Mass inflation exactly equals time dilation?

In summary, two spacecraft in inertial motion with relative velocity of .5c have identical "grandfather" clocks that use Coulomb repulsion instead of gravity. These clocks run down quickly due to radiated energy, but can be used as a predictable timing device. However, when each ship observes the other's clock, they see a slower swing due to the other's heavier pendulum and equal Coulomb force. It is questioned whether plugging in the higher relativistic mass into an equation will result in the expected "gamma" factor for the relative slowing of the clocks. However, the analysis becomes more complicated due to the presence of a magnetic force, which would reduce the apparent restoring force by a factor of gamma. Furthermore, the "
  • #1
Two spacecraft in inertial motion have relative velocity .5c. The ships have identical "grandfather" clocks very much like earthly grandfather clocks, except that the force of gravity is replaced by Coulomb repulsion.

[The clocks have charged plates on either side of a charged pendulum. Inertia drives the pendulum [penduli?] and Coulomb repulsion pushes the penduli back and forth. The clocks "run down" rapidly due to radiated energy, but for a short time they provide a weird highly predictable timing device.]

Each ship sees that the other ship has a heavier pendulum but equal [Coulomb] restoring force, so each ship sees that the other's pendulum swings back more slowly. My question is: If I simply plug in the appropriate higher relativistic mass into some equation [I know not what!] will I get exactly the usual "gamma" factor for the relative slowing of each ship's clock? I do not trust any equation I set up at all.
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  • #2
I think it's more complicated than that.

The period is proportional to m^2, not m.

Also, a field that is purely electric in one frame will be a combination of electric and magnetic in another frame. The exact result would depend on the orientation of the clock.
  • #3
Things are definitely more complicated. For a traverse pendulum:

points out, in the section on "Uniform electric field — simple analysis", the electric field in the moving frame will be stronger by a factor of gamma.

But there will be a magnetic force as well as an electric force in the moving frame. The magnetic field will be proportional to velocity, and the magnetic force will be proportional to the magnetic field * velocity, or v^2.

Without working out the numbers in detail, I think that the "restoring force" would be equal to

gamma * E * (1-(v/c)^2) -> E / gamma

I.e, including the magnetic field, an apparent restoring force that's reduced by a factor of gamma.

Combine this with a "transverse mass" that's increased by a factor of gamma,


the "transverse mass" is the right sort of mass to use for a transverse pendulum "longitudinal mass" would be needed for a parallel pendulum.

and note that the period is proportional to sqrt(E/m), and one gets the period increasing by a factor of gamma, as one expects.

FAQ: Mass inflation exactly equals time dilation?

1. What is mass inflation and time dilation?

Mass inflation and time dilation are two concepts in physics that are closely related. Mass inflation refers to the increase in mass of an object as it approaches the speed of light. Time dilation, on the other hand, is the slowing down of time for an object in motion relative to an observer.

2. Why does mass inflation occur?

Mass inflation occurs because as an object approaches the speed of light, its kinetic energy increases, which in turn leads to an increase in mass. This is described by Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that the energy of an object is equivalent to its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

3. How does mass inflation relate to time dilation?

Mass inflation and time dilation are directly related because the increase in mass also affects the passage of time. As an object's mass increases, its speed approaches the speed of light, causing time to slow down for the object relative to an observer. This is known as time dilation.

4. Does mass inflation affect all objects in motion?

Yes, mass inflation affects all objects in motion, but it becomes more noticeable as the object approaches the speed of light. This is because the increase in mass is directly proportional to the speed of the object, so the closer an object gets to the speed of light, the greater the increase in mass and the stronger the effects of time dilation.

5. Is mass inflation exactly equal to time dilation?

Yes, mass inflation is exactly equal to time dilation. This means that for every unit of increase in mass, there is a corresponding unit of time dilation. This relationship is described by the formula E=mc^2, where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light. This formula shows that as an object's mass increases, so does its energy and its time dilation.

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