Why do I want to become an American citizen?

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  • Thread starter Phyxius Computers
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In summary, the speaker has a strong distaste for Canada and its government, believing it to be a communist country run by self-proclaimed thieves and political whores. They express a desire to become an American citizen and have attempted to enlist in the US military, but have been denied due to not being a US citizen. They also express hatred towards the current Canadian president, Paul Martin, and believe that Canada does not allow the poor to get ahead in life. Despite their success as a business owner, the speaker states they would give it all up to become an American citizen. They also mention their past struggles and time spent in prison, and express a desire for the US government to intervene and free them from Canada. In summary, the speaker
  • #1
Phyxius Computers
everyday is a good day to urinate on and burn the Canadian flag, July 1rst just seems to make it more special, this is a communist country, that is being runned by liberal scum, like paul martin, who are self proclaimed theives, and political whores.
Alberta has ralph klein (PC) who's only agenda is to wipe out middle class people, klein wants a 2 class society, rich or poor.
canada doesn't allow the poor to get ahead in life, because they need someone to step on in order to inflate their own egos. Canada is a country that will not only kick you when your down, they will make sure you stay down.
In my younger days I was lost, and out of control, I did things in order to survive, and I payed the price. I spent time in a federal prison, and I refused any parole, I did my full sentence. Some of us take longer than others to grow up, and it just took me a bit longer than others.
Now I am a Business Owner with 3 stores opened, I own a home, and I am married ... I did it all on my own with no help from this country, and I worked extremely hard, with enough stress to kill a horse, but one thing is for certain, I would walk away from all of it in heartbeat to become an American Citizen.
The only problem is that whenever I try to escape this country, a new obstacle comes up so that I am unable to leave. Now because of that idiot paul martin pissing off President George Bush, we need a passport to get across the border, a passport that I am unable to get for another 4 years. I am being held hostage in this communist country. If the United States ever came to take over Canada I would be one of the first to commit treason against this country.
People ask me if I am a Canadian, and I say no, I am a North American, because I am proud to be associated with the United States of America.
you may ask what am I doing for myself to get out of this country, wel I have sent several requests to enlist in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy, and although I keep getting denied for the only reason that I am not an American, I will keep trying to enlist, as I have recently heard that there may be draft as nobody is enlisting.
I do not fear death, and I would fight for the beliefs and protection of the United States of America. It would be an honor to serve with American men.
I plead with all Americans, encourage your government to come and free us, just like they did in Iraq, because Bin Laden is alive and working in Canada under his alias name of paul martin.
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  • #2
Even I use decent paragraph structure
  • #3
Why don't u try suicide bombing? eh?
  • #4
Man U do hate Canada! I thought of finishing my PG there but I guess u don't advise it!
  • #5
How do you run a successful business with 3 stores without even developing proper english writting habits?
  • #6
You have someone else do the writing for you.
  • #7
I can agree with the OP’s negative view of the Canadian government. Mal-contents, however, remain so no matter where they reside. Several US citizens posting in these forums wish to move to Canada because they detest the US government. In Canada they will find other distress to feast on.

I suggest the OP make peace with himself before moving to the US.
  • #8
kaos said:
Why don't u try suicide bombing? eh?

I was going to suggest plain old suicide. :devil:
  • #9
Arctic Fox said:
I was going to suggest plain old suicide. :devil:

Bump! screw the bombing part.
  • #10
hmmm... so we have a bunch of disgruntled Americans who want to go to Canada, and a bunch of disgruntled Canadians who want to go to the U.S.

seems like it could be a very simple exchange.
  • #11
Phyxius Computers said:
I was lost, and out of control, . . . .
Was? :biggrin:

Phyxius Computers said:
Now I am a Business Owner with 3 stores opened, I own a home, and I am married ... I did it all on my own with no help from this country, and I worked extremely hard, with enough stress to kill a horse, but one thing is for certain, I would walk away from all of it in heartbeat to become an American Citizen.
Little problem of spending time in prison.

Phyxius Computers said:
Now because of that idiot paul martin pissing off President George Bush, we need a passport to get across the border, a passport that I am unable to get for another 4 years.
Not quite. The US had implemented passports to prevent hostile foreigners from entering through Canada and Mexico. Even US citizens need to present passports now! All this is due to the attack by Al Qaida on September 11, 2001.

Phyxius Computers said:
. . . I have sent several requests to enlist in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy, and although I keep getting denied for the only reason that I am not an American, I will keep trying to enlist, as I have recently heard that there may be draft as nobody is enlisting.
Actually, non-US citizens living in the US may serve in the military. If they are killed in action, they become US citizens posthumously! :rolleyes: Seriously! Well it does help their spouses and children.
  • #12
loseyourname said:
You have someone else do the writing for you.

He did but they deported him.

Ernst Zundel is now in a cell in Germany.
  • #13
Phyxius Computers said:
[Canada] is being runned by liberal scum.

:smile: oh my ribcage! :smile:

Check that users IP. I know it's you Gee Dub! :smile:
  • #14
Canada is a terrific place, and I am proud to call myself a Canadian citizen. Sounds like you brought all of your problems on yourself, you have no sympathy from me.

FAQ: Why do I want to become an American citizen?

1. Why do I want to become an American citizen?

There are many reasons individuals may choose to become American citizens. Some common reasons include: the desire for better job opportunities, to reunite with family members who are already citizens, to have access to the American education system, or to fully participate in the democratic process of the country.

2. Do I have to give up my current citizenship to become an American citizen?

No, the United States allows for dual citizenship, meaning you can hold citizenship in both your home country and the United States. However, it is important to check with your home country's laws to ensure they also allow for dual citizenship.

3. How long does the process of becoming an American citizen take?

The process of becoming an American citizen, also known as naturalization, can vary in length depending on individual circumstances. On average, the process can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, with the longest part being the wait time for a citizenship interview and approval.

4. Are there any requirements I need to meet in order to become an American citizen?

Yes, there are several requirements that must be met in order to become an American citizen. Some of these include: being at least 18 years old, having a green card for at least 5 years (or 3 years if married to a US citizen), being able to speak, read, and write basic English, and passing a civics test on US history and government.

5. What are the benefits of becoming an American citizen?

Becoming an American citizen comes with many benefits, including the ability to vote in elections and run for public office, access to government jobs and certain federal benefits, eligibility for a US passport, and protection from deportation. It also allows for a greater sense of belonging and connection to the country and its values.

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