What is the Relationship Between Leak Rates and Different Gases?

  • Thread starter madanitsuj
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In summary, the speaker is seeking help in determining the equivalent leak rate for different gases in a tank with a known leak rate, pressure, and temperature. They mention the use of hydrogen and the potential use of nitrogen or oxygen. They suggest comparing the viscosity of the gases to determine the leak rate, and mention the ideal gas law and Graham's law as potential resources.
  • #1
Hi Everyone,

I have a problem that I've been working on and I'm having a little trouble. Essentially I have a tank with a known leak rate at a given pressure and temperature. We are currently using hydrogen, but I need to know what the equivalent leak rate would be if we changed the gas to say nitrogen or oxygen. Assuming I have the known values of pressure, temperature, and flow rate, would it be possible to determine the leak rate that we would be detect if we input a different gas and pressurized to the same pressure as before?

Thanks in advance
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
if you know that leak occurs at tank sealing, it should be sufficient to compare the viscosity of the hydrogen and of the gas you are supposed to utilize. The leak (dot_q) decrease proportionally to the viscosity (eta) as dot_q propto 1/eta.

  • #3
Basically, for a gas, you need to understand compressible flow
Fundamental equation
PV=nRT or see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_gas_law

n is basically your gas constant that is different for the type of gas you have.

FAQ: What is the Relationship Between Leak Rates and Different Gases?

What is a leak rate?

A leak rate is the amount of gas that escapes from a container or system per unit of time. It is usually measured in units of volume per time, such as cubic centimeters per second or liters per minute.

Why is it important to measure the leak rate of different gases?

It is important to measure the leak rate of different gases because it can help determine the efficiency and safety of a system or container. High leak rates can indicate potential hazards or inefficiencies, while low leak rates can indicate a well-functioning system.

How do you measure the leak rate of different gases?

The most common method for measuring leak rate is by using a leak detector, which can detect the presence of gas in the surrounding environment. Another method is by using a manometer, which measures the pressure difference between the inside and outside of a container.

What factors can affect the leak rate of different gases?

The leak rate of different gases can be affected by various factors, including temperature, pressure, and the material of the container or system. Higher temperatures and pressures can increase the leak rate, while certain materials may be more prone to leaks than others.

How can the leak rate of different gases be reduced?

There are several ways to reduce the leak rate of different gases, including using high-quality materials for containers and systems, ensuring proper maintenance and inspection of equipment, and implementing proper safety protocols. Additionally, using leak detection equipment and regularly checking for leaks can help identify and address any issues before they become larger problems.
