Magnetic Field Problem - Tricky Wording.

In summary, the problem involves an electron moving in a helical path in a uniform magnetic field. The pitch of the path is given as 6.00{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,1.00,1.00}{.}}{\mu}m and the magnetic force on the electron is {2.00{\times}{{10}^{-15}}}{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,1.00,1.00}{.}}N. The question is asking for the speed of the electron. The pitch of a helix is the distance along the axis for one complete turn, and the helical path in this problem is in the shape of a spiral. The centripetal force
  • #1

Homework Statement

21. An electron follows a helical path in a uniform magnetic field of magnitude [itex]0.300{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,1.00,1.00}{.}}T[/itex]. The pitch of the path is [itex]6.00{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,1.00,1.00}{.}}{\mu}m[/itex], and the magnitude of the magnetic force on the electron is [itex]{2.00{\times}{{10}^{-15}}}{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,1.00,1.00}{.}}N[/itex]. What is the electron's speed?

Homework Equations

{\vec{F}_{E}} = {q{\vec{E}}}

{\Delta{V}_{p}} = {{-}{\int_{r_{0}}^{r_{1}}}{\vec{E}_{p1}(r)}{\cdot}{d{\vec{r}}}}

{\vec{E}} = {{-}{\nabla}{V(r)}}

{\vec{E}} = {{-}{\frac{\partial}{\partial{r}}}{\left[{V(r)}\right]}{\hat{r}}}

{\vec{F}_{B}} = {q{\vec{v}}{\times}{\vec{B}}}

The Attempt at a Solution

This problem isn't so hard to solve, as intrepreting the information the problem is giving.

Like, when the problem says,

PFStudent said:
The pitch of the path is [itex]6.00{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,1.00,1.00}{.}}{\mu}m[/itex],

What exactly do they mean by "pitch of the path," and why are they giving it as a measure of distance (ie. [itex]{m}[/itex])?

In addition, they mention that the electron, "follows a helical path," by helical path--they're basically saying an upward spiral path, is that correct?

Also, since a helical path has some curvature to it, does the centripetal force apply to this problem? (even though a helical path is not the same as going around in a cricle)

And if the centripetal force does apply, why?

Any help is appreciated.


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Physics news on
  • #2

Yea..., so does anyone have any ideas on this?


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  • #3

Yea, still a little stuck on this,..does anyone know how the wording in this problem is supposed to be interpreted?


  • #4
PFStudent said:
What exactly do they mean by "pitch of the path," and why are they giving it as a measure of distance (ie. [itex]{m}[/itex])?
The pitch of a helix is the distance along the axis for one complete turn. If it had a pitch of zero, it would just be a circle.

In addition, they mention that the electron, "follows a helical path," by helical path--they're basically saying an upward spiral path, is that correct?
It's a spiral.

Also, since a helical path has some curvature to it, does the centripetal force apply to this problem? (even though a helical path is not the same as going around in a cricle)

And if the centripetal force does apply, why?
Sure it will have a centripetal force, since it will have an acceleration perpendicular to the helix axis. But you don't need to worry about the details to solve this problem, since you're given the force and the magnetic field strength.

FAQ: Magnetic Field Problem - Tricky Wording.

1. What is a magnetic field problem?

A magnetic field problem refers to a situation where the wording of a scientific question or problem is purposely misleading or ambiguous, making it difficult for the reader to understand what is being asked or to find a solution.

2. Why is tricky wording used in magnetic field problems?

Tricky wording is often used in magnetic field problems to test a scientist's ability to think critically and carefully consider all aspects of the problem. It also helps to simulate real-world scenarios where not all information may be clearly presented.

3. How can I identify tricky wording in a magnetic field problem?

Tricky wording can be identified by carefully reading and considering all information presented in the problem. Look out for vague or ambiguous language, double negatives, and hidden assumptions that may lead to incorrect interpretations.

4. What are some strategies for solving a magnetic field problem with tricky wording?

One strategy is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts and consider each part separately. Another strategy is to rephrase the problem in your own words to make sure you understand what is being asked. Additionally, it can be helpful to draw diagrams or use equations to visualize and better understand the problem.

5. Are there any resources available to help with solving magnetic field problems with tricky wording?

Yes, there are various online resources and textbooks that offer tips and strategies for solving tricky problems in physics and other sciences. It can also be helpful to discuss the problem with peers or a mentor to gain different perspectives and insights.
