Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End

  • Thread starter Dark Visitor
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In summary, the block, which is 30 cm on the table, and 20 cm outside it, exerts a force of 4.2 kg downwards. The centre of mass of the table, which is 15 cm from the block, also exerts a force of .63 kg-m in the opposite direction. When the block is just about to fall, the sum of the forces is equal to the weight of the block, which is 2.5 kg. The value of the distance, .14 m, is the right answer.
  • #1
Dark Visitor
I am unsure of how to go about this problem. So if anyone could help me by going step by step through it, showing all equations and numbers used, and then showing me the answers so I can make sure I get the same thing, I would appreciate it.

A thin 2.50 kg box rests on a 7.00 kg board that hangs over the end of a table, as shown in the figure. How far can the center of the box be from the end of the table before the board begins to tilt?
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  • #2
Dark Visitor said:
I am unsure of how to go about this problem. So if anyone could help me by going step by step through it, showing all equations and numbers used, and then showing me the answers so I can make sure I get the same thing, I would appreciate it.

A thin 2.50 kg box rests on a 7.00 kg board that hangs over the end of a table, as shown in the figure. How far can the center of the box be from the end of the table before the board begins to tilt?
Think of this as two masses the block and the centre of mass of the board applying torque about the fulcrum. What is the condition for tilting? (hint: it has to do with torque about the fulcrum).

  • #3
I am not sure what you mean by fulcrum. I don't think I have ever heard that word before. Sorry. Can you explain it please?
  • #4
What he means by the fulcrum is the point of balance- Imagine a see-saw. The centre is the fulcrum.
Here the fulcrum is the edge of the table.
Since the block is 30 cm on the table and 20 cm outside it, you can take the downward force acting on the left hand side as 3/5 x 7 = 4.2 kg. This acts at the CG which is 15 cm away.
Hence moments on the left side = 4.2 x .15 = 0.63 kg-m.
Similarly moment on the right side = (2/5 x 7) x .1 = 0.28.
To this is added the moment due to the box with a weight of 2.5 kg at a dist of let's say S metres.
So moment on rt side = 0.28 + 2.5 x S.
when it is just about to fall,
0.63 = 0.28 + 2.5 x S.
Find out the value of S.
  • #5
I got it to be .14 m, which turned out to be the right answer. Thanks a lot. You're explanation helped me understand what I was missing. I guess I was going about it all wrong.

FAQ: Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End

What is "Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End"?

"Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End" is a scientific method used to determine the maximum distance between the center of a box and the end of a table. This can be useful in various fields such as engineering, physics, and architecture.

Why is it important to find the center of a box from the table end?

Finding the center of a box from the table end is important because it helps in determining the stability and balance of the box. It can also aid in determining the appropriate placement of the box on the table to prevent it from tipping over.

What are the steps involved in using "Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End"?

The steps involved in using "Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End" are as follows:

  1. Place the box on the table with one end touching the edge.
  2. Measure the distance from the edge of the table to the center of the box.
  3. Repeat the measurement for the other end of the box.
  4. The maximum distance between the center of the box and the table end is the greater of the two measurements.

What can affect the accuracy of the "Max Distance: Find Center of Box from Table End" method?

The accuracy of this method can be affected by various factors such as the precision of the measuring tools, the flatness of the table surface, and the shape and weight distribution of the box. It is important to take these factors into consideration for more accurate results.

Are there any alternative methods for finding the center of a box from the table end?

Yes, there are alternative methods such as using a plumb line or a laser level to determine the center point of the box. However, the "Max Distance" method is a simple and effective way to find the center point without the need for additional tools.
