Proving Comparability of a Relation on the Plane (RxR): A Dilemma

  • Thread starter sutupidmath
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In summary, the conversation is about defining a relation on the plane and proving its properties. The speaker has shown that nonreflexivity and transitivity hold, but is facing difficulty in proving comparability. They are considering different approaches and asking for suggestions. Another person joins the conversation and suggests a possible solution, which the speaker thanks for.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Define a relation on the plane by setting:

[tex] (x_o,y_o)<(x_1,y_1) \mbox{ if either } y_0-x_0^2<y_1-x_1^2, \mbox{ or } y_o-x_o^2=y_1-x_1^2 \mbox{ and } x_0<x_1.[/tex]

I have easily showed that Nonreflexivity and Transitivity hold. The only dilemma i am facing is to show that Comparability holds as well.
That is to show that for any two elements
[tex](x_0,y_0),(x_1,y_1)\in R^2[/tex]
such that :

then either
[tex] (x_0,y_0)<(x_1,y_1) \mbox{ or } (x_1,y_1)<(x_0,y_0)[/tex]

To be more specific, is proof by cases the only way to go about it, or is there any way around it? There seem to be too many cases, and i don't really want to pursue this route. I am also thinking about proving its contrapositive, but still, it looks like i would have to treat a few cases separately.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
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  • #2
  • #3
Too many cases?

How many do you think there are? And how involved is working through each one?

I haven't worked the problem, but my instinct says there shouldn't be much more than 4, and each one very quick. So nowhere near "too many".
  • #4
Ok then, let:

[tex](x_o,y_o),(x_1,y_1)\in R^2, \mbox{ such that } (x_o,y_o)\not=(x_1,y_1).[/tex]

[tex]\mbox{ Then } x_o\not=x_1 \mbox { or } y_o\not=y_1.[/tex]

Without loss of generality(?) assume that

[tex]x_o<y_o \mbox{ or } y_o<y_1.----(1)[/tex]

Then we would have to consider the following cases:

[tex](i) x_o>0,x_1>0 \mbox{ or } y_o>0,y_1>0 .[/tex]

[tex](ii) x_0<0,x_1<0 \mbox{ or } y_o<0,y_1<0.[/tex]

[tex](iii) x_o<0,x_1>0 \mbox{ or } y_o<0,y_1>0.[/tex]

[tex] (iv) x_o>0, x_1<0 \mbox{ or } y_o>0,y_1<0.[/tex]

First, can i make the assumption on (1), and second are these all the cases or?
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  • #5
  • #6
It looks pretty straight forward to me. Assume that [itex](x_0,y_0)\ne (x_1,y_1)[/itex] and [itex](x_0, y_0) is not < (x1, y1)[/itex]. Then it is NOT the case that [itex]y_0- x_0^2< y_1- x_1^2[/itex] so either [itex]y_0- x_0^2> y_1- x_1^2[/itex] or [itex]y_0- x_0^2= y_1- x_1^2[/itex].
If the former, then [itex]y_1- x_1^2< y_0- x_0^2[/itex] so [itex](x_0, y_0)< (x_1, y_1)[/itex].

If the latter, then [itex]y_0- x_0^2= y_1- x_1^2[/itex] but [itex]x_0[/itex] is not less than [itex]x_1[/itex].

If [itex]x_0= x_1[/itex] then [itex]x_0^2= x_1^2[/itex] so from [itex]y_0- x_0^2= y_1- x_1^2[/itex] we get [itex]y_0= x_0[/itex] which contradicts [itex](x_0, y_0)\ne (x_1, y_1)[/itex].

If [itex]x_1< x0[/itex] then that, together with [itex]y_1- x_1^2= y_0- x_0^2[/itex] gives [itex](x_1,y_1)< (x_0,y_0)[/itex].

You still need to show that only one of those three can hold but that should be fairly easy.

We want to prove that, in that case, [itex](x_1, y_1)< (x_0, y_0)[/itex]. Then
  • #7
Thanks! I appreciate your help!

FAQ: Proving Comparability of a Relation on the Plane (RxR): A Dilemma

1. What is a linear order?

A linear order, also known as a total order, is a mathematical concept that defines a relationship between two elements where one is always greater than or equal to the other. This relationship is transitive, antisymmetric, and total, meaning that any two elements can be compared and there is no ambiguity in the comparison.

2. How is a linear order represented?

In mathematics, a linear order is often represented using the notation "<" (less than) or ">" (greater than). For example, if a is less than b, it would be represented as a < b. This notation can also be extended to include the symbols "≤" (less than or equal to) and "≥" (greater than or equal to).

3. What is the difference between a linear order and a partial order?

While both linear order and partial order define relationships between elements, the main difference is that a linear order is total, meaning that any two elements can be compared, while a partial order is not total and may have elements that cannot be compared. Additionally, in a partial order, an element may be equal to itself, while in a linear order, an element is never equal to itself.

4. How is a linear order used in mathematics?

Linear order is an important concept in mathematics and is used in various fields such as set theory, algebra, and analysis. It is particularly useful in defining the ordering of real numbers and is used to prove theorems and solve problems in these fields.

5. What is the importance of a linear order in scientific research?

In scientific research, linear order is used to establish a clear and unambiguous relationship between variables. This allows for accurate data analysis and interpretation, which is crucial in making scientific conclusions and advancements. Additionally, linear order is used in statistical analysis to determine trends and patterns in data, which can lead to further discoveries and developments.
