Maximal Ideals and Maximal Subspaces in normed algebras

  • Thread starter Murtuza Tipu
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In summary, the maximal ideal I of a unital commutative Banach Algebra A is also a maximal subspace of A. This result is still valid if A is not Banach, commutative, or unital. In those cases, we can consider the unitization of A or use maximal left ideals or maximal subspaces that are closed under the norm.
  • #1
Murtuza Tipu

Homework Statement

Let A be a unital commutative Banach Algebra and I a maximal ideal of A. Prove that I is a maximal subspace of A. Is this result still valid if A is not Banach or commutative or unital?

Homework Equations

The first part is pretty easy: Maximal ideals are of the form kerτ for some character τ:A→C, and then A=kerτ+C1, so kerτ is a maximal subspace.

If A is not commutative, we have a counter-example: The algebra M2(C) is simple, so the unique maximal ideal of M2(C) is {0}, which is not a maximal subspace.

The Attempt at a Solution

I couldn't solve the rest of the question: If A is Banach and commutative but non-unital, maybe I could consider its unitization and associate maximal ideals of A and A˜, but I couldn't do that.

The only example of commutative, unital, non-Banach normed algebra I can think of is C[x], the polynomial algebra in one variable (with any of the usual norms), but the only maximal ideals of C[x] are of the form p(x)C[x] with degree(p)=1, and these are maximal subspaces.

Any hints are appreciated. Thank you.
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  • #2

One approach to solving this problem is to use the fact that every non-unital commutative Banach algebra A can be embedded into a unital commutative Banach algebra B. This embedding is given by taking the unitization of A, which is defined as A˜ = A ⊕ C1, where C1 is a copy of the complex numbers with multiplication given by (a, λ)(b, μ) = (ab + aμ + bλ, λμ).

Now, let I be a maximal ideal of A. We want to show that I is a maximal subspace of A. Since A is embedded into B, we can also view I as a subset of B. Since I is a maximal ideal of A, it is also a maximal ideal of B. This means that B/I is a field.

Now, consider any subspace J of B that contains I, i.e. I ⊆ J. We want to show that either J = B or J = I. Since B/I is a field, J/I is a vector space over B/I. Since J/I contains I/I, which is the zero element of B/I, J/I must contain all elements of B/I. This means that J/I = B/I, or equivalently, J = B. Therefore, I is a maximal subspace of B, and hence of A.

This result is still valid if A is not Banach, commutative, or unital. In the non-unital case, we can use the same argument as above, but instead of considering the unitization of A, we consider the unitization of the non-unital algebra. In the non-commutative case, we can use the same argument, but instead of considering maximal ideals, we consider maximal left ideals. In the non-Banach case, we can use the same argument, but instead of considering maximal ideals, we consider maximal subspaces that are also closed under the norm.

FAQ: Maximal Ideals and Maximal Subspaces in normed algebras

1. What is a maximal ideal in a normed algebra?

In a normed algebra, a maximal ideal is a proper subset that is closed under addition and multiplication, and also satisfies the following conditions:

  • It is not the entire algebra.
  • It is not contained in any other proper ideal.

2. How are maximal ideals related to maximal subspaces in a normed algebra?

In a normed algebra, every maximal ideal corresponds to a maximal subspace. This means that the maximal ideal is the largest possible ideal that can exist in the algebra, and it is also a subspace of the algebra.

3. Can a normed algebra have more than one maximal ideal?

Yes, a normed algebra can have multiple maximal ideals. In fact, in some cases, there may be infinitely many maximal ideals in a normed algebra.

4. How do maximal ideals and maximal subspaces affect the structure of a normed algebra?

Maximal ideals and maximal subspaces play a crucial role in the structure of a normed algebra. They provide a way to decompose the algebra into smaller, simpler parts, which can help in understanding the properties and behavior of the algebra as a whole.

5. Are there any applications of maximal ideals and maximal subspaces in real-world problems?

Yes, maximal ideals and maximal subspaces have numerous applications in various fields such as functional analysis, control theory, and quantum mechanics. For example, they can be used to study the stability of dynamical systems and to classify different types of physical systems.

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