Is this angular or linear momentum?

In summary, angular momentum is the measure of an object's rotational motion, while linear momentum is the measure of an object's linear motion. Angular momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's moment of inertia by its angular velocity, and it is conserved in a closed system. Angular momentum and torque are related by the equation L=Iω, and an object can have both angular and linear momentum, with the total momentum being conserved in a closed system.
  • #1


a) Does object circling around the Earth have angular momentum or linear momentum?
It seems to me that we could use either of the two momentums to describe the system?

b)How about when you rotate a ball on piece of string? Again we could describe the object as having either angular or linear momentum, depending on preference?

c)Could we say that torque is causing the ball to circle with certain acceleration ?


We have rotational kinetic energy and linear one. But why is potential energy only defined as energy that has ability to transform itself into linear kinetic energy? Why doesn't potential energy also include the ability to transform itself into rotational kinetic energy?

Thus we measure the change of potential energy with regards to by how much has the center of mass change its vertical position. But even if object's COM doesn't change its position, it can still rotate a bit due to gravity so work was done ... it would seem reasonable to think of potential energy also as ability for object to rotate due to force of gravity?!

thank you
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  • #2
allok said:


a) Does object circling around the Earth have angular momentum or linear momentum?
It seems to me that we could use either of the two momentums to describe the system?

b)How about when you rotate a ball on piece of string? Again we could describe the object as having either angular or linear momentum, depending on preference?
In both cases the object has both angular and linear momentum. But the linear momentum is not a constant vector. If the speed is constant, the angular momentum is a constant vector. Also, if you look at a rigid body in rotation (for example a full wheel), the points located at different radii all have different linear momenta at any given time whereas they all have the same angular momentum.

If a rotating object keeps moving at a fixed radius, the concept of angular momentum is more useful to study the motion. For example, if the net torque is zero, the angular momentum will remain constant. If is is not zero, one can easily calculate the angular acceleration. It would be very complicated and messy to try to use momentum and forces to study such a situation.

Angular momentum is simply a much more useful concept to study rotation.

c)Could we say that torque is causing the ball to circle with certain acceleration ?
If the net torque is non zero, it will indeed cause a nonzero *angular* acceleration. Notice that even if the net torque is zero, any point on a rotating object has a nonzero *linear* acceleration.


We have rotational kinetic energy and linear one. But why is potential energy only defined as energy that has ability to transform itself into linear kinetic energy? Why doesn't potential energy also include the ability to transform itself into rotational kinetic energy?

Thus we measure the change of potential energy with regards to by how much has the center of mass change its vertical position. But even if object's COM doesn't change its position, it can still rotate a bit due to gravity so work was done ... it would seem reasonable to think of potential energy also as ability for object to rotate due to force of gravity?!

thank you
Conservation of energy must take into account both the translational kinetic energy of the COM *and* the kinetic rotational energy. So you are correct, that *must* be taken into account.

An obvious example is when you let a ball roll down an inclined plane. If you calculate the speed at the bottom of the inclined plane just using 1/2 mv^2 (where v is the speed of the COM), you will NOT get the correct answer. You *must* included the energy that went into making the object rotate.

This is why if you let a full cylinder and a hollow cylinder of the same mass and radius roll down an inclined plane, they will not reach the bottom at the same time. The hollow disk has all its mass concentrated on its rim, so it is more "difficult" to rotate (it has a larger moment of inertia). It will "use" more kinetic energy for rotation, so it will have less translational kinetic energy at a given height than its full counterpart, and will therefore take more time to reach the bottom of the plane.

Hope this helps

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  • #3

1. a) The object circling around the Earth has both angular and linear momentum. Angular momentum is a measure of the rotational motion of the object, while linear momentum is a measure of its straight-line motion. Both are necessary to fully describe the system.

b) When you rotate a ball on a string, it has both angular and linear momentum, just like the object circling around the Earth. Again, both are necessary to fully describe the motion of the object.

c) Yes, torque is causing the ball to circle with a certain acceleration. Torque is a measure of the force that causes rotational motion, and in this case, it is causing the ball to move in a circular path.

2. Potential energy is defined as the energy an object has due to its position or configuration. In the case of gravitational potential energy, it is the energy an object has due to its position in a gravitational field. This type of energy can be converted into kinetic energy, both linear and rotational, when the object moves. However, rotational kinetic energy is not typically included in the definition of potential energy because it is a different type of energy and is not directly related to an object's position. It is possible for an object to have both rotational and linear kinetic energy at the same time, but they are not interchangeable like potential and kinetic energy are.

FAQ: Is this angular or linear momentum?

1. What is the difference between angular and linear momentum?

Angular momentum is the measure of an object's rotational motion, while linear momentum is the measure of an object's linear motion. They are both forms of momentum, but they describe different types of motion.

2. How is angular momentum calculated?

Angular momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's moment of inertia by its angular velocity. The moment of inertia is a measure of how much an object resists rotational motion, and the angular velocity is the rate at which the object is rotating.

3. Is angular momentum conserved?

Yes, angular momentum is conserved in a closed system where no external forces act on the system. This means that the total angular momentum of the system remains constant, even if individual objects within the system may have changes in their angular momentum.

4. How does angular momentum relate to torque?

Angular momentum and torque are related by the equation L=Iω, where L is the angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity. This means that an object's angular momentum is directly proportional to its moment of inertia and angular velocity.

5. Can an object have both angular and linear momentum?

Yes, an object can have both angular and linear momentum. For example, a spinning top has both angular momentum due to its rotational motion and linear momentum due to its movement in a straight line. However, the total momentum of the object will be the sum of its angular and linear momentum, and will be conserved in a closed system.
