Meaning of representations of groups in different dimensions

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with understanding the meaning and interpretation of representations of a group in different dimensions. The group in question is SO(3), the group of 3x3 orthogonal matrices of determinant 1 under matrix multiplication, which can be interpreted as a rotation group in R^3. However, the meaning of representations in higher dimensions is unclear, and it is questioned if they still represent rotations in R^3 and what quantities they preserve. The conversation also touches on the concept of irreducible representations and their relationship to rotations in higher dimensions. Overall, the conversation highlights the difficulty in understanding and interpreting representations in higher dimensions.
  • #1

This is a conceptual problem from my self-study. I'm trying to learn the basics of group theory but this business of representations is a problem. I want to know how to interpret representations of a group in different dimensions.

Relevant Example

Take [itex]SO(3)[/itex] for example; it's the group of [itex]3\times 3[/itex] orthogonal matrices of determinant [itex]1[/itex] under matrix multiplication. We can represent elements of the group as [itex]3 \times 3[/itex] rotation matrices, so it makes sense to interpret the group itself as a rotation group in [itex]\mathbb{R}^3 [/itex]. The rotation preserves the volume and radii of a collection of points. What I don't understand is the meaning of a representation of this group in terms of matrices of dimension other than [itex]3[/itex]. The definition of the group itself seems to assume [itex]3 \times 3[/itex] matrices, so how do matrices of higher dimension make sense, and what is their interpretation? Are they still rotations in [itex]\mathbb{R}^3[/itex] ? What are the preserved quantities?

What I Know

I get that [itex] SO(3) [/itex] has three generators because there are three continuous parameters needed to define the group, and that as long as they satisfy the commutation relations you can have any representation you want (so, matrices of a higher dimension are mathematically allowed) but I can't figure out what the other representations mean. I also understand that, for example, different representations of [itex]SU(2)[/itex] correspond to different spins, but that just seems more abstract.
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  • #2
A representation is just a map from the group to a set of matrices which preserves the group structure. It does not need to have an inverse.

For example, you can represent any group with the trivial mapping ##g\to 1## (this preserves the group structure of any group). If you take this representation, quantities that transform according to it would be scalar products of vectors (or any scalar, such as the volume spanned by a set of vectors). Things that transform under the fundamental representation are vectors (the vector components are not the same after rotation).
  • #3
Orodruin said:
A representation is just a map from the group to a set of matrices which preserves the group structure. It does not need to have an inverse.

For example, you can represent any group with the trivial mapping ##g\to 1## (this preserves the group structure of any group). If you take this representation, quantities that transform according to it would be scalar products of vectors (or any scalar, such as the volume spanned by a set of vectors). Things that transform under the fundamental representation are vectors (the vector components are not the same after rotation).

One ##3##-dimensional representation of ##SO(3)## is ##3\times 3## rotation matrices parametrized by three Euler angles. The representation acts on ##3##-dimensional vectors and rotates them in ##\mathbb{R}^3 ##. That makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the interpretation of, say, the ##4##-dimensional representation. A ##4##-dimensional representation of ##SO(3)## is ##4 \times 4## matrices which act on ##4##-dimensional vectors. Evidently these are not rotations in ##\mathbb{R}^4 ##, because rotations in ##\mathbb{R}^4 ## are parametrized by ##6## Euler angles. So what are they?

Wait a minute. Is it that the ##4##-dimensional representation of ##SO(3)## rotates vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^4 ## through a ##3##-dimensional subspace of ##\mathbb{R}^4 ##? It's hard to think in ##4## dimensions, but would the lower-dimensional analogy be that the ##3##-dimensional representation of ##SO(2)## rotates vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^3 ## around (say) the ##z## axis, whereas the ##3##-dimensional representation of ##SO(3)## rotates vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^{3}## rotates vectors around any axis?
  • #4
Since the irreps of SU(3) are odd-dimensional (there is a one-to-one correspondence to spherical harmonics), yes, your four dimensional representation must be either 3+1 or 1+1+1+1 when broken down into irreps. This means that it is either a vector + a scalar or four scalars.

However, you can think of representations of SO(3) which are higher dimensional but still irreducible, i.e., all spherical harmonics with l > 1.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
However, you can think of representations of SO(3) which are higher dimensional but still irreducible, i.e., all spherical harmonics with l > 1.

So what do those have to do with rotations in ##\mathbb{R}^3 ##?
  • #6
They are representations of ##\mathbb R^3##. In the case of ##\ell = 2##, it is a five-dimensional functional space which is spanned by five functions which rotate into one another under the action of the SO(3) representation. You cannot reduce this representation to the action on a vector or a scalar.

FAQ: Meaning of representations of groups in different dimensions

1. What is the meaning of representations of groups in different dimensions?

Representations of groups in different dimensions refer to the different ways in which a group can be represented or described. In mathematics, a group is a set of elements or objects that can be combined or operated on in a specific way. The representations of these groups can vary in terms of the number of dimensions, which can have significant implications for the properties and behaviors of the group.

2. How do representations of groups in different dimensions affect their properties?

The dimensionality of the group's representation can have a significant impact on its properties. In general, the higher the dimension, the more complex and varied the group's behavior can be. This is because higher-dimensional representations allow for more degrees of freedom and more possible transformations within the group.

3. What are some common types of representations of groups in different dimensions?

There are several common types of representations of groups in different dimensions, including matrix representations, permutation representations, and geometric representations. Each type has its own set of defining features and can be useful in different contexts.

4. How are representations of groups in different dimensions related to group theory?

Group theory is the branch of mathematics that studies groups and their properties. Representations of groups in different dimensions are an essential component of group theory, as they allow for a deeper understanding of the structure and behavior of groups.

5. What are some real-world applications of representations of groups in different dimensions?

Representations of groups in different dimensions have numerous real-world applications, including cryptography, quantum mechanics, and computer graphics. These applications rely on the ability to manipulate and analyze groups in different dimensions to solve complex problems and make predictions about real-world phenomena.

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