Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression

In summary: The residue R can be obtained by multiplying the above equation by the extremal value:\delta S[q(t)] = \int_{t_{0}}^{t_{1}}{\left[\frac{\partial L}{\partial q}(t, q, \dot{q}) \, \delta q(t) + \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}(t, q, \dot{q}) \, \delta \dot{q}(t)\right] \, dt}In summary, Landau asserts that the residue R, which equals zero, is formed of integrals of terms that are multiples of
  • #1
I'm going over the Landau's Mechanics, and can't get over two hurdles.

The first is the following(I'm not good with latex here, so please bear with me):

Landau asserts that the action S' between t1 and t2 of a Lagrangian L such that L is a function of (q+dq) and (q'+dq') minus the action S between t1 and t2 of a Lagrangian L such that L is a function of q and q', the gives a difference, that, expanded in powers of dq and dq' equals zero. Also, dq(t1)=dq(t2)=0.

OK, for this to be the case, S' must equal S' plus some residue R. R must then be formed of integrals of terms that are multiples of dq and dq' so that when integrated (definite) give 0.

Landau therefore expands S'-S 'in powers of' dq ad dq'. Here's my problem: How can you expand L in powers of dq and dq'? Talyor expansion allows for expansion in terms of q and q', and if I substitute q for q+dq I do in fact get the terms in dq and dq', but I also have annoying terms like 2q*dq and the like- I can see that q and q^2 terms will vanish due to S expanded.

So the question still stands: How can you expand L in powers of dq and dq'? is the above way satisfactory?
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  • #2
Consider q and q' as two independent variables.

Let think that you have function
f(x,y) and use Talyor expansion for this function with two independent variables x and y.
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  • #3
I understand that, but here we have the variables 'x'=(q+dq) and 'y'=(q'+dq') and we want an expansion for dq and dq'.
  • #4
where dx=dq and dy=dq'.
  • #5
One way to derive the Euler-Lagrange equations is the following. Assume the extremal curve is [itex]\bar{q}(t)[/itex]. We define a one-parameter family of trial functions:

q(t; \alpha) = \bar{q}(t) + \alpha \, \eta(t)

where [itex]\eta(t)[/itex] are arbitrary smooth functions which satisfy the boundary conditions:

\eta(t_{1}) = \eta(t_{2}) = 0

so that the trial functions automatically satistfy the boundary conditions:

q(t_{1}; \alpha) = \bar{q}(t_{1}) = q_{1}

q(t_{2}; \alpha) = \bar{q}(t_{2}) = q_{2}

It is obvious from our construction that among all the trial functions, the extermum is achieved for [itex]\alpha = 0[/itex], because [itex]q(t; 0) = \bar{q}(t)[/itex] then. But, if we insert the trial function in the expression for the action:

F(\alpha) = S[q(t; \alpha)] = \int_{t_{1}}^{t_{2}}{L(t, \bar{q} + \alpha \, \eta, \dot{\bar{q}} + \alpha \, \dot{\bar{q}} + \eta \, \dot{\eta}) dt}

it becomes an explicit function of the parameter [itex]\alpha[/itex]. Using the necessary condition of extermum, we must have:

F'(0) = 0

If we try to calculate the derivative of [itex]F(\alpha)[/itex] with respect to [itex]\alpha[/itex], we will need to use the rules of finding parametric derivatives:

F'(0) = \int_{t_{1}}^{t_{2}}{\left\{ \frac{\partial L}{\partial q}(t, \bar{q}, \dot{\bar{q}}) \, \eta(t) + \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}(t, \bar{q}, \dot{\bar{q}}) \, \dot{\eta}(t) \right\} \, dt}

If we try to express the [itex]\eta(t)[/itex] in terms of the trial functions and the extremal curve, we get:

\eta(t) = q(t; \alpha = 1) - \bar{q}(t) \equiv \delta q(t)

Notice that the variation of a function of time is again a function of time. We can differentiate it:

\frac{d}{d t} \delta q(t) = \dot{\eta}(t) = \dot{q}(t; \alpha = 1) - \dot{\bar{q}}(t) = \delta \frac{dq(t)}{d t}

This is the famous rule of exchanging variation and differentiation with respect to the argument of the function. If we also define:

F'(0) \approx S[q(t; \alpha = 1)] - S[\bar{q}(t)] \equiv \delta S[\bar{q}(t)]

Then, the above derivative may be rewritten as:

\delta S[q(t)] = \int_{t_{0}}^{t_{1}}{\left[\frac{\partial L}{\partial q}(t, q, \dot{q}) \, \delta q(t) + \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}(t, q, \dot{q}) \, \delta \dot{q}(t)\right] \, dt}

FAQ: Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression

What is Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression?

Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression is a mathematical method used in theoretical physics to find the equations of motion for a system. It involves constructing a function called the Lagrangian, which is a combination of the system's kinetic and potential energies.

Why is Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression important?

Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression is important because it provides a systematic way to derive the equations of motion for a system. This allows for a more elegant and unified approach to understanding physical phenomena, as well as making it easier to solve complex problems.

What are the key steps in Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression?

The key steps in Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression include identifying the system's degrees of freedom, writing the system's kinetic and potential energies in terms of these variables, and then using the Euler-Lagrange equations to derive the equations of motion.

Under what conditions can Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression be used?

Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression can be used for any system that can be described by a set of generalized coordinates and has a well-defined kinetic and potential energy. It is particularly useful for systems with more than one degree of freedom.

Are there any limitations to Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression?

Landau's derivation of the Langangian expression is based on the principle of least action, which may not always hold in certain physical systems. Additionally, it can be challenging to apply this method to systems with complicated or non-conservative forces. In these cases, alternative methods may need to be used.
