Mini disc player + optical port

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of optical cables to connect a mini disc player to a computer, as well as the availability of USB connections. The speakers mention that optical technology has been around for a while, but the cables can be expensive. They also mention the use of optical ports on higher-end audio equipment and the ability to copy from computer to disc at high speeds with newer Sony NetMD players. Additionally, they mention that not many computers have optical ports and that they are mainly used for connecting to high-end receivers.
  • #1
Pauly Man
My friend just bought a mini disc player, and apparently it uses an optical cable to connect to a computer. I think I know what an optical cable is, but I've never heard of an optical port, and I've never seen one on a comp before. Are they a fairly recent development, or am I just blind?
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  • #2
Fairly recent -- they've been around on higher-end audio equipment for a number of years now, and I think I've seen some sound cards with them recently.
  • #3
Hi Pauly. My father has a mini disc player, but doesn't use the optical connection. I think there is also USB.
  • #4
Now that I think about it, Greg is right...they do come with a USB connection, but you still use an optical cable to plug into the player. I never liked my MD player, because of the way you had to record onto the media. But supposedly, with the newer Sony NetMD players, you can copy from computer to disc at 32x the normal speed.

Like damgo said, Optical technology has been around a while, but the cables are expensive. Excellent sound quality, however.
  • #5
Thanx for the replys guys. I see him tomorrow so hoepfully I can find out if it has a USB and sought it all out for him. :wink:
  • #6
Optical Cables actually arent that expensive. You could probably buy a 7-10 ft optical cable for around 10 bucks.
  • #8
Very few computers have optical ports. Its probably there for connecting to high end recievers.
  • #9
Thanx for the info guys. We got it sorted, it did have a USB cable with it.

FAQ: Mini disc player + optical port

What is a mini disc player?

A mini disc player is a portable audio device that plays music from mini discs, which are small optical discs that contain digital audio data.

What is an optical port?

An optical port, also known as a TOSLINK or SPDIF port, is a type of audio connection that uses fiber optic cables to transmit digital audio signals.

How do I connect a mini disc player to an optical port?

To connect a mini disc player to an optical port, you will need an optical cable that has a mini disc player-compatible connector on one end and an optical port-compatible connector on the other end. Simply plug one end of the cable into the mini disc player and the other end into the optical port.

What are the benefits of using an optical port with a mini disc player?

Using an optical port with a mini disc player allows for high-quality digital audio transmission, as well as the ability to connect to other digital audio devices such as home theater systems and audio interfaces. It also eliminates the risk of analog audio interference.

Can I use an optical port with any mini disc player?

Not all mini disc players come with an optical port, so it is important to check the specifications of your specific mini disc player to see if it is compatible with an optical port. Additionally, some newer mini disc players may have a different type of digital audio connection, so it is important to check the available ports before purchasing an optical cable.

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