Irrotational and divergenceless?

  • Thread starter jlmac2001
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses how to show that the electric field E(r)=-gradV(r) and the magnetic field B(r)=grad x A(r) have zero curl and are irrotational and divergenceless, respectively. The process of proving this involves calculating the curl and divergence of these fields and using Maxwell's equations. The conversation also mentions the concept of the magnetic vector potential.
  • #1
I'm not really sure what I'm being asked to do with the following questions. Will someone help me?

How can you show that E(r)=-gradV(r) has zero curl an is irrotational, i.e. the quantity (grad x E) =0

How can you show that the magnetic field ,B(r)=grad x A(r), is divergenceless i.e. that the quantity grad dot B(r) =0?
Physics news on
  • #2
Basically, you just go ahead and do it!

That is, start by assuming that you have V(x,y,z) so that E(r)=-gradV(r)= -Vxi- Vy-Vz and calculate curl(E)= curl(grad V). See what happens!
  • #3
if B=curl A, then div B = div (curl A), the divergence of a curl is always zero. Actually this proof is usually done in the opposite order since the div B=0 is one of Maxwell's equations, valid even for time dependent phenomenon (the old there are no magnetic monopoles theorem). If div B=0 then B can be expressed as the curl of another vector, which gets labeled A and we call it the magentic vector potential.
Hope this helps.

FAQ: Irrotational and divergenceless?

1. What is the meaning of "irrotational and divergenceless" in physics?

Irrotational and divergenceless are two important concepts in fluid dynamics. In simple terms, it means that the fluid flow is both rotation-free and has zero net flow out of a given region.

2. What is the significance of irrotational and divergenceless flow?

Irrotational and divergenceless flow is significant because it allows us to simplify the equations of fluid motion and make predictions about the behavior of fluids in various situations. It also helps us understand the fundamental principles of fluid dynamics.

3. How is irrotational and divergenceless flow related to conservation of mass and energy?

Irrotational and divergenceless flow is closely related to the principles of conservation of mass and energy. In a closed system, where there is no net inflow or outflow of fluid, the flow must be both irrotational and divergenceless to ensure that mass and energy are conserved.

4. Can irrotational and divergenceless flow exist in real-world situations?

While the concept of irrotational and divergenceless flow is often used in theoretical models, it is rare to find a perfectly irrotational and divergenceless flow in real-world situations. However, many fluid flows can be approximated as irrotational and divergenceless in certain conditions.

5. How are irrotational and divergenceless flows visualized and measured?

Irrotational and divergenceless flows can be visualized and measured using various techniques, such as flow visualization using dyes and particles, and velocity measurements using tools like flow meters and laser Doppler anemometry. These methods allow us to understand the behavior of fluid flows and validate theoretical models.
