Linear force vs Torque vs Axial force

In summary, torque and axial force are stronger than linear force because they can magnify the distance or amount of force applied. When inserting a needle into a surface, the technique will vary depending on the nature of the surface. For example, pushing across the surface with the needle will encounter greater lateral resistance and require more force, while pushing perpendicularly will require less force but more movement to achieve the desired puncturing force. This concept can apply to other situations as well.
  • #1
Is it true that torque and axial force are stronger than linear force? If I hit something with an acute angle and progressively turn it into a lower angle while moving forward,is it applying more force?( for example needle insertion)
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  • #2
PhysicsKnight said:
Is it true that torque and axial force are stronger than linear force? If I hit something with an acute angle and progressively turn it into a lower angle while moving forward,is it applying more force?( for example needle insertion)
They are two entirely different things. Using a lever can magnify a force or magnify the distance that a force operates.
It is not clear exactly what situation you are actually describing but, if you are actually asking about inserting a needle into skin (?) or some surface then the technique will depend on the nature of the surface. The skin is probably tougher than the substrate (fat?) so when pushing across the surface with the needle, the lateral resistance is greater so the puncturing force will be greater for a given amount of movement. Pushing perpendicularly into the skin will encounter very little resistance until the fat underneath has depressed by an alarming degree - so you only achieve the required puncturing force after a large amount of movement.
The above is only an example but it could apply to many other situations.
  • #3
Hi,thnks for replying. What do you mean by lateral and perpendicular in this scenario?
  • #4
Sideways and head on to the surface.