FAQ: Special Relativity: Intuition & Quantities Explained

1. What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that explains the relationship between space and time. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and that the speed of light is constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

2. How does special relativity differ from classical mechanics?

Special relativity differs from classical mechanics in that it takes into account the effects of high speeds and the constant speed of light. It also introduces the concept of space-time, where space and time are not separate entities but are connected and affected by each other.

3. What is the principle of relativity?

The principle of relativity states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers in uniform motion. This means that there is no preferred frame of reference and all observers will measure the same physical laws and phenomena.

4. How does special relativity explain the phenomenon of time dilation?

Special relativity explains time dilation as a result of the constant speed of light. As an object's speed approaches the speed of light, time appears to slow down for that object relative to an observer. This is because the speed of light is the same for all observers, so time must adjust to maintain this constant speed.

5. What is the equation for calculating time dilation in special relativity?

The equation for time dilation in special relativity is t' = t / √(1 - v^2/c^2), where t' is the time measured by the observer, t is the time measured by the moving object, v is the relative velocity between the two, and c is the speed of light. This equation shows that as v approaches c, the time dilation factor approaches infinity, meaning time appears to stand still for the moving object.

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