Lemaitre Coordinates: Plotting Freefall & Light Paths

In summary: Came across this old thread while poking around the internet (it's high on Google's results for "Lemaitre coordinates"), figured I'd fix the formatting for the next person to come along. In summary, the diagram shows a plot of two free falling observers in Lemaitre coordinates. The solid black diagonal line is the central singularity, curved blue lines are ingoing light paths, and curved red lines are outgoing light rays. The diagonal dashed grey lines are lines of constant radius in Schwarzschild coordinates. The Wiki article gives some information on the Lemaitre metric but some additional information and calculations are needed to obtain the equations in a form that can be plotted on a graph.
  • #1
The attached diagram is a plot of two free falling observers (vertical black lines) in Lemaitre coordinates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemaitre_metric

The solid black diagonal line is the central singularity. Curved blue lines are ingoing light paths and curved red lines are outgoing light rays. The diagonal dashed grey lines are lines of constant radius in Schwarzschild coordinates.

The Wiki article gives some information on the Lemaitre metric but some additional information and calculations are need to obtain the equations in a form that can be plotted on a graph.

A curious feature highlighted by the diagram is that despite the distance between the two free falling observers being constant in terms of Lemaitre spatial coordinates, the radar distance is increasing in terms of the Lemaitre time coordinate which I assume is just the proper time of a falling observer. It is also clear from the diagram that far away from the gravitational source where spacetime becomes flat, the speed of light in Lemaitre coordinates does not tend towards c, but tends towards infinite.


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  • #2
yuiop said:
It is also clear from the diagram that far away from the gravitational source where spacetime becomes flat, the speed of light in Lemaitre coordinates does not tend towards c, but tends towards infinite.

It also follows from the metric, which gives for a null, radial trajectory


I don't think it has physical significance.
  • #3
Mentz114 said:
It also follows from the metric, which gives for a null, radial trajectory


I don't think it has physical significance.

Came across this old thread while poking around the internet (it's high on Google's results for "Lemaitre coordinates"), figured I'd fix the formatting for the next person to come along.

FAQ: Lemaitre Coordinates: Plotting Freefall & Light Paths

1. What are Lemaitre Coordinates?

Lemaitre Coordinates are a coordinate system used in general relativity to plot the paths of objects in freefall and light rays in a gravitational field. They were developed by Belgian physicist Georges Lemaitre in the 1930s as an alternative to the more commonly used Schwarzschild Coordinates.

2. How are Lemaitre Coordinates different from other coordinate systems?

Lemaitre Coordinates are unique in that they take into account the expanding nature of the universe. They are based on a model of the universe known as the "Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model," which describes a homogeneous and isotropic universe where matter is distributed equally in all directions.

3. What is the significance of using Lemaitre Coordinates?

Lemaitre Coordinates allow for a more accurate understanding of the behavior of objects in a gravitational field, particularly in the context of an expanding universe. They also help to simplify calculations in general relativity, making it easier to study and analyze the effects of gravity on objects.

4. How are Lemaitre Coordinates used to plot freefall paths?

To plot freefall paths, Lemaitre Coordinates are used to determine the trajectory of an object in a gravitational field. This is done by calculating the curvature of spacetime at different points along the object's path and using this information to plot its trajectory. The resulting plot shows how the object moves through space as it falls towards a massive object, such as a planet or star.

5. Can Lemaitre Coordinates be used to study the behavior of light?

Yes, Lemaitre Coordinates can also be used to plot the paths of light rays in a gravitational field. This is important because the curvature of spacetime affects the path of light, causing it to bend as it passes through regions of strong gravity. Lemaitre Coordinates allow scientists to accurately model this behavior and study the effects of gravity on light.

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