Meet Ivan and Tsu's Adorable Kitties: Zoobie, Einstein, and Bun!

  • Thread starter Tsu
  • Start date
In summary, Math Is Hard requested pictures of kitties from Tsu in a deleted thread. Tsu, with some persuasion, posted pictures of her kitties including Zoobie, a tabby, Einstein, a calm looking cat, and her newest addition, Miss Bun, who seems to have a mischievous streak. Other members also shared their love for kitties and their own experiences with their pets.
  • #1
Gold Member
Math Is Hard requested pictures of our kitties in another thread which has since been DELETED! - albiet at my request (I didn't think our new Mentor would actually DO it... :surprise: I mean, she never did anything I told her do before! :devil: I think this Mentor power-thingy is going to her head already. :smile: :smile: :-p )

But I digress. :rolleyes:

So, without further ado, may I present Miss Zoobie...[/URL] Zoobie2.JPG[/PLAIN]

And our sweet Einstein...

And last, but certainly not least, :biggrin: our newest addition, Miss Bun...[/URL] Bun.JPG[/PLAIN][/URL] Bun.JPG[/PLAIN][/URL] Bun.JPG[/PLAIN]

The last picture is with her sharing my lap with my computer and using my 'mouse hand/arm' as her pillow. :biggrin: Isn't she SWEET? :biggrin:
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  • #2
Tsunami said:
Math Is Hard requested pictures of our kitties in another thread which has since been DELETED! - albiet at my request (I didn't think our new Mentor would actually DO it... :surprise: I mean, she never did anything I told her do before! :devil: I think this Mentor power-thingy is going to her head already. :smile: :smile: :-p )
Heheh. :biggrin: I figured out how to delete it! :biggrin:

The kitties are SO CUTE. Miss Bun is just adorable. :approve:

My herd of transients are MIA lately and I was starting to worry I'd never see them again, but this morning I saw two of them being chased by the JAWS OF DEATH. I HATE that dog. I don't care that she can make tamales, she's brain dead.
  • #3
She can make TAMALES?! SEND her to ME! I LOVE HER! I have SKUNKS she can chase! :biggrin:
  • #4
I don't think you'd want her tamales. She injests them first then reproduces them in the back yard, if you get my drift.

Oh, she loves to chase skunks and corner them right outside my bedroom window. :bugeye:
  • #5
Oh. THOSE tamales. Never mind. :biggrin:
  • #6
puddy tats!

OooOOHHHH! What sweet little kittums! Thank you for posting those pics, Tsu. So Zoobie is a tabby? That's my favorite breed. They are so intelligent. And I see she has the classic "M" on her forehead. I always wondered what that stood for. :smile:
Einstein has a most interesting face - he looks quite serene, and in some ways almost alien.
Bun is every bit the baby sister, isn't she. "You may adore me now." she seems to say.

Evo, what breed is this tamale-making dog of yours? Sounds quite rare!
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
Evo, what breed is this tamale-making dog of yours? Sounds quite rare!
She's a yellow lab, but she may be an alien breeding experiment gone wrong. The dog never stops chewing. I have teeth marks on my windowsills, kitchen cabinets, she actually chewed a hole through the family room wall. Right in the middle of the wall mind you, not a corner. She has eaten all of the telephones, all kitchen appliances, all furniture, she ate through 3 metal gates that I tried to contain her with, the window blinds, shoes, purses...

I finally exiled her to the back yard. I completely fenced in the yard and had an 8' x 12' storage shed built for her with windows (so she gets cross ventilation) a skylight and a dog door. So, when it's pouring down rain or hailing, does she go into this fabulous dog palace for shelter? No, she stands outside and barks.
  • #8
Can't see the pics.
  • #9
:smile: :smile: :smile:

WOW! :approve: that has got to be the cutest most little white squares with a red x in them, i have EVER seen!

do you have a closeup of the little white one, with the red x in it? :smile:
  • #10
Entropy said:
Can't see the pics.
Place your cursor over the little red x and right click. A box will open, at the bottom it will say properties, click on properties and another box will open. It will show the URL address, open another browser window and copy and paste the address in the new window and hit enter. You should be able to see the picture.
  • #11
you mean those aren't the real pics? :confused:
  • #12
Evo said:
She's a yellow lab, but she may be an alien breeding experiment gone wrong. The dog never stops chewing.

Wow! That's quite a problem.
My friends who are dog owners have said good things about using "crate training" to correct doggie behavioral problems. It seemed cruel to me at first, but the people who use it say that dogs have a natural "denning" instinct, and being confined to a small area make them feel secure.
Of course, I guess it doesn't do much good if the dog chews through the crate! :biggrin:
  • #14
Why does that remind me of Pinky and the Brain?
  • #15
dduardo, what is that thing you posted supposed to be? I click it and explorer tells me it doesn't know what to do with it and expects me to download something. Sigh.

Tsu...adorable kitties! Especially Bun...what a sweetie...I like those smoky gray kitties. Einstein fed :-) And Zoobie is quite sweet looking too...I don't see too many tabbies with long hair like that (or it looked long in the picture anyway)...unique!

Thanks for sharing.
  • #16
Moonbear it's a picture.
  • #17
dduardo said:
Aren't they just precious.

Unfortunetly, I think Miss Bun has some plans of her own:

Hey! What did you do to my sweet little kitty? Actually, she is already malicious enough. :biggrin: If I lie on the couch she likes to lay between my legs and chase her tail; using my legs for high speed, deep traction turns! :surprise:

She has a wonderful personality and is officially my new office buddy. I am also giving her honorary co-mentor status.

New kitties are fun. :smile: :smile: :smile:
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  • #18
Moonbear said:
I don't see too many tabbies with long hair like that (or it looked long in the picture anyway)...unique!

It is, unfortunately. Around here that means high maintenance; picker picking! In the summer we have a lot of thistle and sticker plants around here. In the winter, it’s the mud. Oh well, goes with turf.

We are pretty sure that she was the offspring of semi-wild barn kitties. That or at 8 weeks she had already been on the run for a long time. She does seem to be an odd mix though.
  • #19
Ugh, thistles and long hair definitely do not go well together...or they do...but not good for the person charged with separating them again.

dduardo, what did you do to Bun's eyes? Poor thing. (Yep, once I knew what I was trying to open, I was able to see it...very funny).

I really like kittens, but have never been overly fond of grown-up cats...they just have too much attitude. I'm more of a dog person...though not ones like Evo's Jaws of Death Lab! Yikes! I like the ones who run up to the door when you get home, tail-wagging, all happy to see you and just want to play.
  • #20
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  • #21
Moonbear said:
I really like kittens, but have never been overly fond of grown-up cats...they just have too much attitude. I'm more of a dog person...

We both love dogs but we are definitely cat people as well. I always liked this comparison: A dog will love a good master. A cat's love one must earn. :smile:
  • #22
hehe... dduardo's back to his photoshop games again...or is it the Gimp ? :wink:
  • #23
i can't see the pictures :(
  • #24
dduardo, you are EVIL, but very funny. :biggrin:

The only pictures I have of the JAWS OF DEATH are blurs. The darn dog won't stay still enough for any shutter speed to capture her, or maybe it's the alien thing... :frown:

kerrie, did you try my instructions? Those should work. The pictures are so CUTE, you must see them!

Speaking of pictures, when are we going to see the honeymoon pics?
  • #25
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  • #26
those cats are so kewl. i like einstien, he rocks.
  • #27
Evo said:
Speaking of pictures, when are we going to see the honeymoon pics?

I don't think she'll be posting those. But if she does, I'll look at them! Wait, who took the pictures anyway? You actually let someone do that on your honeymoon :wink:
  • #28
Kerrie said:
i can't see the pictures :(

Kerrie, if you right click on the red X and select properties, you can copy the address directly. For some reason they sometimes open and sometimes don't. Once you open one the rest may magically open on the next refresh. Also, just try refreshing the screen a couple of times. I don't know why this happens. :frown:
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  • #29
Or if you have an accelerated service or download manager, you might try turning them off and then refreshing the page. All I got was x's, too! And Ivan used the same image uploader the I use when people can't see the pictures. When I turned off my accelerated service, the pix came right up!
  • #30
i don have any axceleretor secvise (sp?)... i run wery fast and danger allredy... besaides that wouldn't not help wieving the pitchures, so that was a stoopid reply...

  • #31
No it wasn't stupid, or stoopid as you say, since she was telling you that if you have an accelerator it may be causing problems as hers was.
  • #32
Ivan Seeking said:
No it wasn't stupid, or stoopid as you say, since she was telling you that if you have an accelerator it may be causing problems as hers was.

i was joking around... you migth have noticed it through the spelling, if you hadn't been so focussed on the complaining part... :wink:
  • #33
No problem. I definitely didn't realize that. :smile:
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  • #34
now you've done it, ivan... since this is obvious proof of how the mind replaces things it knows is missing and corrects errors ad libitum, we now have to move the thread to the metaphysics and epistemology forum... :biggrin:
  • #35
Evo said:
kerrie, did you try my instructions? Those should work. The pictures are so CUTE, you must see them!

Speaking of pictures, when are we going to see the honeymoon pics?

i have them back, but i forgot greg was leaving...the pics i have are too large to upload, and when i reduced them, the quality was bad...can i email them to someone and have them upload it so they are not too large?

tsu, your kitties are adorable! if i can figure it out someday, i will show off mine, she's 3 months old and either is full of love and purrs, or wants to attack and about bi-polar kitty!

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