How Did Weber and Gauss Use Magnetic Fields in Their 1833 Telegraph Experiment?

In summary: That seems to be where the 1/L factor comes from in the answer.In summary, the unit of magnetic flux is named after Wilhelm Weber and a practical-size unit of magnetic field is named after Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss. They also built a telegraph in 1833, consisting of a battery and switch, with a transmission line 3 km long and an electromagnet at the other end. Two parallel wires with a mass per unit length of 48.5 g/m are supported by strings at an angle of 15.8°. The equilibrium equation for this setup is T cos 7.9 = mg/L and T sin 7.9 = FB/L. Simplifying this equation, we get tan 7.9
  • #1

Homework Statement

The unit of magnetic flux is named for Wilhelm Weber. A practical-size unit of magnetic field is named for Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss. Along with their individual accomplishments, Weber and Gauss built a telegraph in 1833 that consisted of a battery and switch, at one end of a transmission line 3 km long, operating an electromagnet at the other end. Suppose their transmission line was as diagrammed in the figure below. Two long, parallel wires, each having a mass per unit length of 48.5 g/m, are supported in a horizontal plane by strings scripted l = 5.95 cm long. When both wires carry the same current I, the wires repel each other so that the angle between the supporting strings is θ = 15.8°.

Homework Equations

Not sure how to input them here...

FB/L = [itex]\mu[/itex]I1I2/2pia

F = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

This is my first time posting here. Bare with my formatting please!

Draw free body diagram of one half of the problem. We are in equilibrium therefore Fnet is 0. That means T cos 7.9 = mg/L and T sin 7.9 = FB/L , where L is the 3km lenght.

so this can be reduced to tan 7.9 = FB/mg , but for my attempt I kept the /L on both sides since we are given a formula for FB/L and a mass per lenght.

I end up getting: tan 7.9 = [itex]\mu[/itex]I^2 / (2[itex]\pi[/itex]a mg/L), which I think is right.

My issue comes with the mathematics involved at this point. I end up with:

I = [itex]\sqrt{2pia mg/L tan 7.9/ mu}[/itex] , but the right answer has the tan 7.9 outside of the square root. How can that be?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF;

We should get a look at your working.
I also don't see the diagram. I think I know what it shows - the two wires are approximately straight so when they repel each other the whole length swings out the same amount and the cross-section looks like repelling pendulums. That about right?

Meantime - here's a hand with your formatting (use the "quote" button at the bottom of this post to see how it's done) $$\frac{F}{\Delta L} = \frac{\mu_0 I_1 I_2}{2\pi r}$$
$$ I=\sqrt{ \frac{ 2\pi amg }{ L \tan(7.9/\mu) } } $$
... that what you meant to write?

How did you incorporate the distance between the wires?
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FAQ: How Did Weber and Gauss Use Magnetic Fields in Their 1833 Telegraph Experiment?

1. What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is an invisible force field that surrounds any object that has a magnetic property, such as a magnet or a current-carrying wire. It is created by the movement of electric charges and exerts a force on other moving electric charges.

2. How are magnetic fields measured?

Magnetic fields are measured using a device called a magnetometer. This device can detect the strength and direction of a magnetic field. The most common unit of measurement for magnetic fields is the Tesla (T).

3. What is the difference between a magnetic field and an electric field?

A magnetic field is created by moving electric charges, while an electric field is created by stationary electric charges. Additionally, electric fields exert forces on both stationary and moving charges, while magnetic fields only exert forces on moving charges.

4. Can magnetic fields be shielded?

Yes, magnetic fields can be shielded using materials that are highly permeable to magnetic fields, such as iron or steel. These materials redirect the magnetic field, effectively shielding the area behind them from the effects of the field.

5. How are magnetic fields used in everyday life?

Magnetic fields have a variety of uses in everyday life. They are used in electric motors, generators, and transformers. They are also used in medical imaging technologies like MRI machines and in magnetic storage devices like hard drives. Additionally, magnetic fields are used in compasses for navigation and in credit and debit cards for data storage.
