Method of Images two parallel pipes at potentials of 0 & +V

In summary, the conversation discusses the method of images solution for the potential outside of two parallel conducting pipes with different potentials, and the possibility of finding a similar solution when the potentials are the same. The solution involves using superposition and finding suitable charges for the pipes to achieve the desired potentials. However, the equipotential surfaces may become distorted in this scenario.
  • #1
Erwin Derek
Consider the scenario where there are two parallel conducting pipes of radius [itex]R[/itex] separated by a distance [itex]d[/itex], with pipe 1 at a potential of [itex]-V[/itex] and pipe 2 at a potential [itex]+V[/itex]. I have seen from many sources that there is a very easy method of images solution to the potential outside the pipes, given that the potential goes to [itex]0[/itex] at [itex]\infty[/itex].


Now I thought of an alternate scenario where the only difference is that instead of [itex]-V[/itex] and [itex]+V[/itex] it is now [itex]0[/itex] and [itex]+V[/itex]. Can this still be solved with method of images?

I have tried using two line charges of unequal charge and the equipotential surfaces end up being slightly distorted circles, so that doesn't work.

Otherwise, how can we do this with separation of variables?
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  • #2
Superposition still applies. You can use the original solution to find the potential distribution if only one pipe is charged, you can find suitable charges for the two pipes and then add two of these solutions together.
  • #3
Could you please elaborate more, I'm not sure I completely understood that?

Everything after the first sentence flew over my head :P
  • #4
There were just twos sentences! ;)

Find the original symmetric solution, determine the charge density on both pipes. Take one of them, determine the field it produces and find the corresponding potentials of the pipes. Then find a combination of (charge on pipe 1) and (charge on pipe 2) to get the potentials at the pipes right.
  • #5
I feel like I understand what you're saying but I'm having trouble following this for some reason--

Let's say in the original scenario we have two pipes [itex]-V[/itex] and [itex]+V[/itex], so now we found some charges [itex]L_1=-\lambda[/itex] and [itex]L_2=+\lambda[/itex], so suppose each of these produces a potential on pipes 1 and 2 as [itex]V_{11}[/itex], [itex]V_{12}[/itex], [itex]V_{21}[/itex], and [itex]V_{22}[/itex], so now [itex]V_{11}+V_{21}=-V[/itex] for all points on pipe 1 and [itex]V_{12}+V_{22}=+V[/itex] for all points on pipe 2.

Now I want a scenario with, let's say two pipes [itex]0[/itex] and [itex]+2V[/itex]. I need to find a combination of [itex]L_1[/itex] and [itex]L_2[/itex] that will produce these potentials on the surface of the pipes?

Just considering the [itex]0[/itex] pipe alone, how would this be possible? Any combination of the pipes that would produce a [itex]0[/itex] potential on this pipe will also zero out the potential on the other pipe, and if I clone some more charges to try getting pipe 2's to [itex]+2V[/itex], won't I break the 0 potential on pipe 1?
  • #6
Pipe 1 will have a small negative charge, pipe 2 will have a larger positive charge.

You can also interpret this as superposition of "oppositely charged pipes" (with a non-zero field going through the symmetry plane) and "both pipes with the same charge" (with zero orthogonal field at the symmetry plane).
  • #7
Interesting. If two pipes have opposite charge however, the equipotential surfaces are exactly cylinders, which helps when using parallel pipes. However if they have the same charge, the surfaces are very distorted and do not form circles.

Do you know of a solution to two conducting pipes with potential of [itex]+V[/itex] and [itex]+V[/itex]?

Thanks for your help

FAQ: Method of Images two parallel pipes at potentials of 0 & +V

1. What is the Method of Images for two parallel pipes at potentials of 0 and +V?

The Method of Images is a technique used in electrostatics to find the potential and electric field of a system of conductors. In this case, it involves creating a mirror image of one of the parallel pipes and placing it at a certain distance from the original pipe, such that the potential at the surface of the mirror image pipe is equal to the potential of the original pipe. This results in a simplified system where the potential can be easily calculated.

2. How is the distance between the two parallel pipes determined in the Method of Images?

The distance between the two parallel pipes is determined by setting the potential of the mirror image pipe equal to the potential of the original pipe. This distance is typically chosen to be equal to the distance between the two original pipes.

3. Can the Method of Images be used for other arrangements of conductors?

Yes, the Method of Images can be used for other arrangements of conductors as long as they have a known potential. The key is to create mirror images of the conductors and adjust their positions and potentials accordingly.

4. How is the potential calculated for the two parallel pipes using the Method of Images?

The potential can be calculated by summing the potentials due to the original pipe and its mirror image at each point in space. The potential due to the original pipe can be calculated using the standard formula for the potential of a point charge. The potential due to the mirror image can be calculated by taking into account the distance between the two pipes and the potential of the original pipe.

5. What are the advantages of using the Method of Images for this system?

The Method of Images can simplify the calculation of the potential and electric field of a system of conductors by reducing it to a single conductor. This can save time and effort in solving complex electrostatic problems. Additionally, the results obtained using this method are often more accurate than other techniques.

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