Is this a surjective homomorphism?

  • Thread starter alligatorman
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In summary, the conversation discusses the isomorphism between G/(M\cap N) and G/M \times G/N, using the first Isomorphism Theorem. The key to proving this is the fact that G=MN=NM, which allows for the expansion of a and b in terms of their factors. The conversation also mentions using cosets and normal groups in this proof.
  • #1
I'm trying to prove that if M,N are normal in G and MN = G, then

[tex]G/(M\cap N)\cong G/M \times G/N[/tex]

In an attempt to use the 1st Isom. Thm, I have a homomorphism from G to G/M x G/N :

[tex]g \mapsto (gM, gN)[/tex]

The kernel is [tex]M\cap N[/tex], so I just have to show that the function is onto to get the isomorphism.

My guess is that (aM, bN) = (abM, abN). I am having a difficult time showing this, or I may be wrong.

Any help?
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  • #2
The fact that G=MN=NM is important here. Write a=n1m2 and b=m2n2 and expand.
  • #3
I don't understand how if you have a=n_1 m_2, then you can write b=m_2 n_2, if a and b are arbitrary
  • #4
Sorry, that was an unfortunate typo. It should've been "a=n1m1" instead.
  • #5
So suppose [tex]a=n_1m_1[/tex] and [tex]b=m_2n_2[/tex]

Then [tex]aM=n_1 M[/tex] and [tex]bN=m_2 N[/tex].

Also, [tex]abM=n_1m_1m_2n_2M=n_1m_3n_2M=n_1n_2m_4M=n_3M[/tex]

I've been trying this method for days but I can't connect the two. I must be missing some important fact about cosets and/or normal groups
  • #6
Here's another hint: [itex](n_1 M, m_2 N) = (n_1 M, n_1 N) (m_2 M, m_2 N)[/itex].

FAQ: Is this a surjective homomorphism?

1. What is a surjective homomorphism?

A surjective homomorphism is a function between two algebraic structures in which the output of the function covers the entire range of the output structure. In other words, every element in the output structure has a corresponding element in the input structure.

2. How is a surjective homomorphism different from an injective homomorphism?

A surjective homomorphism covers the entire range of the output structure, while an injective homomorphism only maps unique elements from the input structure to the output structure. In other words, an injective homomorphism does not necessarily map every element in the output structure.

3. What is the purpose of a surjective homomorphism?

Surjective homomorphisms are useful in abstract algebra and other mathematical fields for studying relationships between different algebraic structures. They can help identify patterns and connections between seemingly unrelated structures.

4. How do you determine if a given function is a surjective homomorphism?

To determine if a function is a surjective homomorphism, you must first verify that it is a homomorphism by checking if it preserves the algebraic operations between the input and output structures. Then, you can check if the function covers the entire range of the output structure by seeing if every element in the output structure has a corresponding element in the input structure.

5. Can a function be both a surjective homomorphism and an injective homomorphism?

Yes, it is possible for a function to be both surjective and injective as a homomorphism. This type of function is called an isomorphism, which means it is a bijective function that preserves the algebraic operations between two structures.

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