Learning Calculus from text books

In summary, people generally recommend taking classes to learn calculus, and if you're like Luke and have a skill for self-learning, then a library may be a good option.
  • #1
Hey there people, I've got a fascination with the sciences, especially Physics. In a year or two I'll have the time to possibly study it at Uni. Most likely entering as a mature student.

Anyways, I plan on using this time up until then on getting my Maths up to scratch.

The last time i studied Math's was at the age of 16, I'm now 22 and dare say I've forgotten everything. In school I was'nt exactly the model student either, i only got a C.

So, could I possibly get a few suggestions on what books to purchase? I don't want to just buy a Calculus book and struggle as if been thrown in the deep end, Is there a book out there with a section dedicated to getting other areas of Math's up to scratch to be ready to study Calculus?

Thank you for your time in reading this,

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Luke101 said:
Hey there people, I've got a fascination with the sciences, especially Physics. In a year or two I'll have the time to possibly study it at Uni. Most likely entering as a mature student.

Anyways, I plan on using this time up until then on getting my Maths up to scratch.

The last time i studied Math's was at the age of 16, I'm now 22 and dare say I've forgotten everything. In school I was'nt exactly the model student either, i only got a C.

So, could I possibly get a few suggestions on what books to purchase? I don't want to just buy a Calculus book and struggle as if been thrown in the deep end, Is there a book out there with a section dedicated to getting other areas of Math's up to scratch to be ready to study Calculus?

Thank you for your time in reading this,


Is there a community college or extension division of a university nearby? People with exceptional focus and self-organization skills can perhaps in theory review pre-calc and learn calculus on your own.

But MOST people, and to be honest I mean basically EVERYONE, is far better taking classes. You have a structure, you have peers to work with, you have a teacher who can explain things that aren't in the book.

If you just read a book on logarithms you'd have to be a genius to figure out what they're taking about. If you have a teacher to explain how a logarithm is just a gadget for converting multiplication problems into addition problems, maybe that would be the one thing you needed to hear to make the subject snap into clarity for you.

Teachers are great for when you have to convert the dry words and formulas of the text, into actual meaning that literally transforms your mind. One moment you don't see it, the next moment you do. Good teachers facilitate that.

It would be a really long row to hoe to learn pre-calc and calc by yourself.

Find a good teacher. In fact you could just go on Craigslist and hire a tutor. I think that's a good idea. You could try a few till you find one who clicks with you. One good teacher is worth years of reading textbooks.
  • #3
I agree with everything SteveL said above me, however I feel as if my personal experiences might come in handy here.
I have successfully taught myself a calculus class and skipped a semester because of it, and while I feel as if the experience was incredibly beneficial for me, I realize I am an exception. I have the unique (skill?) of very efficiently being able to teach myself material, and in fact prefer it. If you are one of those people like me who both enjoy teaching themselves and feel capable doing it then I would recommend going to a nearby college library and renting a calculus/pre-calc textbook that you seem to like and starting from there. If you don't feel like you enjoy teaching yourself material, I would suggest doing as SteveL said.

P.S. Regardless of what you choose, KhanAcademy is a fantastic free online video database that is incredibly helpful when you need extra clarification on a math/science topic, and even can teach you it.
  • #4
I have suggested this many times before. First get "basic mathematics" by Lang. The book contains everything you need to know to do good in calculus. Work through the book first and if you understand most of it, then you can begin with calculus.
  • #5
The thing is at the moment I don't have time to take evening classes, or the money to be honest. Working from a textbook would be ideal. However if most people struggle to do this, even if being very bright, then i feel i would most likely as well.

First I'll crack on with basic mathematics by lang then, and give you a update on how things go.

Thank you all for the information and advice, its much appriciated!
  • #6
khanacademy is pretty good for getting you use to the basics

then I'd reccomend one of the two books;
Basic Training in Mathematics: A Fitness Program for Science Students - R. Shankar

Or, if you're feeling a little more confident
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences - Mary L. Boas

Once you've done with them (or even at the same time since the linear algebra sections in those books aren't that great) you should follow along with the MIT Open Courseware lectures on Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang
Along with the textbook
Introduction to Linear Algebra - Gilbert Strang

PatricJMT also has some good tutorial videos on maths that are slightly beyond what khanacademy does if you'd like to suppliment the textbooks.

And remember, if you ever get stuck you can always post here and ask for help!
  • #7
Thanks again! Ill copy and save the replys for future reference. I'll start with the basic Maths and then get the other books and see how I get on, if i feel its too much I'll be sure to post here to see if there are further steps i can take :)

Thanks again guys!


FAQ: Learning Calculus from text books

1. What is the best way to approach learning Calculus from a textbook?

The best way to approach learning Calculus from a textbook is to start with the basics and build a strong foundation. Make sure you understand the fundamental concepts and principles before moving on to more complex topics. It is also helpful to practice solving problems and to seek out additional resources such as online tutorials or study groups.

2. How can I stay motivated while studying Calculus from a textbook?

One way to stay motivated while studying Calculus from a textbook is to set small achievable goals for yourself and track your progress. Additionally, finding a study partner or joining a study group can help keep you accountable and provide support. Reminding yourself of the practical applications of Calculus can also serve as motivation.

3. Do I need to have a strong math background to learn Calculus from a textbook?

Having a strong math background can certainly be helpful when learning Calculus from a textbook, but it is not necessarily a requirement. It may take some extra effort and dedication, but with a positive attitude and determination, anyone can learn Calculus from a textbook.

4. Are there any specific tips for understanding the more challenging concepts in Calculus?

One tip for understanding challenging concepts in Calculus is to break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. Try to identify the key principles and work through each step carefully. It can also be helpful to seek out multiple explanations and examples to reinforce your understanding.

5. How can I use a textbook to prepare for exams in Calculus?

To prepare for exams in Calculus using a textbook, it is important to regularly review and practice solving problems. Make sure you understand the key concepts and their applications, and use the textbook as a resource to clarify any confusion. It may also be helpful to create study guides or flashcards to aid in your preparation.

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