How Can I Measure the Movement of a Loudspeaker Membrane?

  • Thread starter morten84
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In summary, the conversation is about measuring the movement/velocity of a loudspeaker membran for a project. The speaker's specifications, such as Qts, Vas, spl/w and Qmax, can be used to gather information. Alternatively, an experiment can be designed to physically measure the deflection of the speaker when a known amplitude sine wave is applied. The electrical power drawn by the speaker can also be related to the noise power emitted to calculate the air movement required for a particular dB level and equate it to the speaker cone's movement for an input power.
  • #1
Hi, I'm kinda new her, so I hope this is the right place to post this.
English is not my native language, so you might experience some spelling error:)

I am working on a project that my teacher assigned med the other day, were I am supposed to find out how i can measure the movement/velocity of a loudspeaker membran.

To find the movement/velocity of the membran i believe i must fint the movement of the voice coil.

(Not 100% this is the way to go)

Can this be done by measuring the differrent between the current and voltage feeding the loudspeaker?

Anyone have any ideas?
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  • #2
i believe you can get most of the info from Qts, Vas, spl/w and Qmax specs. or with optical feedback with a encoder type setup.
  • #3
If you are finding the movement of a specific speaker with no specification as a project then you need to design an experiment to physically measure the deflection when a known amplitude sine wave is applied.
If you just have the specifications then you need to relate the electrical power the speaker draws in Watts to the noise power emitted in dB. You should be able to calculate the air movement required for a particular db level in standard atmosphere and then equate that to movement of the speaker cone for an input power.

FAQ: How Can I Measure the Movement of a Loudspeaker Membrane?

1. What is a loudspeaker?

A loudspeaker, also known as a speaker, is an electroacoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sound waves that are audible to the human ear. It is a crucial component in audio systems, such as radios, televisions, and music players.

2. What is a voice coil in a loudspeaker?

A voice coil is a coil of wire that is attached to the diaphragm of a loudspeaker. It is responsible for creating sound by moving the diaphragm back and forth in response to electrical signals from the amplifier. The movement of the voice coil creates air pressure variations that result in sound waves.

3. How does a voice coil work?

When an electrical current passes through the voice coil, it creates a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnet in the loudspeaker. This interaction causes the voice coil to move back and forth, which in turn, moves the diaphragm and produces sound waves.

4. What is the purpose of a voice coil in a loudspeaker?

The main purpose of a voice coil in a loudspeaker is to convert electrical signals into sound waves. It is a crucial component in the process of producing sound and plays a significant role in the quality and clarity of the sound produced by the loudspeaker.

5. Can a voice coil be replaced in a loudspeaker?

Yes, a voice coil can be replaced in a loudspeaker. However, it is a delicate and precise process that requires special tools and expertise. It is recommended to have a professional audio technician or speaker repair specialist replace the voice coil to ensure proper installation and functionality.
