Measuring g with a spring without knowing the mass

In summary: Notice that the slope is not g/9.8. In summary, the conversation discusses the theoretical development and testing of a formula to measure the Earth's gravitational force, g, without knowing the mass of an object. Through studying the motion of a spring, the formula g = 4π^2*x/T^3 was determined to be the correct equation. However, upon testing, it was found that the equation was not dimensionally consistent and the value of g varied with increasing mass. The conversation ends with suggestions for checking the displacement and period measurements to determine the cause of the inconsistency.
  • #1
I have taken the challenge to measure the Earth's gravitational force, g, without knowing the mass of an object. To do this, we took a spring and had it oscillate vertically and determined the period T.

Here is my theoretical development:
F = -kx
x(t) = Acos(ωt+θ) where ω = √(k/m)

of course, ω is the angular frequency and can be written as 2π/T

so let's isolate m.

m = k*T^2/4π^2

adding this into hooke's law,

g = -kx/(k*T^2/4π^2)

and therefor g = 4π^2*x/T^2

That's a very nice formula until you end up testing it. With a little work, we determined the measurement of g was always off by a factor of 1/T and therefor the formula should be g = 4π^2*x/T^3.

Where does this extra T come from? We've been trying to figure this out for a long time.
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  • #2
charbon said:
adding this into hooke's law,

g = -kx/(k*T^2/4π^2)

This would imply that the gravitational force is in equilibrium with the elastic force. Therefore, the "x" in this formula is the elongation of the equilibrium position of the spring.
  • #3
If we had a spring with zero gravity, the total force on the mass would be:
[tex] F = -kx [/tex]
(where [itex] x_0=0[/itex] is the equilibrium point of the spring)
But if there is gravity in the negative x direction, then we must put this force in as well:
[tex]F = -kx -mg [/tex]
So the new equilibrium point is when
[tex]x_0 = - \frac{mg}{k} [/tex]
(because when x equals this, the total force on the mass equals zero).
We can now make the equation simpler by introducing a new variable [itex] q = x - x_0 [/itex], and we substitute this into our equation for the force:
[tex] \frac{d^2(q+x_0)}{dt^2} = -k(q+x_0) - mg [/tex]
And, using our value for [itex]x_0[/itex], (and seeing that this is a constant), and doing some rearranging, we get:
[tex]\frac{d^2q}{dt^2} = -kq [/tex]
So, in other words, we have F = -kq So it is the same physics, except that the equilibrium point has been shifted downwards by an amount equal to:

In other words, studying the motion of the spring will not tell you the value of g. The only way to find g would be to measure how far the equilibrium point has been shifted by. (And this does require knowing the mass).
  • #4
I should have added that the only reason I was studying the motion of the spring was to get the period T. I was indeed considering x to be the equilibrium position and I'm sure we can determine g without knowing the mass as experimentally, g = 4π^2x/T^3 as I said in the earlier post. I have tried with 5 different masses and this equation holds true for all of them.
  • #5
charbon said:
I should have added that the only reason I was studying the motion of the spring was to get the period T. I was indeed considering x to be the equilibrium position and I'm sure we can determine g without knowing the mass as experimentally, g = 4π^2x/T^3 as I said in the earlier post. I have tried with 5 different masses and this equation holds true for all of them.

This equation is not dimensionally consistent. Therefore, it cannot be correct.

Please post some raw data so that we can see what's going on.
  • #6
m (kg) x (m) T (s) g (m/s^2) g/9.8
0.01 0.010 0.34 3.41 0.35
0.02 0.035 0.52 5.10 0.52
0.03 0.064 0.63 6.36 0.65
0.04 0.092 0.72 7.00 0.74
0.05 0.122 0.80 7.52 0.77
  • #7
If you look at the last column, you can clearly see that your estimation of g/9.8 rises systematically with increasing mass. This should not be the case! I would say you probably made some wrong measurement of the displacement.
  • #8
Notice the last column looks very similar to the third column. g has not been constant with our measurements and that is what the problem has been. We've measures and remeasured the displacement but nothing seems to be off. We also checked the spring constant to make sure it did not change by plotting F by x and it stayed linear. I really have no idea what is going wrong with our system.
  • #9
There are two things you can check:
a) [itex]x_{0} = \frac{m \, g}{k} \propto m[/itex]

b) [itex]T = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}} \Rightarrow T^{2} \propto m[/itex]

Using your data, I plotted and fitted the above (see the attached" document). It seems your dependence:
\frac{x}{1 \, \mathrm{m}} = 2.81 \, \frac{m}{1 \, \mathrm{kg}} - 0.0197, \ R^{2} = 0.999102
contains a significant constant term (twice the value of the first "equilibrium displacement" and more than half of the second).

I would say, you included both the amplitude and the equilibrium displacement. DId you stretch the spring arbitrarily before measuring the period? Then, did you look at the maximum position of the weight? If yes, your determination of x is definitely incorrect and you need to repeat the procedure.


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  • #10
I measured x by measuring first the spring without a mass on it using a ruler. I then put the mass on it and measured the length of the spring at its equilibrium. I then subtracted these two measurements for the result.
  • #11
How did you make the system oscillate?
  • #12
I pulled the mass down a bit and let it go.
  • #13
Assuming you did everything correctly, the slopes of the two linear functions give:

\frac{g/k}{\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{kg}} = 2.81

\frac{4 \pi^{2}/k}{\mathrm{s}^{2}/\mathrm{kg}} = 12.968

This gives the following estimates for the spring constant (assuming [itex]g = 9.8 \, \mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2[/itex]):
k_{1} = \frac{9.8}{2.81} \, \frac{\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{m}} = 3.5 \, \frac{\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{m}}

k_{2} = \frac{4 \times 3.142^2}{12.968} \, \frac{\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{m}} = 3.04 \, \frac{\mathrm{N}}{\mathrm{m}}

Even with your experimental uncertainty, I think this difference is significant, so you definitely have a systematic effect.
  • #14
How did you measure the period?
  • #15
we measured the spring constant to be around 3.33 (I don't remember the standard deviation on that number but I think it was around 0.1)
I'll probably return to the lab in the next couple of days to get more measurements.
  • #16
The period was determined using a position sensor. We plotted x(t) and established the time it took for the system to oscillate 20 times. We then divided that number by 20.
  • #17
I also see that the region of your displacements spans one order of magnitude (from 1 cm to 12 cm). Is it possible that you went outside of the region where Hooke's Law applies?


Assuming [itex]F_{\mathrm{el}} = k_{n} \, x^{1 + n}[/itex], then the equilibrium elongation would be:
x_{0} = \left( \frac{m \, g}{k_{n}} \right)^{\frac{1}{1 + n}}
Taking the log of both sides:
\log{\left( \frac{x_{0}}{1 \, \mathrm{m}} \right)} = A + B \, \log{ \left( \frac{m}{1 \, \mathrm{kg}} \right)}, \ A = \frac{\log{ \left( \frac{g/k_{n}}{\mathrm{m}^{n}/\mathrm{kg}} \right) }}{n + 1}, \ B = \frac{1}{1 + n}

Using the same data and updating the Excel file, we get:
\log{\left( \frac{x_{0}}{1 \, \mathrm{m}} \right)} = 1.144 + 1.556 \, \log{\left( \frac{m}{1 \, \mathrm{kg}} \right)} \Rightarrow 1.556 = \frac{1}{1 + n} \Rightarrow n = \frac{1}{1.556} - 1 = -0.357

It seems your spring does not obey Hooke's Law!


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  • #18
I just looked back on this thread and realized I was wrong. charbon, you were right that theoretically,
[tex]g=\frac{4 \pi^2 x}{T^2} [/tex]
Where x is the shift of the equilibrium position due to the effect of gravity.

Its a shame your results don't agree with theory. The problem with springs is that they only obey Hooke's law within a small range of masses and displacements. Also I am not sure that measuring the extension with no attached masses will give a good indication of the equilibrium point without gravity. (Even though it should, in theory).

I suggest looking at the data and trying to guess what specifically might have caused the difference between observation and theory. I would try to have a look myself, but I'm pretty tired right now. I hope you manage to sort it all out!
  • #19
If the spring does not obey Hooke's Law, then the oscillation period depends on the amplitude of oscillation!
  • #20
I did measure the spring's constant for my largest mass and it's value seemed pretty constant. I'd like to take a closer look at this though so I will remeasure it. for the other masses though, it should not be a problem.

FAQ: Measuring g with a spring without knowing the mass

1. How can you measure the acceleration due to gravity (g) using a spring without knowing the mass?

One method is to use Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to its displacement. By measuring the displacement of the spring and the force applied, you can calculate the spring constant (k). Then, using the formula g = 4π²k/m, where m is the mass attached to the spring, you can solve for g.

2. Can this method be used for any object, regardless of its mass?

Yes, this method can be used for any object as long as it can be attached to the spring and the displacement and force can be measured accurately.

3. What equipment do I need to measure g using a spring?

You will need a spring, a ruler or measuring tape, a mass to attach to the spring, and a force sensor or spring scale to measure the force applied to the spring.

4. Is this method more accurate than other methods of measuring g?

The accuracy of this method depends on the precision of your measurements and the quality of your equipment. Other methods, such as using a pendulum or a free-falling object, may be more accurate, but this method can still provide a relatively accurate measurement of g.

5. What are the limitations of using a spring to measure g?

One major limitation is that this method assumes that the spring is ideal and obeys Hooke's Law perfectly. In reality, there may be some slight discrepancies due to the stiffness of the spring or other factors. Additionally, this method does not take into account air resistance, which can affect the acceleration of the object attached to the spring.
