Can Tritium Undergo Nuclear Decay in 1 Second or 1 Eon?

In summary, nuclear half-lives are random and can change in certain conditions for specific elements, but this is not a significant factor in understanding decay rates overall.
  • #1
Paul Dirac
For example tritium has a half life of of 12.3 years. So if you had 2 atoms of tritium then after 12.3 year you would expect to have 1 atom of tritium and 1 atom of h-3. My question is, is it possible that tritium could decay in 1 second? Or how about 1 eon? I know its not probable but is it possible? <Edited to remove personal speculation>
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  • #2
you are right about the random nature of radioactive decay. If I take a large number of tritium atoms and watch them... They'll be randomly decaying at a rate such that after 12.3 years half will have decayed.
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  • #3
Thanks for your answer. My question is, is it possible that tritium could decay in 1 second? Or how about 1 eon?
  • #4
For one single tritium atom, the decay could theoretically happen from any time to any time. But the most likely times for decay are around the half life times. Other times like 1 second or 1 eon are extremely unlikely.
  • #5
thank you! <Edited to remove personal theory>
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  • #6
Early experimenters with radioactive elements measured a Poisson decay curve for all elements tested. That decay curve only occurs if the probability of a decay is random. i.e. it does not depend on previous decays or on any other measurable parameter. Thus, the randomness is established by experimental results.
  • #7
Matterwave: The most likely time of decay is at t=0 since the decay time for a single nucleus follows an exponential distribution. This is reflected in the fact that if you take a lot of tritium the decay rate will be largest in the beginning (simply due to each tritium atom having a fixed probability of decay per time unit). Of course, this still does not change the fact that the mean life time is non-zero, or that you will have very close to half of the nuclei left after a time equal to the half-life has passed - which follows directly from the central limit theorem.

OP: The probability of N given nuclei decaying within a time t is given by P = (1-exp(-t/T))^N, which for small t/T approximates to (t/T)^N. Taking a mol of tritium for 1s would therefore give t/T = 1.8e-9 and N equal to the Avogadro number. (1.8e-9)^NA is really really really small.
  • #8
Orodruin said:
Matterwave: The most likely time of decay is at t=0 since the decay time for a single nucleus follows an exponential distribution. This is reflected in the fact that if you take a lot of tritium the decay rate will be largest in the beginning (simply due to each tritium atom having a fixed probability of decay per time unit). Of course, this still does not change the fact that the mean life time is non-zero, or that you will have very close to half of the nuclei left after a time equal to the half-life has passed - which follows directly from the central limit theorem.

Yes, this was my fault for using not the correct language. I was talking about the mean life-time of the particle ##\tau\equiv\frac{1}{\Gamma}## being roughly in the half-life range (rigorously the half life is ##\lambda=\tau\ln(2)##).

But you are right, this is not the "most likely time time for decay". It is the mean time for decays averaged over a large sample.

There is no relationship that more electrons = longer lifespan of particles.
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  • #9
I think, Mr Dirac, you should live up to the eminence of your namesake and study quantum field theory where the answer to such things is found.

Beware however, although well within the capabilities of the great man, to mere mortals like I am, and I suspect you are, it is HARD, very very HARD.

You might like to build up to it so here is my recommended reading list in order of difficulty:

All that is simply a build up to what many consider THE book on QET by Peskin and Schroeder:

It will be a long hard slog but at the end of it you will understand things a lot better than you do now, because to be blunt what you wrote is utter nonsense.

BTW I have those books except QFT for the Gifted Amateur and Peskin and Schroeder and am still worried I may find Peskin and Schroder still too tough. It is really hard. I want to get for the Gifted Amateur text first.

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  • #10
Thread closed for Moderation...
  • #11
The thread is re-opened and has been edited to remove personal speculation. I remind the participants to review and abide by the forum rules.
  • #12
  • #13
Duplex said:
If a weak nonrandom variation in half-life existed, it should certainly already have been discovered. I think that only on that basis physicists would try to figure out how to accelerate or "freeze" half-life.
Actually they have been discovered. Which means the answer to the OP is that nuclear half lives have a random component of nearly 100%.
The specific cases where decay rates can change are:
7Be: I'm sure there are better citations, but the only one I can find right now is this:

163Dy: Stable, but can be made to decay.

More at:
  • #14
On of the less attractive features of PF is that people often give an esoteric to answer someone who is struggling with basic concepts. Yes, there are atomic perturbations on the half-lives of nucleii. Usually they are small. They are certainly not relevant for the answer to the very basic question the OP asked.

Thread closed. (again)

FAQ: Can Tritium Undergo Nuclear Decay in 1 Second or 1 Eon?

1. What is nuclear decay?

Nuclear decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation or particles. This can result in the formation of a different nucleus or a different energy state of the same nucleus.

2. Is nuclear decay a random process?

Yes, nuclear decay is considered to be a random process. The exact timing of when a particular nucleus will undergo decay cannot be predicted, as it is influenced by quantum mechanics and probability.

3. How do scientists study nuclear decay?

Scientists use a variety of techniques and instruments, such as particle accelerators and radiation detectors, to study nuclear decay. They also analyze the products of nuclear decay, such as different nuclei or particles, to understand the process better.

4. Can nuclear decay be controlled or manipulated?

No, nuclear decay cannot be controlled or manipulated. It is a natural process that occurs spontaneously and cannot be influenced by external factors.

5. What are the different types of nuclear decay?

There are three main types of nuclear decay: alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay. Each type involves the emission of different particles or radiation from an unstable nucleus.

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