Learn How to Connect 74LS90 Decade Counter for a 4-Digit 7 Segment Display

  • Thread starter syee10
  • Start date
In summary: It sounds like a lot of work, but it's worth it in the end if you can make it work...In summary, you would daisy-chain counters, connect the latch to the "reset" line, and count using a periodic oscillator.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am designing a four digit 7 segment display just using IC 74LS90 decade counter and 74LS47 BCD to 7 segment driver. My question is how to link the 74LS90 decade counter together so that the four 7 segment display will show me the result?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Are you asking how to cascade multiple 7490's to get four decimal digits of counting? If so it looks like one would use the qD -- high order output bit -- as the clock input for the next decade. It seems that a High->Low transition will happen on the rollover from 9 to 0, so your counter will be in phase if the chips clock on Low which it looks (from quick review) to be the case.
  • #3
Is the circuit in the attached Figure working? I want to get an electrical energy (kWh) output so i need a decade counter in the circuit. The input is the output frequency from VFC LM131, and i am using 74ls90 and 74ls47 and 7 segment display.


  • Output-1.png
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  • #4
That looks like the right idea. It would be better if you labeled the connections so we could tell what's what... For instance I don't know what the line connecting all the counters and the latch is. Also I don't know what you are counting. If it's something like pulses per second then that mystery latch line needs to be clocked every second somehow.
  • #5
Well I get it from an article and i am not fully understand the connection. It does not label in the connection and that is why i post it here to get further detail =D
  • #6
OK, I think I see the problem...you have no idea what you are doing...

The "usual" brute-force way to do this is sketched in the drawing you provided. My guess is that the counters are daisy-chained the way I said before, output qD to the clock input of the next higher order counter. Then you need to have that "latch" between the counter outputs and the decoders to grab and hold the count on some periodic basis. Otherwise the displayed count will just keep spinning around before your eyes. Just after the latch data "hold" signal you need to reset all the counters so they start from zero again. That's the mystery line connecting them all and it needs to be driven by some regular periodic oscillator, so that you get, for instance, the actual count every second. You need to be careful that the latching happens before the counters are reset or all you'll get will be 0000's. So some subtleties abound here...

You might be able to find counters with built-in latches...I'm not sure as I haven't used much discrete logic in the last 20 years. By searching more, you may also be able to find better schematics for something that will actually work the way you want. I suspect that the frequency you are counting is not _way_ high, so you might have more success with CMOS logic (40xxx series) where there may be more options than good'ole 74xx TTL.

Another approach would be to use a PIC micro-controller to do all the counting and display driving, but that means learning to program along with everything else.

In any case I recommend that you get some parts and their data-sheets and a breadboard and start experimenting.

FAQ: Learn How to Connect 74LS90 Decade Counter for a 4-Digit 7 Segment Display

What is a 7 segment display?

A 7 segment display is a type of electronic display device that is commonly used to display numbers and some letters. It consists of seven individual segments labeled from A to G, which can be lit up in different combinations to display different characters.

How does a 7 segment display work?

A 7 segment display works by using a combination of the seven individual segments to create different numbers or letters. By selectively turning on or off each segment, the desired character can be displayed.

What are the different types of 7 segment displays?

There are two main types of 7 segment displays: common anode and common cathode. In a common anode display, all the positive terminals of the individual segments are connected together, while in a common cathode display, all the negative terminals are connected. This affects the way the display is wired and how each segment is controlled.

How do I control a 7 segment display?

A 7 segment display can be controlled using a microcontroller, such as an Arduino, or by using a specialized integrated circuit (IC) designed for this purpose. The specific method of control will depend on the type of display and the desired output.

What are the common uses of 7 segment displays?

7 segment displays are commonly used in devices that need to display numbers, such as digital clocks, calculators, and measuring instruments. They are also used in industrial applications, such as in process control systems or as part of a larger display panel.

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