Measuring Angular Momentum for Free Particles: L-square =l(l+1)?

  • #1
In case of 3d free particle Schrodinger equation solution, the angular momentum eigenvalue L-square =l(l+1) and a free particle has a wavefunction as the superposition of all 'l'(angular momentum) states.Now the difficulty is that when I will measure the L-square, is it true that I will endup with a result L-squrae=l(l+1) even for a free particle? Can anybody measure the anguler momentum directly?
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  • #2
you measure the angular momentum with respect to some reference point.
  • #3
ok...but without potential how can I expect the angular momentum quantization? Is it experimentally verified that the angular momentum of a free particle is quantized?
  • #4
you write the plane wave as series expansion of angular momenta.

in order to measure the angular momentum of a particle you need something to make it interact with, a potential ..

but yes scattering of particles against potentials include terms for all angular momentum components of the incoming particle.
  • #5
So when I will measure the angular momentum, I can get all the L-square with different probability..Is it true?
  • #6
  • #7
So, how can I know whether this is Boson or Fermion?
  • #8
what has that anything to do with angular momentum?
  • #9
but Boson or Fermion depends on it's angular momentum.
  • #10
no, they depend on their INTRINSIC angular momentum; The Spin.

What you and me have discussed now is a particles orbital angular momentum.
  • #11
OK thanks and sorry for the stupidity
  • #12
But for the same reason, why is not energy quantized?
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  • #13
the energy of a free particle is the initial energy...

have you learned about scattering theory yet? If not, you might want to study it.
  • #14
just studying...
  • #15
what is scattering theory?
  • #17
It is not so clear to me but I only know that this is the quantum mechanical description of scattering of some incoming particles by some scatterer (potential).
  • #18
and I only know the partial wave method.
  • #19
energy is conserved in inelastic scattering, i don't know where your "why is not energy quantized?" comes from - what makes you ask such question??

use "edit" feature.
  • #20
ok thanks..
actually my mother tongue is Bengali that's why I have some problem in English.